Valerian root


David Tomen
David Tomen
12 minute read
Valerian is known for its anti-anxiety and calming effects, and promoting restful sleep.

Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) is native to Europe and Northern Asia and has been used for millennia as a sleep aid.

Valerian promotes feelings of calm, decreases levels of anxiety and stress, and enhances sleep.

Valerian has traditionally been used for the treatment of headaches, anxiety, heart palpitations, high blood pressure, irritable bowel, menstrual cramps, epilepsy, and childhood behavior problems.

As a nootropic, Valerian is used primarily to lower stress and promote a good night’s sleep.

Valerian helps:

  • Neurotransmitters. Valerian helps boost GABA in your brain, inhibits GABA reuptake, modulates serotonin and norepinephrine, and activates adenosine receptors.
  • Neuroprotectant. Valerian acts like an anti-inflammatory by reducing NF-κB (nuclear factor kappa-B). And improves blood flow by acting as a smooth muscle dilator.[i]
  • Anxiety, stress & sleep. Valerian helps eliminate stress by boosting GABA, serotonin, activating adenosine receptors, and reducing the stress hormone cortisol.


Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) is an herb native to Europe and northern Asia. And is now grown in England, Holland and the USA for nootropic supplement manufacturers.

Valerian as a nootropic
Valeriana officinalis

Valeriana officinalis belongs to the Valerianaceae family of plants which includes as many as 250 different types. Many are referred to as “Valerian”.

Valeriana officinalis is the species used in Europe and the USA. Valerian edulis is used in Mexico and Valerian wallichii is used in India. V. edulis contains substantially higher concentrations of valepotriates (up to 8%).

Here we are investigating the nootropic benefits of the most widely used Valerian supplement in the West; Valeriana officinalis.[ii] The medicinal part of the plant used in nootropic supplements is the root or rhizome.

The sedative effects of Valerian were first mentioned by Hippocrates several thousand years ago. And have since been confirmed in clinical trials by modern medicine.

Valerian likely got its name from the Latin word valere meaning to be healthy or strong.

The Greek physician Galen used Valerian for treating epilepsy and insomnia. It’s modern usage likely got its start in 1567 by Italian nobleman Fabio Colonna, who suffered from epilepsy. He found Galen’s reference and claimed it completely restored his health.[iii]

Valeriana officinalis contains over 150 compounds. But those identified of clinical importance are valepotriates, and their breakdown products baldrinals, valerenic acid, valerenal and valeranone.[iv]

Valerian also contains the amino acids arginine, GABA, tyrosine, and glutamine.

Valerian root for anxiety

How does Valerian work in the brain?

Valerian boosts brain health and function in several ways. But two in particular stand out.

  1. Valerian improves sleep. Valerian is the most commonly used herbal nootropic to induce sleep in the USA and Europe. Research continues to establish accurately why this supplement works to help sleep.

But so far, science has determined that the compounds valerenic acid and bornyl acetate found in Valerian account for its sleep-inducing qualities.

These compounds inhibit the breakdown of GABA in the brain resulting in sedation. And the aqueous extracts (water-based) of Valerian roots contain significant amounts of GABA which could directly cause sedation.[v]

Researchers at the University of California in San Francisco did a systematic review of all the sleep using Valerian studies they could find. To find out if Valerian really did improve sleep like everyone said it does.

The team found 16 randomized, controlled trials totaling 1,093 patients that satisfied their criteria. Doses ranged from 225 to 1,215 mg of Valerian per day. Only 2 studies stated that the herb was standardized to a specific amount of valerenic acid.

But the evidence overall was clear. Valerian is a more attractive option to other sleep agents because of the lack of a ‘hangover effect’ the next day. And overall, patients got to sleep faster and had better quality sleep.[vi]

  1. Valerian reduces stress. A natural alternative to benzodiazepines, Valerian helps reduce anxiety. And helps you cope with stress.

GABA is the primary inhibitory neurotransmitter known to counterbalance the excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate. And research shows that often, those suffering from anxiety disorders are dealing with a dysfunctional GABA system.[vii]

Of all the studies demonstrating Valerian’s ability to help control anxiety and stress is best shown in the following study.

One of the most stressful and painful procedures in female medicine is hysterosalpingography. This procedure evaluates the uterine cavity and fallopian tubes and is typically performed on infertile women.

In this study, 64 infertile women undergoing hysterosalpingography (HSG) were given a single dose of 1,500 mg Valeric capsules 90 minutes before starting the procedure. Valerenic acid is one of the active compounds found in Valerian.

Anxiety severity was measured before and then again 90 minutes after the procedure. The researchers concluded that Valerenic acid (Valerian) significantly reduces anxiety in women undergoing HSG.[viii]

Valerian root benefits

How things go bad

Chronic stress, anxiety, poor blood flow and free radicals (oxidation) can damage your brain. And one of the ways this manifests is memory loss.

It comes as no surprise that people with memory loss experience higher rates of anxiety and depression. As verified in one Australian research study.[ix]

↓ Chronic stress reduces memory capacity

↓ Toxins kill brain cells from the inside

↓ Free radicals destroy neurons and synapses

↓ Neurotransmitter levels decline

Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) declines

Under conditions of chronic anxiety your brain loses the capacity to transmit signals between neurons efficiently. Memory, cognition, and decision-making all suffer as a result.

Valerian benefits

Valerian extract helps relieve anxiety. The valerenic acid and valerenol in Valerian binds to GABAA receptors which provides its anxiolytic effect. Like the prescription drugs Xanax and Valium but without the side effects associated with these pharmaceuticals.[x]

Studies show that valerenic acid also modulates serotonin and norepinephrine in the hippocampus and amygdala regions of your brain. Also providing an anti-anxiety effect.[xi]

Valerian helps reduce the time it takes you to fall asleep. And provides a better night’s sleep.

One Swedish study showed Valerian provided ‘perfect’ sleep for 49% of the people in the study. And 89% reported ‘improved’ sleep while using Valerian.[xii]

Valerian seems to cause sedation by increasing GABA levels in your brain. Valerian provides GABA as one of its natural compounds, prevents reuptake of GABA in neurons, and inhibits the enzyme that naturally degrades GABA in your brain.[xiii]

Valerian helps ease menstrual cramps in women which naturally provides an anti-anxiety effect.[xiv]

Valerian helps reduce hyperactivity in those dealing with ADHD.[xv]

Valerian reduces symptom severity in those with restless leg syndrome. And improves sleep quality.[xvi]

Valerian extract has been used for years in Iran to treat epilepsy. One study in rats showed that Valerian (aqueous) extract provides this anticonvulsant effect by acting on adenosine receptors.

Note however that petroleum ether-based extract of Valerian did NOT provide this benefit in epilepsy.[xvii]

And Valerian helps reduce the symptoms of OCD.[xviii]

Valerian root vs melatonin

How does Valerian feel?

The effects of supplementing with Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) can help tame anxiety and help you sleep.

Valerian for sleep doesn’t act like prescription sleeping aids which make you feel you can’t stay awake. Instead, Valerian before bed helps your body and brain relax and allows you to drift off to sleep naturally.

Some report experiencing vivid dreams when using Valerian extract before bed.

Neurohackers report that Valerian extract is better than Valium® or Xanax® for combating stress without the side effects.

If you are dealing with ADHD, you may find that adding Valerian to your stack will help calm you. And turn off your mind enough so you can get some rest.

Neurohackers report that Valerian helps tame the symptoms of Restless Leg Syndrome. A few say it even helps calm the symptoms of Parkinson’s.

Some say using Valerian helps eliminate migraines.

Low dose Valerian may help alleviate social anxiety for some people.

Valerian root dosage

Valerian Clinical Research

Valerian for sleep

Valerian has been used to treat insomnia since ancient times. In an open label case series of 11,168 patients, over 70% reported that Valerian was effective in helping them fall asleep, reduced sleep disturbances and decreased restlessness and tension.[xix]

If you live in a noisy environment and it’s affecting your sleep, you’ll like this one. A study conducted in Germany with a stack containing Valerian and hops reduced sleep disturbances caused by noise in a high-traffic area. This combo increased slow-wave and REM sleep.[xx]

Valerian helps ADHD

Hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattention are symptoms of ADHD. Symptoms that can often be attributed to low levels of GABA in the brain.

A 3-week, double-blind, placebo-controlled pilot study was conducted to determine the efficacy of Valeriana officinalis tincture (MT) on ADHD. 30 children between the ages of 5 and 11 years, pre-diagnosed with ADHD, were recruited.

Valerian tincture or placebo was given to the kids 3-times per day for 3 weeks.

The study found a statistically significant improvement in the kids’ behavior with particular reference to sustained attention, anxiety and impulsivity and/or hyperactivity.[xxi]

Valerian for OCD

31 outpatients diagnosed with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) were recruited to participate in a double-blind, randomized trial.

Patients were randomly assigned a capsule of Valerian extract (765 mg) once per day or a placebo for 8 weeks.

The study showed a significant difference between the Valerian and placebo group by the end of the treatment.

The researchers concluded that Valerian extract has “anti-obsessive and compulsive effects” in patients with OCD.[xxii]

Valerian for stress reduction

During World War 1, Valerian was used to prevent and treat shell shock in front-line troops. And was used during World War 11 to help calm the residents of London during air bombing raids.[xxiii]

More recently, a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial with 24 healthy volunteers received 3 separate doses (600 mg, 1200 mg, 1800 mg) of a standardized product containing Lemon Balm and Valerian officinalis extracts, plus a placebo, on separate days separated by a 7 day wash out period.

The results showed the 600 mg dose of this stack reduced anxiety. But the highest dose did not work as well as the lower dose stack.

The research team concluded that the combination of Lemon Balm and Valerian extract possessed anxiolytic properties.[xxiv]

Valerian root

Valerian Recommended Dosage

Recommended Valerian nootropic dosage for:

  • Stress reduction – 200 – 600 mg Valerian extract (aqueous, standardized to contain 0.8% valerenic or valeric acid)
    • Valerian tea – 1.5 – 3 grams Valerian root steeped in boiling water
  • Insomnia – 300 – 900 mg of Valerian extract (aqueous, standardized to contain 0.8% valerenic or valeric acid) 60 – 90 minutes before bed
    • Valerian tea – 1.5 – 3 grams Valerian root steeped in 150 mg boiling water taken 60 –90 minutes before bed
    • Lemon balm – 120 mg Valerian extract with 80 mg lemon balm extract 60 – 90 minutes before bed

Studies show it may take a week or two of continuous daily usage before you’ll experience the full effects of using Valerian.

Higher dosages of Valerian extract should be taken in smaller amounts 2 – 3 times per day. For example, 600 mg Valerian daily would be 3 doses of 200 mg each.

Valerian Side Effects

Valerian is well-tolerated and safe for most people. But side effects can occur and include headaches, dry mouth, excitability, uneasiness, heart palpitations, stomach upset and even insomnia in some people.

Although it’s rare, some report feelings of sluggishness the next morning.

A few have reported vivid dreams when using Valerian. If you are prone to nightmares, Valerian may cause you to dream more and have more nightmares.

Valerian root smells particularly nasty and is offensive to most people. If you can’t stand the smell, make sure you get this supplement in capsule form.

Valerian can interact with and should not used while on prescription antidepressants and benzodiazepines.

Type of Valerian to buy

The dried root or rhizome of Valerian officinalis is primarily used for its nootropic benefits.

Valerian root is available in capsules, tablets, liquid extracts and as a tea.

Valerian officinalis extract is available in capsules, tablets and powder form.

The pharmacopeia name for Valerian root is Valerianae radix.

Research shows that there can be considerable differences in Valerian content including essential oil, valerenic acid and derivatives, and valepotriates depending on where the Valerian is grown and when it’s harvested.[xxv]

Adulteration of Valerian supplements is a problem world-wide with unscrupulous manufacturers substituting other species of plants. Including from the Valerian species but not officinalis.

So make sure you choose a trustworthy manufacturer who clearly tests their product. And tests every single batch that leaves their plant.

I recommend: American Standard – Valerian because it is pure and 3rd party tested with great reviews.

Nootropics Expert Recommendation

Nootropics Expert Tested and ApprovedValerian 200 – 600 mg per day

I recommend using Valerian as a nootropic supplement.

Your body does not make Valerian on its own. So you must take it as a supplement.

Valerian is especially helpful for those suffering from anxiety, chronic stress and insomnia.

Valerian is reported to work well for those dealing with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Taming racing thoughts, and helpful in dealing with stressful situations.

Valerian is also helpful for those suffering from the hyperactivity associated with ADHD.

You can safely take up to 900 mg of Valerian daily if needed. One dose first thing in the morning. One dose early afternoon. And the last dose in the evening.

Valerian as a sleep aid seems to be particularly effective when stacked with Lemon Balm. The two work in synergy to help promote sleep. But when combined, use lower doses of each.

I recommend: American Standard – Valerian because it is pure and 3rd party tested with great reviews.

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This post may also contain other affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links.

[i] Fields A.M., Richards T.A., Felton J.A., Felton S.K., Bayer E.Z., Ibrahim I.N., Kaye A.D. “Analysis of responses to valerian root extract in the feline pulmonary vascular bed.” Journal of Alternative and Complimentary Medicine 2003 Dec;9(6):909-18. (source)

[ii] Chen H.W., Wei B.J., He X.H., Liu Y., Wang J. “Chemical Components and Cardiovascular Activities of Valeriana spp.” Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2015; 2015: 947619. (source)

[iii] Sharma M., Jain U.K., Patel A., Gupta N. “A Comprehensive Pharmacognostic Report on Valerian” International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research (2010), Vol. 1, Issue 7 (source)

[iv] Moghadam Z.B., et. al. “The effect of Valerian root extract on the severity of premenstrual syndrome symptoms” Journal of Traditional and Complimentary Medicine 2016 Jul; 6(3): 309–315. (source)

[v] Hougton P.J. “The scientific basis for the reputed activity of Valerian.” The Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 1999 May;51(5):505-12. (source)

[vi] Bent S., Padula A., Moore D., Patterson M., Mehling W. “Valerian for sleep: a systematic review and meta-analysis.” American Journal of Medicine 2006 Dec;119(12):1005-12. (source)

[vii] Nemeroff C.B. “The role of GABA in the pathophysiology and treatment of anxiety disorders.” Psychopharmacology Bulletin. 2003;37(4):133-46. (source)

[viii] Gharib M., et. al. “The Effect of Valeric on Anxiety Severity in Women Undergoing Hysterosalpingography” Global Journal of Health Sciences 2015 May; 7(3): 358–363. (source)

[ix] Sohrabi H.R., Bates K.A., Rodrigues M., Taddei K., Martins G., Laws S.M., Lautenschlager N.T., Dhaliwal S.S., Foster J.K., Martins R.N. “The relationship between memory complaints, perceived quality of life and mental health in apolipoprotein Eepsilon4 carriers and non-carriers.” Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease. 2009;17(1):69-79. (source)

[x] Benke D., Barberis A., Kopp S., Altmann K.H., Schubiger M., Vogt K.E., Rudolph U., Möhler H. “GABA A receptors as in vivo substrate for the anxiolytic action of valerenic acid, a major constituent of valerian root extracts.” Neuropharmacology. 2009 Jan;56(1):174-81 (source)

[xi] Jung H.Y., Yoo D.Y., Nam S.M., Kim J.W., Choi J.H., Yoo M., Lee S., Yoon Y.S., Hwang I.K. “Valerenic Acid Protects Against Physical and Psychological Stress by Reducing the Turnover of Serotonin and Norepinephrine in Mouse Hippocampus-Amygdala Region.” Journal of Medicinal Food. 2015 Dec;18(12):1333-9 (source)

[xii] Lindahl O., Lindwall L. “Double blind study of a valerian preparation.” Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior. 1989 Apr;32(4):1065-6. (source)

[xiii] Fernandez S., Wasowski C., Paladini A.C., Marder M. “Sedative and sleep-enhancing properties of linarin, a flavonoid-isolated from Valeriana officinalis” Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior 77(2):399-404 · March 2004 (source)

[xiv] Mirabi P., Dolatian M., Mojab F., Majd H.A. “Effects of valerian on the severity and systemic manifestations of dysmenorrhea.” International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics. 2011 Dec;115(3):285-8 (source)

[xv] Müller S.F., Klement S. “A combination of valerian and lemon balm is effective in the treatment of restlessness and dyssomnia in children.” Phytomedicine. 2006 Jun;13(6):383-7 (source)

[xvi] Cuellar N.G., Ratcliffe S.J. “Does valerian improve sleepiness and symptom severity in people with restless legs syndrome?” Alternative Therapies in Health & Medicine. 2009 Mar-Apr;15(2):22-8. (source)

[xvii] Rezvani M.E., Roohbakhsh A., Allahtavakoli M., Shamsizadeh A. “Anticonvulsant effect of aqueous extract of Valeriana officinalis in amygdala-kindled rats: possible involvement of adenosine.” Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 2010 Feb 3;127(2):313-8 (source)

[xviii] Pakseresht S., Boostani H., Sayyah M. “Extract of valerian root (Valeriana officinalis L.) vs. placebo in treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder: a randomized double-blind study.” Journal of Complementary and Integrative Medicine. 2011 Oct 11;8 (source)

[xix] Schmidt-Voigt J. “Treatment of nervous sleep disorders and unrest with a sedative of purely vegetable origin.” Therapiewoche 1986; 36:663-7.

[xx] Muller-Limmroth W., Ehrenstein W. “Experimental studies of the effects of Seda-Kneipp on the sleep of sleep disturbed subjects; implications for the treatment of different sleep disturbances.” Medicine Klinic (in German) 1977; 72:1119-25 (source)

[xxi] Razlog R., Pellow J., White S.J. “A pilot study on the efficacy of Valeriana officinalis mother tincture and Valeriana officinalis 3X in the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder” Journal of Interdisciplinary Health Sciences VOL 17, NO 1 (2012) (source)

[xxii] Pakseresht S., Boostani H., Sayyah M. “Extract of valerian root (Valeriana officinalis L.) vs. placebo in treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder: a randomized double-blind study.” Journal of Complimentary & Integrative Medicine 2011 Oct 11;8 (source)

[xxiii] Grieve M. Valerian in: “A Modern Herbal.” New York: Hafner Press, 1974: 824-830.

[xxiv] Kennedy D.O., Little W., Haskell C.F., Scholey A.B. “Anxiolytic effects of a combination of Melissa officinalis and Valeriana officinalis during laboratory induced stress.” Phytotherapy Research. 2006 Feb;20(2):96-102. (source)

[xxv] Bos R., Woerdenbag H.J., van Putten F.M., Hendriks H., Scheffer J.J. “Seasonal variation of the essential oil, valerenic acid and derivatives, and velopotriates in Valeriana officinalis roots and rhizomes, and the selection of plants suitable for phytomedicines.” Planta Medica. 1998 Mar;64(2):143-7. (source)

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Join The Discussion - 61 comments

Andrew Richardson
November 12, 2023

Hey David I’ve decided to get some Valerian Root for sleep however i’m taking magnesium threonate before bed but does not seem powerful enough to keep me under or sometimes nod me off I only take 144MG 1 pill before bed too much magnesium cause my IBS to flare up but that amounts seems to not do it so I was wondering if it would be safe to add Valerian Root to my mix for sleep

are these two safe together

    David Tomen
    November 13, 2023

    Andrew, they are absolutely safe to use together. See one of my articles on sleep for other ideas to help get you through the night.

      Andrew Richardson
      November 20, 2023

      Should i be concerned my NOW bottle has a proposition warning P65warning . I dont live in the USA but get my supplement from there, what is this?

        David Tomen
        November 22, 2023

        Andrew, Proposition 65 is a California law that states manufacturers must declare if something has the potential to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm. But for the most part it is useless because they usually do not specify what specifically they are referring to. And it seems that everything (including life itself) causes cancer these days. So unless your NOW supplement contains “other ingredients” other than the what is supposed to be in the supplement I wouldn’t worry about it. But do your best to avoid things like silicon dioxide or magnesium stearate because they are not necessary. And do not provide you the consumer any benefit.

November 22, 2022

Hello David, I’m sorry but I had difficulties to be able to ask you on your website, I’ll try again here if I’m lucky
I wanted to ask for your help, in my country I can’t get Performance Lab Prebiotic nor any that have ORAFTI’s Synergy 1®, instead I only get the forms of Inulin FOS Prebiotic like the two products that I attached below.
All three are Inulin FOS, but regarding the benefit for the bacteria in the intestine there seems to be no difference.
Do you think there is much difference between the benefits of ORAFTI’s Synergy 1® and “Nutraflora” or “From Blue Agave” And Please can you tell me Which of these two is a good substitute for ORAFIT Sinergy1?

NOW Supplements, NutraFlora FOS (Fructooligosaccharides)

NOW Supplements, Inulin Prebiotic

    David Tomen
    November 28, 2022

    Magdalena, I suggest going with the NutraFlora option.

November 6, 2022

Hi David,

I just bought Valerian Root in capsules and when I opened the bottle, it doesn’t smell good. Like a mixture of vinegar, feet, and rotten cheese. Is this really how it should smell?

    David Tomen
    November 7, 2022

    Nolin, that sounds about right. Welcome to the wonderful world of nootropics. Some manufacturers like adding “other ingredients” to keep the smell down. But those additives are toxic and should be avoided. Just plug your nose when you take your Valerian.

April 16, 2022

Hi David! What is your experience with Valerian?

    David Tomen
    April 18, 2022

    Mikko, I do not use Valerian because my sleep stack works and does not need anything else.

March 20, 2022

Hello David, would you tell me why you don’t usually use Valerian to sleep? Hasn’t it been as effective as others nootropics in your stack?

    David Tomen
    March 23, 2022

    Jim, because I already use an effect sleep stack. Valerian is a GABA reuptake inhibitor and works similar to Lemon Balm for sleep which I use instead.

      September 22, 2023

      Didn’t you write that it can act as an agonist and cause the brain to release more GABA? GABA A. And it can also increase the conversion of glutamate to GABA.

        David Tomen
        September 22, 2023

        Rese, scroll up and read the section called “Valerian benefits” where I explain now it affects GABA. One thing is does not do is increase the conversion of glutamate to GABA.

February 14, 2022

Hello David,
Is Bestvite a good choice for Relora?
Thank you,

Bestvite Relora

    David Tomen
    February 14, 2022

    Magdalena, I like Bestvite and that is a good supplement because it is pure. All it has is Relora and does not contain any toxic “other ingredients”.

October 5, 2021

Hi Dave,

You mention that it “modulates” norepinephrine. Do you know exactly what that modulation consists of?

    David Tomen
    October 5, 2021

    Matt, when a supplement “modulates” something it means that if it is too high it will lower it. And if it is too low it will raise it. In other words Valerian keeps norepinephrine stable and where it should be.

      October 5, 2021

      Gotcha, thanks for the quick response Dave

September 2, 2021

Can valerian be combined with thiamine and niacin?

    David Tomen
    September 2, 2021

    As long as it works for you. Valerian is not contraindicated with either thiamine or niacin.

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