best nootropics for social anxiety

19 Best Nootropics for Social Anxiety

David Tomen
David Tomen
14 minute read

Key Takeaways

  1. Serotonin modulation through nootropics like L-Tryptophan, 5-HTP, Bacopa Monnieri, Ginkgo Biloba, and Rhodiola Rosea can provide relief from social anxiety symptoms.
  2. GABA, the main inhibitory neurotransmitter, can be increased for anxiety relief, with nootropics like Aniracetam and Oxiracetam affecting GABA transmission.
  3. Dopamine signaling, enhanced by nootropics like L-Tyrosine and L-Theanine, promotes self-confidence and may reduce social anxiety.
  4. Modulating norepinephrine using nootropics like Magnesium and St. John’s Wort can aid in managing social anxiety symptoms.
  5. Glutamate modulating nootropics like Cat’s Claw, Racetams, and Noopept may help in unlearning social anxiety triggers, similar to Cognitive Behavior Therapy approaches​.

If you feel inadequate, embarrassed, inferior or humiliated. And it prevents you from going out, meeting new people, or generally messes with your your mental energy and quality of life – nootropics can help.

Social anxiety is form of anxiety. And affects at least 13% of people living in the U.S.[i] But a very recent survey conducted in the USA revealed  that nearly half of those surveyed said they were suffering with some form of anxiety.

You are dealing with social anxiety if you tend to avoid going into any situation where you feel you may be negatively judged or evaluated. Back in the day, they used to call these things ‘phobias’. In this case, it was “social phobia”.

Social anxiety is treated by mainstream medicine in two ways – Cognitive Behavior Therapy or with drugs. You may have tried either or both with limited success.

In this post, you’ll find out why drugs often do not succeed in taming your symptoms. Here you’ll learn about some natural options that may work better.

What Causes Social Anxiety

Anti-anxiety (Anxiolytic) nootropicOne of the problems with social anxiety is poor self-esteem. It always feels like it’s somehow your fault. You may feel that social anxiety is a moral failure. Or could have been caused by a crappy childhood.

Nothing could be further from the truth. Social anxiety is sometimes caused by a neurotransmitter imbalance in your brain. And if this balance of neurotransmitters and their systems is restored, you may get relief from your social anxiety symptoms.

Social anxiety symptoms may be a Neurotransmitter Problem

Your brain is governed by multiple neurotransmitter systems. The most extensive of these are GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) and glutamate.

The other three neurotransmitter systems – serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine – have also been studied extensively in both normal states, states of anxiety, and chronic stress.[ii]

And we know that each of these neurotransmitters are often associated with generalized anxiety disorder because there are prescription drug therapies that affect each one.

But social anxiety is not likely caused by a deficiency in one particular neurotransmitter or another. The networks governed by these neurotransmitters are interrelated, have multiple feedback loops, and sport complex receptor structures.[iii]

This is why you may have had little success with reducing your anxiety if you have tried using prescription benzos, SSRIs or MAOIs. Because they did not directly correct the cause of your anxiety.

Next, we’ll take a look at each neurotransmitter system and examine how something other than serotonin, GABA, or glutamate may be causing your problem. You will learn how to test this idea safely and hopefully reduce your anxiety levels naturally.


anti anxiety nootropic stackSerotonin plays a fundamental role in regulating your brain states. Including anxiety. Serotonin also modulates dopamine and norepinephrine in your brain.[iv]

To complicate things even further,  you have several different serotonin receptor subtypes. For example, the serotonin-1a receptor is both a mediator and inhibitor of serotonin depending on whether it is on the presynaptic or postsynaptic neuron.[v]

So, not all serotonin receptor subtypes are involved with social anxiety disorder. A classic example of this is the serotonin-2a receptor which provides the psychedelic effects when you use LSD or mescaline.[vi]

But despite all this complexity, it’s true that many people get some relief from social anxiety symptoms by using meds that inhibit the reuptake of serotonin by using SSRI’s. But many do NOT respond well to SSRIs and get no relief from social anxiety symptoms or reducing stress.

If you respond well to SSRI’s but hate the side effects. And are looking for a safe alternative. You can try increasing serotonin by using nootropics like L-Tryptophan or 5-HTP.

But keep in mind that excess serotonin can be the cause of your social anxiety. So you’ll want to avoid increasing serotonin too much or avoid them altogether. You’ll know it could be excess serotonin because your anxiety gets worse if you use L-Tryptophan or 5-HTP.

Instead, you can try nootropics that help modulate serotonin and bring it under control. You can modulate serotonin by using Bacopa Monnieri, Ginkgo Biloba, Rhodiola Rosea, or Vitamin D3 with Omega-3s. All have been shown in clinical studies as well as practical user experience to reduce anxiety by keeping serotonin under control.

GABA (Gamma-aminobutyric Acid)

GABA is your main inhibitory neurotransmitter. Increases in GABA by using barbiturates or benzodiazepines can have a anxiolytic effect for some people.

Drugs in this class do not directly bind to GABA receptors. Instead, they affect the associated chloride channel. Barbiturates do this by increasing the duration of the channel’s open state. While benzodiazepines increase the frequency of opening.

The big problem with these types of drugs however is tolerance and potentially fatal side effects. And they kill your ability to encode memories.[vii]

So sometimes anticonvulsant drugs like gabapentin are used instead. Which works by blocking calcium channels. Resulting in a boost of GABA transmission.[viii]

This is why some of the racetams display anxiolytic activity. Because nootropics like Aniracetam and Oxiracetam affect calcium ion channels. Somehow increasing the excitability of those neurons and increasing the effectiveness of some neurotransmitters. More on that in the next section.


Aniracetam for social anxietyDopamine’s role in optimal cognition as well as anxiety in your brain is complex. Dopamine pathways may affect social anxiety in several ways.[ix] For example, drugs like Olanzapine inhibits dopamine D2 receptors which provide its anti-anxiety benefits.

Dopamine signaling also helps promote feelings of self-confidence and self-esteem which helps to reduce anxiety disorder. Which is the reason why some people with social anxiety respond well to drugs like Wellbutrin which help boost dopamine use in your brain.[x]

See the next section for more on nootropics like L-Tyrosine, Folate and L-Theanine which help boost dopamine and dopamine use in your brain.


Norepinephrine plays a complex role in anxiety states. Social anxiety can be reduced by modulating norepinephrine in your brain.

For example, propranolol (which is classed as a beta-blocker), an antagonist of beta2-norepinephrine receptors, is used to reduce a rapid heart rate, tremors and quivering voice that you get when you’re about to step on stage in front of an audience.[xi]

Some SNRI’s (serotonin–norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors) are also effective in quelling social anxiety symptoms.[xii] Drugs like Cymbalta help boost serotonin and norepinephrine activity in your brain.

You can naturally boost serotonin and norepinephrine activity by supplementing with Saffron.

And several natural nootropic alternatives to beta-blockers are available. Nootropics like magnesium, L-tryptophan and St. John’s wort are used by many to treat social anxiety. More on these beta-blocker alternatives in the next section of this post.


Glutamate is your primary excitatory neurotransmitter. And is involved in every neuronal pathway in your brain and body. Including those that affect social anxiety.[xiii]

NMDA receptors are also particularly important for social anxiety disorders. NMDA receptors are glutamate receptors and are involved in learning and memory. Activation of the NMDA receptor triggers protein synthesis. Which strengthens the connection between neurons.[xiv]

This NMDA activity in learning and memory is likely one of the reasons why Cognitive Behavior Therapy is sometimes effective in treating social anxiety. Because you are put into situations that help you ‘unlearn’ certain situations that make you uncomfortable.

But forcing you to walk into a crowded bar and ask for the phone numbers of 50 female strangers. Simply to ‘unlearn’ the social anxiety that keep you from meeting new people. Seems like cruel and inhumane punishment to me. And does nothing for stress relief. There has to be better way.

And it turns out there is. Nootropics like Cat’s Claw, many of the racetam’s, L-Theanine, and Noopept all modulate NMDA receptors and glutamate.

Other Neurotransmitters

Several other neurotransmitters can play a role in social anxiety. And the associated systems involving fear and anxiety. Including neuropeptides, corticotrophin-releasing factor (CRF) and cannabinoids.

But none of the experimental compounds associated with these neurotransmitters have resulted in FDA-approved drugs. The excuse they provide is the stringent criteria for approval of these treatments.

I’d guess that money plays more of a role than “stringent criteria”.

You can’t easily patent and charge exorbitant prices for compounds like cannabis which in low doses is a very effective social anxiety treatment.[xv]

Another example is Noopept which is based off the endogenous neuropeptide cycloprolylglycine (CPG). Researchers in Moscow found Noopept similar to Piracetam in not only it’s nootropic effect, but also anxiolytic activity.[xvi]

nootropics for anxiety

Recommendations of Nootropics for Social Anxiety

If you are currently being treated for social anxiety. Or suspect you may be dealing with undiagnosed social anxiety or generalized anxiety disorder. And are looking for a more natural, safer way to treat your symptoms. Nootropics may help.

Natural Alternatives to Beta Blockers

In the section above on norepinephrine we found that prescription beta-blockers are often used to treat anxiety. Some natural Beta Blocker alternatives include:

  • DHA (Omega-3) – fatty acids make up a significant portion of your brain cell membranes. Low levels of Omega-3’s can result in ADHD, anxiety, depression, suicide and an increased risk of Alzheimer’s and dementia. Recommended adult dosage for DHA is 1,000 mg per day. And half that of EPA.  Try 3 GelCaps of my favorite Omega-3: Performance Lab® Omega-3
  • Magnesium – a magnesium deficiency can cause brain fog, mental fatiguesocial anxiety, and depression. Plasticity of neuron synapses is affected by the presence of adequate magnesium in brain cells. Choose a high quality chelated magnesium and use 400 mg before bed: Magnesium Glycinate (Amazon)
  • St. John’s wort – has been used for centuries to treat anxiety, depression and stress. St. John’s wort works by preventing the re-uptake of serotonin in your brain. Much like prescription anti-depressants. Try: Nature’s Way – Perika (Amazon)

A quick note about Vitamin D. Excessive levels of this vitamin can affect the way your body and brain processes calcium. Calcium channels in your brain are implicated in social anxiety. You absolutely need adequate Vitamin D levels in your body. Just don’t overdo it.

safe alternatives to anti-anxiety drugs

Alternatives to SSRI’s, MAOI’s and other anti-anxiety drugs

Rather than separate these into how each affects the various neurotransmitters that affect social anxiety. I’m listing them in alphabetical order.

Please do the research on each nootropic before trying it. Especially if you are currently using any prescription drugs.

  • Aniracetam – This member of the racetam-family of nootropics works with dopamine D2 and D3 receptors in your brain. And desensitizes AMPA (glutamate) receptors. Aniracetam is one of the most effective antidepressants I’ve ever tried. And its effects on dopamine in your brain can have a profound effect on anxiety symptoms. Recommended adult dosage is 750 mg Aniracetam twice per day (with 300 mg CDP-Choline).
  • Ashwagandha – This adaptogen has been used for millennia to relieve anxiety, fatigue, restore energy and boost concentration. Clinical studies have shown Ashwagandha can repair and even reverse damage caused in the brain caused by chronic anxiety and stress. Try KSM-66 300 mg once or twice per day
  • Bacopa Monnieri – This adaptogen has been used since ancient times to reduce anxiety, depression and stress. It protects your neurons and balances neurotransmitters. 150 mg Bacopa Monnieri extract in my favorite: Mind Lab Pro® v4.0
  • Cacao – Cacao and dark chocolate (75%+ cacao) stimulates the release of phenylethylamine (PEA) which boosts focus and awareness. And increases anandamide (the bliss molecule) which helps you feel good. Cacao is a source of tryptophan which is the precursor to serotonin. And theobromine which boosts blood flow, is a stimulant, and may account for chocolate’s aphrodisiac qualities.
  • FolateVitamin B9 (folate) is a cofactor in the synthesis of dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin. Folate is also involved in gene expression, protein synthesis, and myelin synthesis and repair. It’s even involved in cerebral circulation. Powerful anti-anxiety treatment in this B-vitamin. Get a therapeutic dose of natural methyl-folate in: Life Extension BioActive B-Complex
  • Ginkgo Biloba – This tree native to China has been used for thousands of years to boost mental alertness, improve cerebral circulation and for overall brain function. Many have found Ginkgo to be very effective in reducing stress and social anxiety. And boosting overall mood.
  • GinsengPanax ginseng is used as a memory booster, improves mood, lowers anxiety levels and boosts stamina and endurance.
  • Gotu KolaGotu kola is one of the most important herbs in ancient Ayurvedic medicine. This herb helps boost nerve growth factor which can have a profound effect on social anxiety. Many report that Gotu Kola may be even more effective in reducing anxiety and relieving stress than Ashwagandha.
  • Kava – Kava is native to the South Pacific. And the islanders use kava for its sedative effects. Kava can help reduce anxiety and improve mood. Unlike benzodiazepines, kava does not impair cognitive function. In fact, studies show kava may boost cognitive function.
  • Lemon BalmLemon balm is used for its anti-anxiety effects. Rosmarinic acid, a compound found in lemon balm, inhibits the enzyme GABA transaminase. Which in turn helps maintain adequate levels of GABA in your brain. Resulting in a calming effect. I recommend: Zazzee Organic Lemon Balm extract (Amazon)
  • L-Theanine L-Theanine naturally occurs in green, black, and oolong tea. This amino acid is used as a nootropic for social anxiety, learning & memory, mood, and focus. It works quickly in your brain to support GABA, dopamine and serotonin. You’ll get an effective 100 mg dose of L-Theanine (as Suntheanine) in my favorite: Mind Lab Pro® v4.0
  • Rhodiola Rosea – Rhodiola activates AMPA receptors in your brain. Which helps decrease depression and stress-related mood swings, reduces fatigue, stimulates energy and alertness and boosts cognition. Get Rhodiola Rosea extract in my favorite: Mind Lab Pro® v4.0
  • St. John’s wort – This plant has been traditionally used for mood disorders and wound healing. Today it’s used mostly as a treatment for social anxiety, depression and stress. St. John’s wort works by inhibiting the uptake of serotonindopamineGABA, glutamate and norepinephrine. But please read the precautions for using this nootropic in the extended article. Try: Nature’s Way – Perika
  • Tryptophan – This amino acid is a precursor to serotonin, melatonin and niacin (Vitamin B3) in your brain. L-Tryptophan is used to treat anxiety, ADHD, depression, insomnia, memory loss, pain and eating disorders. You’ll get 250 mg L-Tryptophan in: Performance Lab® Sleep
  • Vitamin B6Vitamin B6 helps your brain make serotonin, norepinephrine and melatonin. The activated form of Vitamin B6 called P-5-P is particularly effective in boosting serotonin and GABA in your brain. And providing potent anti-anxiety effects. Get a therapeutic dose of Vitamin B6 (P-5-P) in:  Life Extension BioActive B-Complex
  • Vitamin B12 – This B-vitamin plays a key role in the efficient conversion of carbohydrates to glucose – your cell’s source of fuel. It also helps your body convert fatty acids into energy. Supplementing with Vitamin B12 (methylcobalamin) can help lower social anxiety, and elevate alertness, cognition, energy, vision, elevate mood and relieve insomnia. No more mood swings! Get a therapeutic dose of Vitamin B12 (methylcobalamin) in: Life Extension BioActive B-Complex

Social Anxiety Eliminated

Nootropic supplements are a strong alternative to many anti-anxiety medications currently prescribed by doctors. And promoted by the Big Pharmaceutical companies.

I encourage you to try some of the supplements I reviewed in the article above. Try them one-at-a-time until you find one or two that works. All it takes is a day or two to try each nootropic supplement to see if you get any relief from your social anxiety symptoms.

But a very strong word of caution – if you are currently using any prescription anti-anxiety or antidepressant medications. Or any medications for that matter. Research each nootropic including side effects and prescription drug interactions before using them.

You can eliminate social anxiety once-and-for-all with nootropics. If you do your research. And are willing to experiment until you find the one or two that is right for you.

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This post may also contain other affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links.

[i] Kessler R.C., McGonagle K.A., Zhao S., Nelson C.B., Hughes M., Eshleman S., Wittchen H.U., Kendler K.S. “Lifetime and 12-month prevalence of DSM-III-R psychiatric disorders in the United States. Results from the National Comorbidity Survey.” Archives of General Psychiatry. 1994 Jan;51(1):8-19. (source)

[ii] Charney D.S. “Neuroanatomical circuits modulating fear and anxiety behaviors.” Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica: Supplement. 2003;(417):38-50. (source)

[iii] Pytliak M1, Vargová V, Mechírová V, Felšöci M. “Serotonin receptors – from molecular biology to clinical applications.” Physiological Research. 2011;60(1):15-25. (source)

[iv] Heninger G.R., Charney D.S. “Monoamine receptor systems and anxiety disorders.” Psychiatric Clinics of North America. 1988 Jun;11(2):309-26. (source)

[v] Harvey B.H., Naciti C., Brand L., Stein D.J. “Endocrine, cognitive and hippocampal/cortical 5HT 1A/2A receptor changes evoked by a time-dependent sensitisation (TDS) stress model in rats.” Brain Research. 2003 Sep 5; 983(1-2):97-107. (source)

[vi] Burris K.D., Sanders-Bush E. “Unsurmountable antagonism of brain 5-hydroxytryptamine2 receptors by (+)-lysergic acid diethylamide and bromo-lysergic acid diethylamide.” Molecular Pharmacology. 1992 Nov; 42(5):826-30. (source)

[vii] Roy-Byrne P.P., Sullivan M.D., Cowley D.S., Ries R.K. “Adjunctive treatment of benzodiazepine discontinuation syndromes: a review.” Journal of Psychiatric Research. 1993; 27 Suppl 1():143-53. (source)

[viii] Pollack M.H., Matthews J., Scott E.L. “Gabapentin as a potential treatment for anxiety disorders.” American Journal of Psychiatry. 1998 Jul; 155(7):992-3. (source)

[ix] de la Mora M.P., Gallegos-Cari A., Arizmendi-García Y., Marcellino D., Fuxe K. “Role of dopamine receptor mechanisms in the amygdaloid modulation of fear and anxiety: Structural and functional analysis.” Progress in Neurobiology. 2010 Feb 9; 90(2):198-216. (source)

[x] Bystritsky A., Kerwin L., Feusner J.D., Vapnik T. “A pilot controlled trial of bupropion XL versus escitalopram in generalized anxiety disorder.” Psychopharmacology Bulletin. 2008; 41(1):46-51. (source)

[xi] Davidson J.R., Foa E.B., Connor K.M., Churchill L.E. “Hyperhidrosis in social anxiety disorder.” Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry. 2002 Dec; 26(7-8):1327-31. (source)

[xii] Mancini M., Perna G., Rossi A., Petralia A. “Use of duloxetine in patients with an anxiety disorder, or with comorbid anxiety and major depressive disorder: a review of the literature.” Expert Opinion in Pharmacotherapy. 2010 May;11(7):1167-81. (source)

[xiii] Carobrez A.P., Teixeira K.V., Graeff F.G. “Modulation of defensive behavior by periaqueductal gray NMDA/glycine-B receptor.” Neuroscience of Biobehavioral Review. 2001 Dec; 25(7-8):697-709. (source)

[xiv] Myers K.M., Carlezon W.A. Jr., Davis M. “Glutamate receptors in extinction and extinction-based therapies for psychiatric illness.” Neuropsychopharmacology. 2011 Jan;36(1):274-93 (source)

[xv] Moreira F.A., Wotjak C.T. “Cannabinoids and anxiety.” Current Top Behavioral Neuroscience. 2010;2:429-50. (source)

[xvi] Gudasheva T.A., Konstantinopol’skii M.A., Ostrovskaya R.U., Seredenin S.B. “Anxiolytic activity of endogenous nootropic dipeptide cycloprolylglycine in elevated plus-maze test.” Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2001 May;131(5):464-6. (source)

[xvii] Astin J.A. “Why patients use alternative medicine: results of a national study.” JAMA. 1998 May 20;279(19):1548-53. (source)

[xviii] Roshanaei-Moghaddam B., Pauly M.C., Atkins D.C., Baldwin S.A., Stein M.B., Roy-Byrne P. “Relative effects of CBT and pharmacotherapy in depression versus anxiety: is medication somewhat better for depression, and CBT somewhat better for anxiety?” Depression and Anxiety. 2011 Jul;28(7):560-7 (source)

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Join The Discussion - 228 comments

July 30, 2018

I have been struggling for sooo long. I have fibromyalgia pain,suffer from depression. The only antidepressants I have found I can use are tricyclics. But had to take me off because of tardive dyskinesia. Drs want me to take gabapentin but it makes me irritated. Go figure that? I can’t sleep and suffer from some nervousness. Which I guess could be anxiety. I can’t take any SSRIs.

    David Tomen
    July 31, 2018

    Sandi, if tricyclics worked for you then the first thing to do is find out exactly how these types of antidepressants work (i.e. Wikipedia). For example, tricyclics work by boosting serotonin and norepinephrine by blocking some their their receptors. And are antagonists of muscarinic acetylcholine receptors. Which means they block acetylcholine signaling in parts of your body and help block the kind of pain you experience from fibromyalgia.

    Next, go through each of the nootropics listed in this post and find the supplements that mimic or do what tricyclics do. In other words, find nootropics for increasing serotonin, norepinephrine and see if you can find one that is an anticholinergic.

    Start with Aniracetam (dopamine which turns into norepinephrine), cacao (for serotonin), phenylalanine (for dopamine and norepinephrine) and each of the B-Vitamins.

    Find nootropics that interest you and start trying them one by one until you find something that works. It will likely take 3 – 5 different supplements in a stack to take care of your symptoms. It will not happen overnight. This is a longterm commitment to experimenting and consistent use.

baris sonyurek
June 6, 2018

Dear David reading that social anxiety could be a ‘chemical’ problem I am so relieved. Because now I believe I can have a solution! I am 43 year old woman. Social anxiety is a problem since my childhood at school, at work even at home! Can you believe I have social anxiety problem with my parents, husband and relative. That’s why people think that I do not want to relate or care about them since I am afraid to do that. Even while I am writing these sentences I am thinking that what I write is stupid, I am taking time of you people with my nonsense words and nobody wants to talk about my stupid worthless situation. Yeah that what I feel always. I’ve been already working on making my own stack for ADD. And It seems there are many nootropics about anxiety. It confused me a little bit what to add to my stack for anxiety problem.

    David Tomen
    June 6, 2018

    Baris, please believe me when I tell you that you are not alone. Millions around the world deal with this as well. It may take some time as you experiment with different supplements. Because there’s no way to know exactly what is causing the anxiety. But stay with it and you’ll find which supplements work for you.

    It will likely take several different supplements to get the results you want. But imagine the relief when one day you wake up and realize it’s gone. And you feel ‘normal’. Your family will likely notice it before you do.

April 7, 2018

Hi David,

Which ones are good to begin with? I am new to these, but from the research I’ve done it’s hard to know where to begin as there are so many factors in play.

I am trying to find a solution to erythrophobia and limit or stop the physical appeareance of blushing triggered on a daily basis. I feel like I’m in fight or flight mode constantly. My memory and concentration are also impacted due to the anxiety. I have had a lot of stress in the past which may have had an impact.

Having tried CBT and a number of other therapy routes this seems like a logical next step.



    David Tomen
    April 7, 2018

    Ellen, difficult question to answer because you need to know what is causing the anxiety problem. And the only way to get closer to the answer is to experiment. But here’s a suggestion on how to start …

    Re-read this post so you have a better understanding what you are dealing with. And why the uncertainty. Then start with the basics as your foundation.

    DHA (Omega-3’s), magnesium and a really high quality B-Complex supplement. The B-s need to be the kind your body recognize as food. Like folate instead of folic acid, etc. Please see this post for more on vitamins >

    Then start trying some of the adaptogens. But don’t wait. I would try Gotu Kola, Lemon Balm, Bacopa Monnieri and Ginkgo Biloba. But one at a time to see how you react. You may try one that works and not bother trying others. This is the way it works.

    I would also try increasing serotonin and GABA. L-Tryptophan (TrypoPure) which is easy to get. Or Picamilon which may be a little harder to find.

    This type of stack will calm anxiety and improve memory and concentration. But it’ll take a combination of supplements to get where you want to be. Each of these has a complete review here on Nootropics Expert with dosage recommendations, side effects and types to buy.

April 3, 2018

Hi, I really enjoy your website it’s hard to find good quality und trustworthy information when it comes to nootropics.
I have been suffering from social anxiety and some phobias (darkness, paranoia, night time separation, yes there are adults that have those) for some several years now. I also have always had some problems with mild depression although it has gotten worse this year.
I don’t want to take prescripted antidepressants because of the side effects.

What kind of nootropic combination do you think could work for me? I am 21 y/o and female.

    David Tomen
    April 4, 2018

    Nina, start with the basics including DHA (Omega-3), magnesium and a nature-identical B-Vitamin. See individual reviews for detail on what I mean by “nature-identical” and dosage for each.

    Then look at the reviews on a place like Amazon for Bacopa Monnieri, Ginkgo Biloba, Gotu Kola, and Lemon Balm. Choose one or two and try them. But follow dosage instructions and see the side effects for the review of each here on Nootropics Expert.

    It will take some experimenting until you find exactly what works best for you. But it’ll be worth the effort. You’ll know in less than a week if something works or not.

February 20, 2018

I recently got some blood work done. My homocysteine is 12.9, my tsh is 3.45. I suffer from high blood pressure, high cholesterol, fibromyalgia, depression, anxiety, PTSD…. I have had a lot of trauma and abuse in my life. I also suffer from insomnia. My whole body aches.

I am 57 years old. My dhea level is 75. I am trying to figure out what will help me. I have very bad reactions to antidepressants. I also have a gene mutation with the mthfr. I was thinking of trying Sam e. Do you think that is a good idea? I also realize I have pyroluria too. I am taking b6, folate, and b12 now too.

I know this is long, any suggestions? I don’t feel like myself. I graduated nursing school in 1989. I never learned any of this! I do have titanium and screws in my neck due to stenosis. I was told by two neurologists that if I didn’t get the operation I would be a quadroplegic.

All I want is to feel better.

    David Tomen
    February 20, 2018

    Mary, first thing I suggest is finding a good integrative or natural health doctor who can help you with blood pressure, cholesterol and fibromylgia. Someone who knows how to take care of hormone issues naturally.

    We deal primarily with the brain here and do our best not to stray too far from our area of expertise.

    Pyroluria is a problem with hemoglobin synthesis resulting in very low levels of Vitamin B6 and zinc.The symptoms you describe could ALL be attributed to this disorder. You likely have more going on but it’s a good place to start.

    Please read my review on Vitamin B6 ( and zinc ( and learn exactly how to use them. Including any recommended additional vitamins and minerals needed to make them do their job.

    SAM-e is likely a good idea but again, please read my full review of SAM-e ( before you decide to use it.

    I’ve written detailed posts on how to deal with depression, anxiety and PTSD. Each posts explains exactly what causes these issues and provides a list of nootropic supplements that may be able to help. You’ll find those posts here >

    They do not teach this stuff in nursing or med school. And the reason why Nootropics Expert exists. To help people help themselves.

January 21, 2018

I suffer from anxiety sweats in meetings or speaking in a group. I don’t want to go back to medications. I also suffer from clammy hands, shakiness (sometimes), flushing, & sweating. I come off as confident & when I tell people I have anxiety, they get surprised.

    David Tomen
    January 22, 2018

    Oliver, sounds like you are dealing with a common condition called “Palmar Hyperhidrosis”. Gizmodo has about the clearest analysis I’ve found for this here >

    Please re-read this post and check out DHA, magnesium, Aniracetam, Gotu Kola, Rhodiola Rosea and ALL of the B-Vitamins. It will take more than one or two nootropics to get this under control. So please read the full review of each of the nootropics I mentioned in this comment. You’ll find links to each full review in the main post above.

    Dosage is key to making this work. So follow the dosage instructions in each review. And high quality supplements are also key to success. Especially for the B-Vitamins AND Rhodiola Rosea. You’ll understand why by reading the the “dosage” instructions and “forms available” sections in each nootropic review.

    And please understand that experimentation is key to making nootropics work as well. The nootropics I mentioned above … some may not work for you. Look for alternatives if that happens. For example, if Gotu Kola doesn’t work then try Ginkgo Biloba, etc. Until you find success and can go in front of a stadium crowd without skipping a beat.

January 9, 2018


Just wondering, wouldn’t Inositol be a good one to add to this list?

    David Tomen
    January 10, 2018

    Sarah, inositol absolutely belongs on this list. I think it’s missing because I wrote this post before I did the inositol review. Myo-inositol helps relay the messages sent and received by serotonin receptors. So provides a SSRI-type role. Thanks for the heads up. Inositol is now on my list to update this post.

May 22, 2017


I’ve found Ashwagandha, L-theanine, and an anti-inflammatory (e.g. Longvida curcumin or aspirin) to be a decent anti-anxiety combination.

Also, if you suffer from chronic anxiety, get your blood work done by your doctor.

You might have high prolactin, low testosterone (if you’re a guy), or a skewed Progesterone to Estrogen (if you’re a lady), and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

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