methylene blue nootropic

Methylene Blue

David Tomen
David Tomen
Jill Corleone, RD
Fact Checked:
Jill Corleone, RD
18 minute read
Methylene Blue boosts mitochondrial energy, is anti-aging, and improves mood and memory

Key Takeaways

  1. Methylene Blue, a synthetic compound, is used as a nootropic to enhance memory, mood, and longevity.
  2. It improves mitochondrial function and respiration in the brain, positively impacting memory and mood.
  3. Methylene Blue shows promise in treating neurological disorders such as mild cognitive impairment, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s disease.
  4. It acts as an antioxidant, increases brain cell lifespan, and positively affects neurotransmitters.
  5. Methylene Blue dosage recommendation is 0.5 – 4 mg/kg of body weight per day.


Methylene Blue (methylthioninium chloride) is a synthetic compound used as a nootropic to increase memory, mood and longevity.

Soon after Methylene Blue was synthesized a blue dye for textiles in the late 1800’s, it became the first synthetic drug to be used in humans. It was used for the treatment of malaria.

In the early 20th century, psychiatrists were using Methylene Blue in the experimental treatment of schizophrenia.[i]

Methylene Blue is currently being studied as potential therapy for mild cognitive impairment, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, and other neurodegenerative disorders. All sharing a common problem with mitochondrial function.

Your brain’s neurons rely almost entirely on mitochondria-derived energy. Failure of mitochondrial function can affect the rest of your body. But it’s particularly detrimental to your brain.

This is where Methylene Blue steps in as possibly one of the most important anti-aging and neurological disease preventing nootropics we have available today.

As a nootropic, Methylene Blue quickly crosses the blood-brain barrier. It improves mitochondrial efficiency and respiration, acts as an antioxidant, and increases brain cell lifespan. Resulting in improved memory and mood.

Here we’ll dive into over 140 years of research on how Methylene Blue helps your brain.

Methylene Blue helps:

  • Neurotransmitters: Methylene Blue inhibits monoamine oxidase and acetylcholinesterase activity which increases levels of catecholamines and acetylcholine. And boosts serotonin and norepinephrine affecting anxiety, depression and memory.
  • Mitochondrial Energy: Methylene Blue assists brain cell respiration by increasing oxygen. And donating electrons to the electron transport chain within mitochondria. This same process is used to create ATP within mitochondria from the food you eat. So MB contributes to this energy-production process in place of the nutrients you get from your food. Increasing cellular energy positively effects mood and memory.
  • Neuroprotectant: Methylene Blue is a potent antioxidant. Reactive oxygen species are produced inside mitochondria. The first free radical that is formed inside a cell is superoxide. MB will bind to superoxide and reduce it to water. It stops the oxidative cascade at its very beginning. Before it gets a chance to do damage.


Methylene Blue (methylthioninium chloride) was first synthesized in 1876 by German chemist Heinrich Caro at BASF as an aniline-based dye for cotton staining.

The chemical structure of Methylene Blue
Methylene Blue

In 1891, German physician and Noble Prize recipient Paul Ehrlich pioneered the use of Methylene Blue for the treatment of malaria.[ii]

Ehrlich discovered that when MB was injected into animals in the lab, it would quickly concentrate in the brain. And had an uncanny ability to selectively target diseased tissues in the body.

It was Ehrlich who coined the term “Magic Bullet” for this unique action displayed by Methylene Blue. A term still in use today.

Methylene Blue has since been used to treat dementia, in cancer chemotherapy, malaria, methemoglobinemia, urinary tract infections, cyanide and carbon monoxide poisoning.[iii]

As a nootropic, Methylene Blue is used to enhance mitochondrial function, increase cerebral blood flow, and acts as an antidepressant.

What does Methylene Blue to the brain?

How does Methylene Blue work in the brain?

Methylene Blue boosts brain health and function in several ways. But two in particular stand out.

  1. Methylene Blue improves memory. Unlike other nootropics which often work by increasing neurotransmitter synthesis and neural signaling, MB improves memory by increasing brain cell respiration. Or how the brain cell utilizes oxygen.

Studies show dramatic increases of cellular oxygen consumption and glucose uptake when using Methylene Blue. MB increases CMRO2 (cerebral metabolic rate) through increased activity in the mitochondrial electron transport chain.

Methylene Blue increases activity in the mitochondrial electron transport chain.Methylene Blue functions as an alternative electron carrier in the electron transport chain in mitochondria. It accepts electrons from NADH and transfers them to cytochrome c.[iv]

Cytochrome complex (cytochrome c) is a component of the electron transport chain in mitochondria. Playing a role in apoptosis and as an antioxidant.

Methylene Blue also stimulates glucose metabolism. Taken together, increases in CMRO2 and glucose uptake means that MB elevates oxygen consumption which helps glucose increase ATP production.

Increases in ATP production provides more cellular energy for better overall brain function including cognition, mood and memory.

  1. Methylene Blue is an antioxidant. MB has a unique mechanism of action that is fundamentally different from traditional antioxidants. During cellular respiration, the first free radical formed inside a cell is superoxide (O2).

Methylene Blue binds to superoxide and reduces it to water. It stops the oxidative cascade at its very beginning. Before it gets a chance to do damage.[v]

So think of Methylene Blue as having a unique dual property. First, it increases cellular energy production which normally leads to oxidative stress. And second, it eliminates this oxidative stress. Making it a metabolic enhancer and an antioxidant.

Researchers tested Methylene Blue in animal models of neurological disease. First, researchers used rotenone (a potent pesticide) which causes severe dopamine depletion in the part of the brain associated with Parkinson’s.

Methylene Blue rescued brain cell mitochondria from the damaging effects of this toxin. By donating electrons in the electron transport chain broken by rotenone. Essentially bypassing the broken transport chain with donated electrons as an alternative electron carrier.

Methylene Blue also countered cerebral ischemia reperfusion damage. The tissue damage caused when blood supply returns to tissue after a lack of oxygen from a stroke. And can occur with Traumatic Brain Injury. MB accomplished this by rerouting mitochondrial electron transfer.

And Methylene Blue dramatically countered the behavioral, neurochemical, and neuropathological impairment found in Parkinson’s disease.[vi]

How things go bad

As we live life, our brain chemistry and metabolism changes.

↓ Mitochondrial energy levels decline

↓ Attention, memory and mental agility decline

↓ Tau proteins and amyloid plaques clog the brain

Free radicals damage brain cell mitochondria

Cerebral blood flow declines

All of these changes can happen at any age. And are a product of the food we eat, what we drink, lifestyle habits, the air we breathe and more.

So Methylene Blue can help for age-related cognitive decline, as well as a student looking to do better in school. By boosting brain cell mitochondria energy production levels. And improving cerebral blood flow.

What to expect when taking Methylene Blue

Methylene Blue benefits

Low dose Methylene Blue supplementation provides memory enhancing effects in animals and humans. It works as an antidepressant, is anti-aging, helps dementia, Huntington’s and Alzheimer’s.

Methylene Blue increases low blood pressure, improves cognition in healthy people, boosts mitochondrial function, is anti-microbial, can help eliminate fear and even slow skin aging.

Methylene Blue boosts acetylcholine

Research shows that Methylene Blue is an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor with a preference for muscarinic acetylcholine receptors. Meaning MB prevents the breakdown of acetylcholine and making more available in your brain.[vii]

Methylene Blue is an antidepressant

Methylene Blue is a monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI). It inhibits MAO-A more than MAO-B, but inhibits both at large doses.[viii]

One study in 1987 showed that 15 mg per day of Methylene Blue was a potent antidepressant in those with severe depression.[ix]

Another study with 31 Bipolar Disorder patients compared 300 mg per day of Methylene Blue with 15 mg per day. The patients were also on lithium treatment. The study showed that the 300 mg dose of Methylene Blue was a “useful addition to lithium in the long-term treatment of manic-depressive psychosis”. And patients were significantly less depressed.[x]

Methylene Blue resists Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia are associated with a buildup of the protein Tau. Clinical trials show that Methylene Blue inhibits Tau formation. And is under consideration as a treatment for Alzheimer’s.[xi]

Methylene Blue has an inhibitory action on the cGMP pathway, and affects other molecular events closely related to the progression of Alzheimer’s.

Methylene Blue boosts neuron resistance to the formation of amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles. And helps repair impairments in mitochondrial function and cellular metabolism.

Research also shows that cholinergic, serotonergic and glutamatergic systems all play important roles in the development of Alzheimer’s and other cognitive disorders. Methylene Blue provides beneficial effects in mediating these pathways.[xii]

This is particularly significant because most existing treatments for Alzheimer’s can only prevent the disease before it is diagnosed. But Methylene Blue shows promise in delaying the effects of Alzheimer’s and dementia after it is diagnosed.

Methylene Blue is anti-aging

Does methylene blue increase dopamine?Research shows that Methylene Blue is an effective anti-aging nootropic. MB increases mitochondrial complex IV by 30%, enhances cellular oxygen consumption by 37-70%, increases heme synthesis, and reverses premature senescence caused by H2O2 or cadmium.

Methylene Blue is considered a redox agent. Meaning it cycles between oxidized and reduced forms. This cycling by MB helps block oxidant production in brain cell mitochondria.[xiii]

Mitochondrial complex IV is the last enzyme in the respiratory electron transport chain in mitochondria. The last step in synthesizing ATP. Your cellular source of energy.

Iron (heme) is an essential element and participates in oxygen transport, DNA synthesis and electron transport. Heme synthesis begins in mitochondria. Every cell requires heme to function properly.[xiv]

Senescence or biological aging is the gradual deterioration of cellular function. And is caused by telomere shortening that triggers DNA damage in response to reactive oxygen species, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), cadmium and other toxins. Methylene Blue helps prevent premature senescence or premature cell death.

Methylene Blue improves memory

Animal studies have shown that a single low dose of Methylene Blue enhances long-term contextual memory. This type of memory is the conscious recall of the source and circumstances of a specific memory.

Other studies show that Methylene Blue in low doses taken after the event helps memory retention of the event. A study done with rats revealed why this works.

In this study, rats received 1 mg/kg of MB post-training for 3 days. The researchers then measured cytochrome c oxidation in participants brains. The idea was to determine if an increase in metabolic energy was behind the memory enhancing qualities of MB.

The study found that in the Methylene Blue treated group, brain cytochrome oxidase activity was 70% higher than in the placebo-treated group.

The findings suggest that repeated post-training supplementation of Methylene Blue improves memory consolidation. And this memory boost is due to the increased metabolic capacity in brain regions that require more energy during discrimination learning.[xv]

 How does Methylene Blue feel?

Is Methylene Blue safe to ingest?Many who use Methylene Blue say if you try this nootropic that you will likely feel different than any other supplement you’ve ever tried.

Neurohackers report when reading or studying, once you’re done, you should feel like you fully understand the subject material. And you’ll be able to use what you learned in the future.

Methylene Blue seems to facilitate a full understanding of something on the first try.

Many neurohackers report the biggest nootropic effect they experience with Methylene Blue is “after the fact learning”. You take in the information. And it’s like your brain sorts through the material. Then stores it in a form you can easily access later.

Methylene Blue has this uncanny ability to rewire your brain to forget about any negative associations you have of a situation. And only retains the positive aspects of that memory.

Some report that Methylene Blue makes you “feel young again”. It eliminates social anxiety. You’ll feel focused and more confident.

Some say that workouts seem easier because you have more energy. Your mitochondria are energized. And you may find that recovery from workouts is easier.

Some users love its anxiolytic benefits because Methylene Blue helps eliminate stress. So you have more energy in any situation with a relaxed state of mind.

And one recurring theme from many is improved sleep while using Methylene Blue.

Studies show Methylene Blue can prevent or slow the decline of mitochondrial function.

Methylene Blue Clinical Research

Research into Methylene Blue for its therapeutic value goes back to the late 1800’s. But it’s only in the last couple of decades that scientists have been able to decode exactly how Methylene Blue works in the brain. All the way down to the molecular level in mitochondria.

A study in 2017 found that Alzheimer’s Disease could be caused by more than the accumulation of amyloid beta in the brain. The scientists looked into the two main components that produce energy in cells.

  1. Glycolysis is the mechanism used to convert glucose into fuel within mitochondria.
  2. Creating this fuel in mitochondria uses oxygen in a process called mitochondrial respiration.

The researchers found that as the brain ages, mitochondrial metabolism deteriorates. Resulting in a reduction in the molecules needed for energy production. And possibly the main culprit behind many neurological diseases including Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.[xvi]

A study conducted at Children’s Hospital Oakland Research Institute may have found the solution to this mitochondrial energy problem in brain cells.

The researchers found that Methylene Blue can prevent or slow the decline of mitochondrial function.

One of the key aspects of Alzheimer’s is mitochondrial dysfunction. Specifically complex IV dysfunction. And this is where Methylene Blue steps in.

The study found that Methylene Blue enhances complex IV in mitochondria. It increases oxygen consumption. And it reverses premature cell death.

The researchers concluded that Methylene Blue may be useful to delay mitochondrial dysfunction with aging and the decrease in complex IV in Alzheimer’s disease.[xvii]

Methylene Blue Improves Memory

26 healthy volunteers aged 22 – 62 participated in a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Purpose of the study was to measure the effects of Methylene Blue on working memory and sustained attention.

Study results showed that a single low-dose of Methylene Blue resulted in an increase in short-term memory ability. In an area of the brain associated with the senses and visual processing.

Timothy Duong, Ph.D., the study author concluded Methylene Blue showed promise “in healthy aging, cognitive impairment, dementia and other conditions that might benefit from drug-induced memory enhancement”.[xviii]

Another study published in the American Journal of Psychiatry tested fear extinction (elimination of fear) and contextual memory. Both are forms of long-term memory.

In this study, participants received either Methylene Blue or a placebo after being placed in a small dark chamber for a couple of minutes to address their fear.

One month later, participants that had used Methylene Blue had less retained fear than those given a placebo. The study authors concluded, “Methylene Blue enhances memory and the retention of fear extinction”.[xix]

Methylene Blue helps Bipolar Disorder

Animal studies have demonstrated that Methylene Blue can provide antidepressant and anxiolytic benefits. Possibly because it can increase serotonin and dopamine levels.

Canadian researchers noted that Methylene Blue also improved mitochondrial function and decreased oxidative damage. So, they hypothesized that Methylene Blue may be effective for bipolar disorder symptoms if combined with lamotrigine which is used as a mood stabilizer.

This study at Dalhousie University in Halifax compared the effectiveness of lamotrigine (Lamictal®) along with daily supplementation of either 195 mg or 15 mg of Methylene Blue in patients with Bipolar Disorder.

Patients took a dose (Lamictal and either 195 mg or 15 mg of Methylene Blue) for three months. Then proceeded to reduce Methylene Blue dosage for an extended period of 3 months. The team found that bipolar participants had reduced depression and anxiety when taking the higher dose of Methylene Blue compared to when they were on the lower dose.

Several Bipolar Disorder patients in the study chose to continue using Methylene Blue after the study concluded.[xx]

Methylene Blue Dosage Recommendations

Recommended safe doses based on clinical studies with animals and humans ranges from 0.5 – 4 mg/kg. So a 90 kg (200 lb.) body weight translates to 45 – 360 mg of Methylene Blue.

How much oral methylene blue should I take?45 mg of a Methylene Blue dose is a safe. But 360 mg of MB is much too high in my opinion even if you’re 200 lbs.

The bottom line is there is no true recommended dose for Methylene Blue. My recommendation is start with the lowest dose of 0.5 mg/kg and see how you react. A repeat dose may be taken if no effects occur.

Methylene Blue is water-soluble so you don’t need to take it with a meal, or healthy fat like some nootropics.

Methylene Blue has a half-life of about 5 hours. So you can dose twice a day.

Methylene Blue is famous for turning urine blue. But for most neurohackers, your urine will only stain blue at doses roughly exceeding 500 mcg. Some recommend preventing blue urine by mixing Methylene Blue with ascorbic acid for 3 hours before taking it.

Methylene Blue is also available as a doctor-administered injection for therapeutic use. IV Methylene Blue is typically used to treat diseases like malaria or with anti-cancer therapy.

Methylene Blue Potential Drug Interactions & Side Effects

Methylene Blue shows a hermetic dose-response, with opposite effects at low and high doses.

In other words, lower doses of Methylene Blue work well as a nootropic. But high doses do not because MB can potentially “steal” electrons away from the electron transport chain. Disrupting the redox balance and acting as a pro-oxidant (instead of an antioxidant).[xxi]

Methylene Blue Potential Drug Interactions & Side EffectsAdverse effects of Methylene Blue also come from chemical impurity. Even pharmaceutical (USP) grade Methylene Blue can contain impurities like arsenic, aluminum, cadmium, mercury and lead which puts you at increased risk for heavy metal toxicity.

At low doses, these contaminants are not that big of a problem. But higher doses will result in the accumulation of these toxins in your cells. Doctors should monitor patients with any hepatic impairment due to toxins related to high doses of serotonergic drugs like Methylene Blue.

Side effects with Methylene Blue are rare when doses are under 2 mg/kg. But can include stomach pain, chest pain, dizziness, headache, sweating, confusion, high blood pressure, shortness of breath, accelerated heartbeat, tremor, skin turning blue, urine turning blue or green, reduction of red blood cells, or jaundice (only reported in infants).

Reduce the Risk of Serotonin Syndrome

Monoamine Oxidase (MAOI) inhibition becomes a big problem at around 2 mg/kg of Methylene Blue. So if you are using antidepressants or antianxiety medications that affect dopamine or serotonin, you should NOT use Methylene Blue.

Because using Methylene Blue with one of these medications could cause possible interactions resulting in a hypertensive crisis or Serotonin Syndrome. Which can be deadly.

This includes not using Methylene Blue if you are using any selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI’s) and monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOI’s) including 5-HTP, bupropion, buspirone, citalopram, clomipramine, doxepin, duloxetine, escitalopram, fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, MAOIs like Marplan, Nardil, and Parnate, milnacipran, mirtazapine, paroxetine, rasagiline, sertraline, selegiline, St. John’s wort, trazodone, tryptophan, Zimelidine, and venlafaxine.

The above list is my no means complete nor does it include all of the drugs that may be contraindicated with Methylene Blue. Check with your health care provider if a drug or supplement you are using may also be contraindicated with this nootropic.

Do not use Methylene Blue if you are pregnant or breast-feeding. Or if you are dealing with any type of renal impairment.

Where to buy Methylene Blue

Methylene Blue is sold as a liquid, and in crystalline powder form.

Industrial-grade and chemical-grade Methylene Blue is sold as a dye or stain. And can consist of more than 8% – 11% of various contaminants. And should NOT be used as a nootropic.

Only pharmaceutical (USP) grade Methylene Blue should be used as a nootropic. Ask for a Certificate of Analysis which should include the amount of contaminants such as arsenic, aluminum, cadmium, mercury and lead.

I recommend CZTL Methylene Blue due to their robust testing program. They ship in 1 gram containers of powder with dosage and mixing instructions in each shipment. Along with a Certificate of Analysis (CofA) verifying the purity of the Methylene Blue you get from them.

Another option in liquid form is – Methylene Blue which is pre-mixed. And use the coupon code: davidtomen10 for a 10% discount when you check out.

Nootropics Expert Recommendation

Nootropics Expert Tested and ApprovedMethylene Blue 0.5 – 4 mg/kg of body weight per day

I recommend using Methylene Blue as a nootropic supplement.

Your body does not make Methylene Blue on its own. So to get its benefits you must take it as a supplement.

Methylene Blue is especially helpful for those dealing with anxiety and depression.

Methylene Blue is also particularly useful to students and executives who want to boost cognition, learning and memory.

Methylene Blue is a fast-acting nootropic that can also help prevent brain mitochondrial degeneration. Providing potential as an anti-aging nootropic.

Methylene Blue donates electrons in the electron transport chain in your mitochondria. So experienced neurohackers suggest avoiding CoQ-10 or idebenone when using MB because it seems to make Methylene Blue much less effective. Remember earlier in this review when I said the too much Methylene Blue can be counter-productive. The same applies here.

Idebenone is an Alzheimer’s drug that has some nootropic benefit. But it works similar to Methylene Blue because it acts as a transporter in the electron transport chain in mitochondria. Possibly potentiating Methylene Blue.

I recommend CZTL Methylene Blue

Or – Methylene Blue which is pre-mixed. And use the coupon code: davidtomen10 for a 10% discount when you check out.

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This post may also contain other affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links.

[i] Allexsaht W.J. “The use of methylene blue in the treatment of catatonic dementia praecox patients.” Psychiatric Quarterly. 1938;12:245–252.

[ii] Schirmer R.H., Coulibaly B., Stich A., Scheiwein M., Merkle H., Eubel J., Becker K., Becher H., Müller O., Zich T., Schiek W., Kouyaté B. “Methylene blue as an antimalarial agent.” Redox Report. 2003;8(5):272-5. (source)

[iii] Wainwright M., Crossley K.B. “Methylene Blue–a therapeutic dye for all seasons?” Journal of Chemotherapy 2002 Oct;14(5):431-43. (source)

[iv] Wen Y., Li W., Poteet E.C., Xie L., Tan C., Yan L.J., Ju X., Liu R., Qian H., Marvin M.A., Goldberg M.S., She H., Mao Z., Simpkins J.W., Yang S.H. “Alternative mitochondrial electron transfer as a novel strategy for neuroprotection.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2011 May 6; 286(18):16504-15. (source)

[v] Poteet E. et. Al. “Neuroprotective Actions of Methylene Blue and Its Derivatives” PLOS One 2012; 7(10): e48279. (source)

[vi] Wen Y., Li W., Poteet E.C., Xie L., Tan C., Yan L.J., Ju X., Liu R., Qian H., Marvin M.A., Goldberg M.S., She H., Mao Z., Simpkins J.W., Yang S.H. “Alternative mitochondrial electron transfer as a novel strategy for neuroprotection.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2011 May 6; 286(18):16504-15. (source)

[vii] Pfaffendorf M., Bruning T.A., Batnik H.D., van Zwieten P.A. “The interaction between methylene blue and the cholinergic system.” British Journal of Pharmacology. 1997 Sep;122(1):95-8. (source)

[viii] Ramsay R.R., Dunford C., Gillman P.K. “Methylene blue and serotonin toxicity: inhibition of monoamine oxidase A (MAO A) confirms a theoretical prediction.” British Journal of Pharmacology. 2007 Nov;152(6):946-51 (source)

[ix] Naylor G.J., Smith A.H., Connelly P. “A controlled trial of methylene blue in severe depressive illness.” Biological Psychiatry. 1987 May;22(5):657-9. (source)

[x] Naylor G.J., Martin B., Hopwood S.E., Watson Y. “A two-year double-blind crossover trial of the prophylactic effect of methylene blue in manic-depressive psychosis.” Biological Psychiatry. 1986 Aug;21(10):915-20. (source)

[xi] Crowe A., James M.J., Lee V.M., Smith A.B. 3rd, Trojanowski J.Q., Ballatore C., Brunden K.R. “Aminothienopyridazines and methylene blue affect Tau fibrillization via cysteine oxidation.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2013 Apr 19;288(16):11024-37 (source)

[xii] Oz M., Lorke D.E., Petroianu G.A. “Methylene blue and Alzheimer’s disease.” Biochemical Pharmacology. 2009 Oct 15;78(8):927-32. (source)

[xiii] Atamna H., Nguyen A., Schultz C., Boyle K., Newberry J., Kato H., Ames B.N. “Methylene blue delays cellular senescence and enhances key mitochondrial biochemical pathways.” FASEB Journal. 2008 Mar;22(3):703-12. (source)

[xiv] Abbaspour N., Hurrell R., Kelishadi R. “Review on iron and its importance for human health” Journal of Research in Medical Sciences 2014 Feb; 19(2): 164–174. (source)

[xv] Wrubel K.M. et. El. “The Brain Metabolic Enhancer Methylene Blue Improves Discrimination Learning in Rats” Pharmacological and Biochemical Behavior. 2007 Apr; 86(4): 712–717. (source)

[xvi] Sonntag K.C., Ryu W., Amirault K.M., Healy R.A., Siegel A.J., McPhie D.L., Forester B., Cohen B.M. “Late-onset Alzheimer’s disease is associated with inherent changes in bioenergetics profiles” Scientific Reports 2017; 7 (source)

[xvii] Atamna H., Nguyen A., Schultz C., Boyle K., Newberry J., Kato H., Ames B.N. “Methylene blue delays cellular senescence and enhances key mitochondrial biochemical pathways.” FASEB Journal. 2008 Mar;22(3):703-12 (source)

[xviii] Rodriguez P., Zhou W., Barrett D.W., Altmeyer W., Gutierrez J.E., Li J., Lancaster J.L., Gonzalez-Lima F., Duong T.Q. “Multimodal Randomized Functional MR Imaging of the Effects of Methylene Blue in the Human Brain.” Radiology. 2016 Nov;281(2):516-526. (source)

[xix] Telch M.J., BRuchey A.K., Rosenfield D., Cobb A.R., Smits J., Pahl S., Gonzalez-Lima F. “Effects of Post-Session Administration of Methylene Blue on Fear Extinction and Contextual Memory in Adults With Claustrophobia” American Journal of Psychiatry Volume 171, Issue 10, October 2014, pp. 1091-1098 (source)

[xx] Alda M., McKinnon M., Blagdon R., Garnham J., MacLellan S., O’Donovan C., Hajek T., Nair C., Dursun S., MacQueen G. “Methylene blue treatment for residual symptoms of bipolar disorder: randomised crossover study.” British Journal of Psychiatry. 2017 Jan;210(1):54-60 (source)

[xxi] Rojas J.C., Bruchey A.K., Gonzalez-Lima F. “Neurometabolic mechanisms for memory enhancement and neuroprotection of methylene blue” Progress in Neurobiology. 2012 Jan; 96(1): 32–45. (source)

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Join The Discussion - 809 comments

November 25, 2019

Hi David, before I ask anything, thanks for all your guidance – I’ve been reading and buying nootropics and have considerable success since I found your works online earlier this year. I’ve just purchased MB from Mindlab in the UK, for the past three months I’ve been taking 100mg of Modafinil, which allows me to achieve so much work from 6 am until 8 pm, combined with your nootropic suggestions. My question is: can I combine MB with Modafinil, I have stopped the CoQ-10 but continue to take other products such as phosphatidylcholine, Ginkgo, Zinc/copper, Lion’s Mane and Magnesium. I’m asking because I cannot find anything to answer this question, and there aren’t many people with your level of understanding of nootropics. Cheers Patrick

    David Tomen
    November 25, 2019

    Patrick, there are no contraindications between Mind Lab Pro and Modafinil that I’m aware of. But to be absolutely sure you’d need to check the mechanism of action for each ingredient in Mind Lab Pro and compare each to Modafinil (

    And to get the most out of using Modafinil I’d treat it like any other stimulant. The protocol I designed to support ADD/ADHD should work as well for it as it does for other prescription stimulants >

      November 25, 2019

      Excellent cheers Patrick

November 22, 2019

So, you mention that MB has a half life of 5 hours and can be taken twice daily. Would that be two half doses, or two full doses? Let’s say after doing the math, my minimum dose comes out to 50mg. Would I want to dose 50mg or 25mg twice a day?

Instinctively, I feel the 25mg wouldn’t be enough to have an effect, and two 50mg doses would still be well bellow your maximum recommended dose, so it couldn’t hurt right? But I also don’t want to flush money down the toilet by taking more than necessary.

    David Tomen
    November 22, 2019

    Michael, I personally found that 45 mg twice per day of MB worked. So try two doses of 50 mg and see how that feels to you.

November 18, 2019

I bought this and it just arrived.

BioPharm Methylene Blue 1% Aqueous Solution

I noticed a guy in the amazon reviews said he ingests it so I assume it’s okay. I’m 190lbs so I suppose I should be taking about 45 mg/day. Does that mean I should take 45mL? Does 1 mL equate to 1 mg? If so, then since I guess the bottle would last less than one week

    David Tomen
    November 20, 2019

    Michael, this is exactly the type of Methylene Blue I warn people about trying use as a nootropic. Because it is NOT, and is loaded with far more heavy metals than unless you are suicidal I would not consider using. In fact, the manufacturer clearly states, “NOT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION.”

    I am not aware of any vendor on Amazon that sells US Pharmacopoeia MB. The only manufacturer I know of in the USA that does make it is Sigma.

      Michael C K Carter
      November 22, 2019

      Would it be possible to buy from you?

        David Tomen
        November 23, 2019

        Michael, I do not stock and sell nootropic supplement here at Nootropics Expert. I do have affiliate relationships with several companies who pay me to promote their products including Opti Nutra who make Mind Lab Pro and the Performance Lab line of supplements. I do not have an affiliate relationship with anyone who sell Methylene Blue.

        John Boardman
        November 11, 2020

        David Biopharm has another product that is USP.

        Would this be ok?

        David Tomen
        November 13, 2020

        John, the label looks OK. But the only way to know for sure is to get a Certificate of Analysis from the manufacturer. It needs to be from the batch number on the bottle. If they can’t supply it you can assume they’ve rebottled MG used for aquariums that’s loaded with heavy metals.

Amy Bourne
November 14, 2019

Johns Hopkins has researched and found success in treating persistent Lyme disease with liposomal essential oils of oregano, clove and cinnamon bark in combination with methylene blue or dapsone. Do you know if liposomal delivery of methylene blue would increase it’s efficacy? Also, would you stop taking other nootropics like Rhodiola when taking Methylene blue?

The link to the sigma methylene blue states on the website “not for human consumption” . Is this the intended form of methylene blue that you are specifically talking about and do you have to put into capsules yourself?

    David Tomen
    November 14, 2019

    Amy, when I’ve used Methylene Blue in the past I did not discontinue any of the other nootropics I was using. I suggest checking each nootropic and its mechanism of action and compare with MB to see if there could be any contraindication.

    In many cases vendors and manufacturers need to state “not for human consumption” if it is not a recognized dietary supplement by the FDA. In this case you are looking for Methylene Blue “United States Pharmacopeia (USP) Reference Standard”. Then double check the Certificate of Analysis to find out levels of heavy metals. There will be some but it’s far lower than what is used for example in aquariums.

    And Methylene Blue powder is mixed with distilled water to the desired concentration. Then you measure your dosage with an eye dropper when putting it in a glass of water.

November 12, 2019

Hi David,
I see that Sigma Aldrich is now named Millipore Sigma. I called them as suggested and was referred to one of their scientists. When I asked for Pharmaceutical grade, she said that they do not have Pharma grade but they do have IV grade. She gave a product number 1808 which I entered in the search bar and landed on the page she was looking at.

It is Methylene Blue solution – 1.4 % (w/v) in 95% ethanol
The spec sheet does not reference any of the heavy metals common to the product.

Please let me know your thoughts on this item?

    David Tomen
    November 12, 2019

    Howard, that’s not the type of Methylene Blue you want to use as an nootropic. Look for something that states right under “Methylene Blue” United States Pharmacopeia (USP) Reference Standard. Like this one:

      Howard Walters
      November 13, 2019

      Thank you, Sir,
      I will have to stretch to cover that cost but the reported benefits are worth it. It is not a high price to pay for a chance at achieving the competence and confidence of an agile mind.

      I assume this powder does not require any specific treatment and that a milligram of the powder provides a milligram of the desired MB supplement.

      In the meantime, I am awaiting the delivery of Performance Lab’s Sleep. I trust that it is compatible with MB.
      If not, what protocol do you suggest for using “Sleep” and “MB”

      Thanks, again

        David Tomen
        November 13, 2019

        Howard, they are certainly not contraindicated and Methylene Blue has a very different mechanism of action in the brain than any of the ingredients in Performance Lab Sleep. Both are amazing supplements.

        For Methylene Blue, I suggest searching a little more and see if you can find are smaller quantity of pharmaceutical grade MB. I’m sure it exists but don’t know if it’s available at that company at the moment.

November 6, 2019

Can I use pa grade methylene blue instead of usp as nootropic? If not, why?

    David Tomen
    November 6, 2019

    Rodrigo, I’m not sure what you mean by “pa” grade. But if it’s means pharmaceutical grade the that is what you want as a supplement.

    US Pharmacopoeia only signifies that the supplement has been verified as containing what it says on the label. It does not necessarily mean it is safe for consumption.

    David Tomen
    October 31, 2019

    Jose, have you tried this methylene blue? And have you checked out the third-party lab tests they link to? I’m not familiar with this company, have never heard of them, and they do not publish team member names or a physical address with phone number. All black marks when I’m assessing a nootropics vendor.

    So anything you can tell us about them would be appreciated.

      Kevin Jancovic
      August 19, 2020

      Drop Us A Line
      Email us directly at

      USA Office
      Botany Biosciences
      PO Box 4010
      San Luis Obispo, CA, 93403, USA
      Tel: +1.888.993.7870 (voicemail only, use our support email for questions!)
      M-F 9am-5pm PST

        Kevin Jancovic
        August 19, 2020

        I bought their MB and now wonder if this company is legit. PO Box? NO physical address?

      Thomas Alderson
      January 13, 2021

      Dear David.

      As you say, seem to produce quality product:

      Their COA indicates arsenic <0.001 ppm. However, they seem to have no physical address and there is some uncertainty over their identity:

      Mitolab on the other hand is a registered UK company but their COA shows much higher arsenic at <8 ppm.

      I wondered, can a COA be faked? Is there any way to confirm a COA is legitimate?



        David Tomen
        January 13, 2021

        Tom, you gotta’ wonder about site like sas well who doesn’t even have an “About” page.

        But yes, CofAs can be faked. There is usually a testing company name including address and phone number on the CofA. You could always call the lab and ask if it’s legit.

        thomas alderson
        January 13, 2021

        Thanks David. Very much appreciated.

        thomas alderson
        February 2, 2021

        Just an update for other users.
        I purchased methylene blue solution from Science.Bio.
        They do have COA from a genuine lab however they have obfuscated their address information (on the COA on the website).
        This means the lab does not consider the COA as genuine (although I suspect it is).
        I have taken the minimum dosage and have felt a strong effect.
        Cool, detached, energy. Walking feels easier, like gliding (I suspect I have some metabolic damage).
        They sent me a COA and the address was present, referring to ANG sciences based in California.

        Hope it helps!

September 19, 2019

This concerns me:
“Even pharmaceutical (USP) grade MB contains impurities, such as arsenic, aluminum, cadmium, mercury and lead.”$=activity

Does anyone know a source of MB that has been 3rd Party tested for heavy metals and other contaminants?

    David Tomen
    September 21, 2019

    Sally, you neglected to include the sentence right after the one you quoted which goes like this: “At low doses, the presence of contaminants is not of great concern, but at higher doses non-specific effects due to accumulation of various toxic and bioactive substances are possible.”

    No one produces a “pure” Methylene Blue that doesn’t have trace amounts of these heavy metals. I don’t think it’s even possible. And it’s why you only use pharmaceutical grade MB at recommended dosages.

    Do a search of Nootropics Expert using the search function top right and search for “heavy metals”. There are at least a couple of nootropics that are heavy metal chelators that can protect you from toxic build-up if you choose to use pharmaceutical grade MB long-term.

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