Magnesium recommended dosage


David Tomen
David Tomen
12 minute read
Magnesium improves cognition, memory, learning, recall, reduces brain fog, is an antioxidant, helps neuroplasticity, and protects against glutamate-toxicity.

In a hurry – click here to learn more about Performance Lab® NutriGenesis® Magnesium

Magnesium is the 4th most abundant mineral in your body. And critical for optimal cognitive health. It is a cofactor in more than 600 enzymatic reactions in your body.Magnesium. Chemical element.

Magnesium assists in converting energy supplied by food to a useable form to produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Your primary cellular fuel source made within mitochondria. Magnesium is also needed for the synthesis of RNA and DNA.[i]

In your brain, magnesium regulates the activity in neuron ion channels. These channels are like tiny electrical switches. Governing the flow of neurotransmitters within neurons.

Magnesium also regulates brain synaptic plasticity. Which is critical for learning and memory.

Magnesium is critical to all of your body’s electrical and electrochemical activities. It’s involved in muscle contractions, heart rhythm, nerve function and brain cell activity.

Low blood magnesium levels show up as seizures, hypertension, stroke, migraines, and ADHD. It can also result in insulin resistance and type II diabetes.

Magnesium helps:

  • Neuroplasticity: Magnesium controls the ion channels in brain cells. These tiny electrical switches control the transmission of electrical signals within and between neurons. Directly regulating learning and memory.
  • Brain Energy: Magnesium is necessary for ATP synthesis. It’s needed for the Krebs cycle that turns sugar and fat from your diet into ATP. The primary fuel source produced within mitochondria in brain cells.
  • Neuroprotectant: Low levels of magnesium in your diet correlate to a high incidence of neurodegenerative disease.


Magnesium plays an essential role in neuroplasticity and ATP production which is fundamental to learning, memory and cognitive function.[ii]

Magnesium is the 4th most abundant mineral in your body. But many of us in Western society are living with a magnesium deficiency.  And most are unaware of this deficiency.[iii]Foods Rich In Magnesium (mg)

Dietary Magnesium Intake

Magnesium in our diet comes from foods like green leafy vegetables, beans, nuts, seeds, whole grains, poultry, beef, and salmon. Tap, mineral and bottled water also used to be good sources of magnesium. But varies by brand, source and if the magnesium has been filtered out during processing.

Needless to say, there used to be many magnesium rich foods that played an important role in your magnesium status and intake. But now most need to get magnesium chelate by using a supplement every day.

Magnesium is an essential part of neuroplasticity. Brain plasticity is the ability of your neurons to make cell-to-cell connections to form and regulate learning and memory.

With aging, or insufficient magnesium in our diet, we lose brain plasticity which results in a loss of cognitive function.[iv] This is why a young person, with an active, flexible brain easily catches new ideas. And simply thinks faster than a person whose brain has lost plasticity and is more fixed in their patterns.

Magnesium is also crucial to synthesizing ATP (adenosine triphosphate). The primary energy source produced within mitochondria in every one of your cells. Including the brain.

ATP must be bound to a magnesium ion (Mg-ATP) in order to be biologically active. This is critically important to how your brain’s mitochondria and cells use ATP. Including the synthesis of DNA and RNA.

To put this in perspective, over 300 enzymes and over 600 enzymatic reactions require the presence of magnesium ions for their catalytic action. Including all enzymes utilizing ATP.

Magnesium is even involved in how the other nootropics and dietary supplements in your stack are utilized by cells in your brain. The bottom-line is magnesium could be one of the most important additions to any nootropic stack.


How does Magnesium Work in the Brain?

Magnesium boosts brain health and function in several ways. But two in particular stand out.

  1. Magnesium is critical for neuroplasticity. Your brain is capable of forming new connections between neurons. When you take in new information, a signal is sent across the synaptic space between neurons.  The ability of your brain to form these new connections is referred to as neuroplasticity.

This neuroplasticity is how learning and memories are formed. When these signaling pathways break down, memories fade. And you start to forget simple things like people’s names or phone numbers.

A simple example of how this works is reading this article. As you read this, your brain is forming and reforming new neural connections. When things aren’t optimal, you find yourself reading and re-reading sentences.

Magnesium is critical for maintaining this neuroplasticity. And your ability to learn and form memories. Magnesium ions control the ion channels, or electrical switches for this signaling.[v]

The more signals that these ion channels transmit, the stronger the connections between neurons. And the stronger the formation of the resulting memory.

Many studies demonstrate the detrimental impact of insufficient magnesium on optimal cognitive function.[vi]

  1. Magnesium is required for ATP synthesis. ATP (adenosine triphosphate) is the main energy source produced within mitochondria in brain cells. 20% of your body’s total ATP is located in your brain.

For ATP to be biologically active, it must be bound to a magnesium ion (Mg-ATP). [vii] About two thirds of your brain’s energy budget is used to help neurons send signals to neighboring neurons. The remaining third is used for housekeeping, or cellular maintenance.

Wei Chen, a radiologist at the University of Minnesota Medical School was co-author of a study on the brain’s use of ATP. The team used magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) to measure the brain’s energy production during shifts in activity.

Their study on lab rats noted that when the rats were knocked out, they produced 50% fewer ATP molecules than when mildly anesthetized. Chen noted that the ATP produced when the brain is inactive goes to cell maintenance.[viii] This housekeeping is important for keeping the brain tissue alive.

The other two thirds are needed for other cellular processes including recharging neurons so they can fire. And create the electrical signals needed for neuron communication. Required for learning, memory, recall and cognition.

Without magnesium, your brain cannot produce ATP, and all brain function breaks down.

How Things Go Bad

As we get older, our brain chemistry and metabolism changes.

↓ ATP levels decline in mitochondria

↓ Cognition, learning, memory and recall declinemagnesium-deficiency-causes-mental-breakdown

↓ Brain cell plasticity declines

↓ Free radicals damage brain cell mitochondria

All of these changes can happen at any age. And can be a result of not getting an adequate supply of magnesium.

So magnesium supplementation can help for age-related cognitive decline, as well as anyone who wants to boost cognition, learning, recall and memory.

Magnesium Benefits

Magnesium plays a critical role in supporting neuroplasticity which is fundamental for a youthful, flexible brain. A brain that is optimized to support cognition, learning and memory.

Raising brain magnesium levels has been proven to restore neuroplasticity and improve cognitive function.[ix]

Magnesium deficiency has been associated with Alzheimer’s Disease. Scientists have found that treatment with magnesium-L-Threonate decreases β-amyloid deposits in the brain. And is able to rebuild signaling pathways in neurons helping to restore memory.[x]

And magnesium is required for ATP synthesis in brain cells. Providing the mental energy needed for cognition, memory, recall and learning.[xi]

How does Magnesium Feel?

Magnesium improves moodMost neurohackers report an increased level of focus, energy, memory, and cognitive ability when supplementing with magnesium.

You should also experience an improved quality of sleep. And have an overall improvement in mood.

Magnesium Clinical Research

One of most common reasons we use nootropics is to boost memory and mental energy. Memory loss drastically reduces quality of life. And simple brain fog makes it difficult to accomplish the simplest of tasks.

Research has shown that magnesium is involved in memory, learning and cognition on several levels. And supplementing with magnesium is one of the most fundamental things you can do to boost cognition.

Magnesium improves long-term memory

Synapses in the hippocampus and other areas of your brain strengthen the more they’re used. Even brief repetitive activity results in a substantial increase in synaptic strength. The results can last for several hours. Or even weeks afterwards. This is called ‘long-term potentiation’.[xii]

Several studies have been conducted on magnesium supplementation and its effects on memory in the last 20 years. With positive results. This study on aged and young rats found that adding magnesium to their food improved learning.[xiii]

Magnesium relieves depression

Researchers have found magnesium works in the hippocampus to suppress the release of the stress hormone ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone). This is the hormone that tells your adrenal glands to release more cortisol and adrenaline.

Too much cortisol eventually damages the hippocampus in the brain. This causes a negative feedback loop which results in even more stress. Which is toxic to the brain and your entire body. And one of the causes of chronic depression.

A study was done with 5,708 people aged 46-49 and 70-74 years old in Norway. The aim of the study was to examine the association between magnesium intake and depression and anxiety.

The researchers concluded that low magnesium intake is related to depression. And they stated, “These findings may have public health and treatment implications.”[xiv]

Another study done with 12 subjects found that magnesium supplementation improved sleep and lowered the stress hormone cortisol. Concluding that magnesium has “possible efficacy… as a mood stabilizer”.[xv]

Magnesium may relieve symptoms of ADHD

Magnesium in the treatment of ADHD is becoming more mainstream. And there is a growing body of research that supports the idea that one of the factors causing ADHD is a lack of magnesium.

A study in Poland showed that 95% of the children examined with ADD or ADHD were magnesium deficient.[xvi]

Magnesium Recommended Dosage

Recommended magnesium dosage in most common forms is 400 mg per day. But the problem is most magnesium supplements don’t work well as a nootropic. Because they don’t cross the blood-brain barrier.Magnesium recommended dosage

Research begun at MIT by Dr. Inna Slutsky came up with a new magnesium supplement called Magnesium-L-Threonate (MgT). This new magnesium compound easily crosses the blood-brain barrier.[xvii]

This form of magnesium was patented and now produced by MagteinTM Science. Several supplement companies sell magnesium with this branded form of magnesium.

Recommended dose of Magnesium-L-Threonate is up to 1 gram per day to avoid magnesium deficiency.

Chelated magnesium and lab-grown magnesium are suitable alternatives and covered in more detail below.

Magnesium is water-soluble so you don’t need to take it with a meal, or healthy fat.

Magnesium Side Effects

Most forms of magnesium can cause diarrhea, and bloating, and can lower high blood pressure if used in excess. So, be careful if you are using meds to lower blood pressure because using too much magnesium can mess with how this med works.

Magnesium-l-Threonate contains less elemental magnesium per dose and should not cause gastrointestinal upset.

Best type of Magnesium to buy

Magnesium is sold as magnesium aspartate, Bisglycinate, citrate, lactate, oxide, chloride, Taurate, magnesium L-Threonate, magnesium citrate, and magnesium sulfate.

Depending on the type of magnesium; it comes in capsules, chewable tablets, powder, extended release tablets, or in a liquid solution.

Magnesium oxide is widely available in supermarkets, drug stores and vitamin shops. It’s popular because it’s cheap to manufacture. But it’s not chelated, and your body does not recognize it as a mineral it can readily use.

As an individual supplement, the patented form of magnesium-l-Threonate (MgT) called MagteinTM easily crosses the blood-brain barrier. And is recommended because even in high doses does not cause diarrhea.

Most multivitamins include a small amount of magnesium oxide which is useless as an ingredient.

A far better option is Performance Lab’s NutriGenesis Multi for men or women which includes their proprietary NutriGenesis® form of magnesium grown in a yeast culture. It’s nature-identical and highly bioavailable.

One of the many benefits of magnesium as a nootropic is in helping you fall asleep and stay asleep. But you need higher doses of magnesium to accomplish this. And I get my extra magnesium from …

Performance Lab® Sleep which contains a combination of magnesium Bisglycinate, magnesium Taurate, and NutriGenesis® magnesium. This sleep stack also contains L-Tryptophan and Tart Cherry Concentrate.

The magnesium in this sleep stack works with L-Tryptophan to help synthesize serotonin which then produces melatonin in your brain. And Tart Cherry is a natural source of melatonin. I highly recommend this nootropic sleep stack and you can find my full review here.

Nootropics Expert Recommendation

Magnesium up to 1 gram per day

Nootropics Expert Tested and ApprovedI recommend using Magnesium as a nootropic supplement.

Your body does not make Magnesium on its own. So to get its benefits it needs to come from your diet. Or you must take it as a supplement.

Magnesium is especially helpful for boosting memory, learning, recall, mood and cognition.

Magnesium is also particularly useful to help alleviate some of the symptoms of ADHD. And to help restore memory caused by neurodegenerative disease like Alzheimer’s.

While most forms of magnesium are helpful for overall health, most are not very helpful for cognitive health. So choose your magnesium supplement wisely and perhaps even pair with Vitamin D to avoid Vitamin D deficiency.

Magnesium is also useful to help you fall asleep and stay asleep. I recommend my favorite sleep stack Performance Lab® Sleep which has magnesium, L-Tryptophan and Tart Cherry extract.

As an individual nootropic supplement, I recommend magnesium-L-Threonate (MgT). Because MgT has been proven in the lab to easily cross the blood-brain barrier. And to boost cognition.

And if you are counting on getting at least some magnesium from your multivitamin supplement, know that most brands use magnesium oxide which is cheap and not bioavailable.

Performance Lab’s NutriGenesis Multi for men or women is a better choice because it uses nature-identical, lab-grown vitamins and minerals including magnesium. Which are digested easily and go straight to every cell in your body for the energy and repair you need every day.

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This post may also contain other affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links.

[i] Grober U., Schmidt J., Kisters K. “Magnesium in Prevention and Therapy” Nutrients. 2015 Sep; 7(9): 8199–8226. (source)

[ii] Slutsky I., Abumaria N., Wu L.J., Huang C., Zhang L., Li B., Zhao X., Govindarajan A., Zhao MG., Zhuo M., Tonegawa S., Liu G. “Enhancement of learning and memory by elevating brain magnesium.”Neuron. 2010 Jan 28;65(2):165-77. (source)

[iii] Rude R.K., Singer F.R., Gruber H.E. “Skeletal and hormonal effects of magnesium deficiency.” Journal of American College of Nutrition. 2009 Apr;28(2):131-41. (source)

[iv] Wang D., Jacobs S.A., Tsien J.Z. “Targeting the NMDA receptor subunit NR2B for treating or preventing age-related memory decline.”Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Targets. 2014 Oct;18(10):1121-30. (source)

[v] Palacios-Prado N., Chapuis S., Panjkovich A., Fregeac J., Nagy J.I., Bukauskas F.F. “Molecular determinants of magnesium-dependent synaptic plasticity at electrical synapses formed by connexin36.” Nature Communications. 2014 Aug 19;5:4667. (source)

[vi] Xu Z.P., Li L., Bao J., Wang Z.H., Zeng J., Liu E.J., Li X.G., Huang R.X., Gao D., Li M.Z “Magnesium Protects Cognitive Functions and Synaptic Plasticity in Streptozotocin-Induced Sporadic Alzheimer’s Model” PLOS One September 30, 2014 (source)

[vii] Garfinkel L., Garfinkel D. “Magnesium regulation of the glycolytic pathway and the enzymes involved.” Magnesium. 1985;4(2-3):60-72. (source)

[viii] Swaminathan N. “Why Does the Brain Need So Much Power?”Scientific American April 29, 2008 Retrieved May 21, 2016 (source)

[ix] Wang D., Jacobs S.A., Tsien J.Z. “Targeting the NMDA receptor subunit NR2B for treating or preventing age-related memory decline.”Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Targets. 2014 Oct;18(10):1121-30. (source)

[x] Yu X1, Guan P.P., Guo J.W., Wang Y., Cao L.L., Xu G.B., Konstantopoulos K., Wang Z.Y., Wang P. “By suppressing the expression of anterior pharynx-defective-1α and -1β and inhibiting the aggregation of β-amyloid protein, magnesium ions inhibit the cognitive decline of amyloid precursor protein/presenilin 1 transgenic mice.”FASEB Journal. 2015 Dec;29(12):5044-58. (source)

[xi] Saylor P., Wang C., Hirai T.J., Adams J.A. “A second magnesium ion is critical for ATP binding in the kinase domain of the oncoprotein v-Fps.” Biochemistry. 1998 Sep 8;37(36):12624-30. (source)

[xii] Madison D.V. “Mechanisms underlying long-term potentiation of synaptic transmission” Annual Review of Neuroscience 1991. 14:379-97 (source)

[xiii] Landfield P.W., Morgan G.A. “Chronically elevating plasma Mg2+ improves hippocampal frequency potentiation and reversal learning in aged and young rats.” Brain Research. 1984 Nov 19;322(1):167-71. (source)

[xiv] Jacka F.N. et. Al. “ Association between magnesium intake and depression and anxiety in community-dwelling adults: the Hordaland Health Study” Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry Volume 43, Issue 1, 2009 (source)

[xv] Held K., Antonijevic I.A., Künzel H., Uhr M., Wetter T.C., Golly I.C., Steiger A., Murck H. “Oral Mg(2+) supplementation reverses age-related neuroendocrine and sleep EEG changes in humans.”Pharmacopsychiatry. 2002 Jul;35(4):135-43. (source)

[xvi] Kozielec T., Starobrat-Hermelin B. “Assessment of magnesium levels in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).”Magnesium Research [1997, 10(2):143-148] (source)

[xvii] Slutsky I., et. Al. “Enhancement of Learning and Memory by Elevating Brain Magnesium” Neuron Volume 65, Issue 2, p165–177, 28 January 2010 (source)

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Join The Discussion - 259 comments

deepak sadhwani
November 9, 2018

hey david,

is it safe to take 500mg magnesium supplement i bought it and it can not be broken into two pieces and i get good result whenever i take it and i get 150 gm from my diet i am worry about overdose as per should i take this please give your suggestions it is really helpful to me

    David Tomen
    November 9, 2018

    Deepak, I use much more magnesium per day than what you are suggesting with no problem. The most severe ‘side effect’ of a little too much magnesium is diarrhea.

      deepak sadhwani
      November 9, 2018

      thank you david i wish you live forever for giving your good service thank you so much 🙂

October 7, 2018

Thank you David!

October 5, 2018

Hi David

I have been taking magnesium complex once a day before sleep and I would like to start Magnesium-L-threonate instead.

The suggested time to take Magnesium-L-threonate is twice a day, once during the daytime and another before sleep.

Is it OK if I will take it only once before sleep?

Thank you.

    David Tomen
    October 6, 2018

    Mick, yes and that’s when I take magnesium. About 90 mins. before bed. Helps me sleep and have a pleasant experience in the bathroom the next morning.

      December 17, 2018

      Hi David,

      I’m Taiwanese. I extremely appreciate your nootropics supplement introduction in your YouTube videos.

      I want to take 300 mg of magnesium glycinate to support my sleep quality too. I’m wondering that when we fall asleep, our digestive system would slow down. Then magnesium will not be totally absorbed and will hoard in our body which may cause damage. Is taking magnesium before bed really a good idea? Thank you!

        David Tomen
        December 17, 2018

        Zhongting, I’ve been using 400 mg magnesium glycinate before bed for years with only great results. No negatives. Magnesium is water-soluble and your body expels excess magnesium once your body figures out what it needs.

October 3, 2018

David, I have been taking magnesium glycinate powder 1000mgs 2/d to increase my vary low 1.6. Do you think mag l-threonate will increase my level to two (2) or there about. I had a kidney transplant 7 years ago. Kidney numbers look great.Try to make some kind of suggestion on how to take l-threonate . I seem to be absorbing vitamin d vary well, but not magnesium. Thanks Ricky

    David Tomen
    October 3, 2018

    Ricky, try magnesium l-threonate and see if it works for you. Recommended dose of Magnesium-L-threonate is 1 gram per day. In you case you may need more. But start with the lowest recommended dose and go from there.

August 30, 2018

Magnesium reduced anxiety big time. I would go so far to say that it cures anxiety. Thanks.

August 1, 2018

Thank you for these ideas, I am going to try.

You know some doctors suggest to take supplements during some time, and then to take a break. For example Taking them for 3 months, then 1-2 months off, and repeat the cycle again. I guess for some thigns is too long a break. I have heard it about Vitamins and Magnesium mainly. I dont know the medicine logic behind this. Do you have an opinion about that from a nootropics point of view?.

Thank you!

    David Tomen
    August 2, 2018

    Joseph, some nootropic supplement should be cycled. Here’s one example, DHEA is steroid hormone. Most recommend using it for a month then taking a month “hormone holiday”. But I use it every day and have great results. Because my body desperately needs DHEA.

    There is no reason to cycle vitamins and minerals because your body and brain need these nutrients every single day. The only thing to be cautious about are dosages, and if there are fat-soluble. Water soluble vitamins not used by your body are excreted in urine. But fat-soluble supplements are stored in fat. And can build up to toxic levels over time if you are dosing too much.

    See dosage instructions and side effects for each vitamin and mineral here on Nootropics Expert. Then you’ll know which to cycle and which ones you can use every day.

      August 9, 2018

      Clearly explained David. Thank you. Your page is very good let me tell you. Wish you the best.

      John Gough
      May 19, 2019

      If I’m supplementing with 1g magtein l threonate per day, how much extra elemental magnesium would I require?

        David Tomen
        May 20, 2019

        John, 1 gram is the recommended dosage so you are getting enough magnesium with your current dose.

    June 2, 2020

    Hi David,

    I have read through the Magnesium questions and answers, but I can’t find an answer for this:

    I am looking at Magtein/Magnesium L-Threonate, and you say to take ‘up to 1g per day’.

    But for the few suppliers that sell it on iherb, they all say a serving size is 3 capsules, which in total contains ‘Magnesium (as magnesium l-threonate) 150mg + Magtein (magnesium l-threonate) 2g.

    So am I right to think that this serving size is double what you recommend?

    Should I therefore only take 1 capsule, as this would then be 2g divided by 3 = 666mg Magtein L Threonate, which seems to fall in line with what you recommend (‘up to 1g’) ?

    Doctor’s Best, NOW, and Source Natural all show the same serving size/amounts.

    Or am I misunderstanding something?

    Thank you!


      David Tomen
      June 2, 2020

      Chris, there is no harm in taking more magnesium. This mineral is critical to our overall well-being and most are deficient.

      The sign that you are overdoing it is diarrhea. If that happens, reduce your dose to a more tolerable level. I suggest following the manufacturer’s recommended dosage. And if it’s too much you know the signs. All you need to do is cut back on your dose.

April 9, 2018

Hi David,
I was just doing some research on magnesium Threonate and am finding the labelled dosage rate a bit confusing and was hoping you might be able to throw some light. For examples some brands have the following: “Serving size, 3 capsules, amount of magnesium per serving, 144mg (from 2000mg of magnesium L- threonate). So am I getting 144mg per serving or 2000mg? Or does it mean that 144mg per serving is the same as 2000mg of Mag L-Threonate? Sorry for the dumb question and maybe it has an obvious answer?

Thanks again.

    David Tomen
    April 9, 2018

    Paul, not a dumb question. The 144 mg is more than likely the available “elemental” magnesium in that dose. The remainder are the carrier (in this case L-Treonate) and any other additives.

      July 22, 2018

      Hello David,
      All brands I see have that 3 capsules equals 2g of magnesium L- threonate. But recommended dose is 1g, so you would need to take 1 capsule and empty half of another one?. Sounds messy. Do you know any brand with capsules with 1g of magnesium L- threonate, or even 500mg each please?.

      Thank you.

        David Tomen
        July 23, 2018

        Joseph, I’m not familiar with dosage per capsule of individual brands of magnesium. But I would not be too concerned about it because the worst “side effect” of a little too much magnesium is diarrhea.

        I suggest trying the first one you mentioned where 3 capsules = 2 g magnesium. And start with one capsule. See how your body reacts. Then in 2 – 3 days increase your dosage to two capsules.

        July 24, 2018

        David, Can I ask you if you are not familiar because you take magnesium via the Performance Lab Sleep?. I see on their website that it has 100mg of Magnesium per capsule, but recommended dose is 1000mg?.

        As I was planning also adding L-Tryptophan to my stack. I see this product has it as well, 250mg per capsule. So it should be 2 capsules for recommended dose of 500mg?. Enough?.

        It is all to address anxiety-stress+insomnia

        I have in mind so far the ones you call “basics”: DHA, magnesium, and the Perfomance Lab MultiVitamin. And then had thought, from reading your great work during last week, a combination of L-Tryptophan, Ashwagandha(not sure about Gotu Kola side effects), plus Bacopa Monnieri. Dont know if adding one or two of L-Theanine, Rhodiola Rosea, Lions Mane, Lemon Balm or Picamilon, can be redundant to those. I have still to read it all more thoroughly. I dont mention Aniracetam because I have the impression it is more of an antidepressant, boosting energy-alertness. My problem is more anxieaty-stress. But I might be wrong.

        Thank you David!

        David Tomen
        July 25, 2018

        Joseph, Performance Lab Sleep is two capsules for 100 mg magnesium and 250 mg L-Tryptophan. I personally add another 300 mg magnesium and in your case would take an additional 250 mg L-Tryptophan before bed.

        Use that stack along with DHA, and the Multivitamin for a few days and you should begin to feel less anxiety.

        If you still need more antianxiety help then try adding L-Theanine and Lemon Balm. They should be easy to get and should work fairly quickly. See how that works for you and report back if you need more help.

        John Gough
        May 19, 2019

        What is the half life of magnesium l threonate?

        David Tomen
        May 20, 2019

        John, the only thing I could find is a half-life of magnesium in the body of 1,000 hours: Once you get adequate levels of magnesium in your body the rest is expelled naturally.

November 12, 2017

I have been taking 500mg magnesium citrate with no side effects for years. Itried life extension neuro mag ( magnesium l-threonate) last night for first time. I had a difficult time waking up the next morning. Then diarreah symptom started. Any idea why?

    David Tomen
    November 13, 2017

    James, magnesium l-threonate was created to be much more bioavailable. And diarrhea is a symptom of a little too much magnesium. Try cutting your new magnesium supplement in half by cutting the tablet, or emptying out half the capsule. And see if that solves the gastrointestinal issue. This can happen with any version of magnesium and is simply an indicator of a little too much magnesium at once. It’s not dangerous.

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