Welcome! My name is David Tomen, and I am the author of NootropicsExpert.com, my books Head First 2nd Edition – The Complete Guide to Healing & Optimizing Your Brain with Nootropic Supplements and (FREE!) Secrets of the Optimized Brain, and my Nootropics Expert YouTube channel.

I started Nootropics Expert® in January 2016. You can learn more about my story and why I started Nootropics Expert over on my About Page.

You can quickly see the nootropic supplements that I personally use every day on this page: What I Take

And if you’re in a hurry, go to this page to Buy Nootropics.

I also do Personal Consultations if you could use some help choosing the best nootropic supplements for you. You’ll find my calendar here: Nootropics Expert Consultations


How Nootropics Can Help You

You can end your search now. Because here on Nootropics Expert you’ll find the help you have been searching for. No matter the brain health problem that is making your life miserable.

Here you’ll find information on this List of Nootropics which has dozens and dozens of links to nootropic supplement reviews that I’ve written, and update as soon as new science becomes available. In a language that is easy to understand.

You’ll learn where each supplement comes from, how it works, the benefits you can expect, how much you should use and how often, possible side effects, and how to select from dozens of options – which one to buy.

NOTE: Every single word on Nootropics Expert is written by me. It’s not an AI or a contract copywriter.

You will also discover that everything I write about a supplement is supported by peer-reviewed clinical studies. You will not find links to other websites or blogs.

Instead, you will find dozens of clickable links in each supplement review and article to supporting and relevant clinical studies.

So you have the option of reading the same research I found and used to write my reviews and articles.

My hope is that if you’re overwhelmed by the fragmented information for nootropics spread across several websites, you can end your search on what has become the best nootropics website.

Quickly find out how one nootropic may interact with another. Which ones are safe. And which nootropic supplements have side effects. I will cover all that here.

Use my Nootropics Guide to get more familiar with the top nootropics and different types of cognitive enhancers and what they do. Soon you’ll be able to safely build your own nootropic stack.

I’m happy you’re here. Because you should be able to find everything you need to know about nootropics on Nootropics Expert. No need to go anywhere else.

Armed with this knowledge you can choose the best nootropics for you, and finally start experiencing the benefits you’re working to achieve.

Where to Buy Nootropics

Once you’ve decided which nootropic supplements you’d like to try, how do you know which is the best supplement to buy?

I’ve done the homework for you and put together a list of nootropic brands and supplements. Most of which I personally use and highly recommend.

You’ll find the highest quality, purest nootropic supplements on this page.

Buy Nootropics

The Definitive Guide to Nootropics

A nootropic is a substance that enhances cognition and memory and facilitates learning.

Neuro-hacking and the research behind brain modulation, nootropics, and biohacking in general is a constantly evolving and improving science.

We cover all that in The Definitive Guide to Nootropics.

Nootropics Guide

The Big List of Nootropics

Nootropics cover a broad category of compounds with cognitive boosting properties.

They have minimal side-effects and are appropriate for long-term use.

The Big List is a quick reference guide for nootropics. Learn what it’s for, how it’s used, side effects, interactions and dosing suggestions.

Nootropics List

The Best Nootropics

Achieving brain optimization comes with a lot of trial and error. Experimenting to see what works best for you. But spend enough time in the nootropics community, and you begin to see patterns develop.

After you try the latest edition to the racetam-family of nootropics. Most biohackers settle into the nootropic that works best for each category of; cognition & focus, memory, energy & motivation, anxiety & depression, and brain repair & maintenance.

The “Best Nootropics” page is a distillation of what I have found to be the best nootropics for each category of brain optimization. You’ll find a list of the best nootropic compounds for each category. And links through to more detailed articles for each category.

Best Nootropics

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Head First 2nd Editon

The Award Winning Guide to Healing & Optimizing Your Brain with Nootropic Supplements.

Head First 2nd Edition

NEW! Eliminate Brain Fog, Low Energy, Moodiness, Difficulty Sleeping, Memory Loss or Anxiety. Available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple Books, Walmart and more...

Where to Buy Nootropics

Wondering where to buy nootropics? Well, you’re in the right place. Because here you will find the nootropic supplements that I personally use and recommend. Each supplement has a link to the company store and product that I use. I also include a link to my full review for each supplement here on Nootropics Expert® […]

The Definitive Guide to Nootropics

Nootropics can help increase your memory, boost learning ability, improve your mood and assist overall brain function. If you’re new to nootropics, or wonder about the difference between a nootropic and a smart drug, then this page is for you. Here you’ll find the definition of a nootropic, how to pronounce the word “nootropic”, the […]

The Most Comprehensive Nootropics List

This is our big list of the most popular Nootropics in use today. Here you’ll learn what each nootropic is, what it does and suggested dosages. What is this List of Nootropics About? Nootropic supplements are cognitive enhancers aiming to improve brain function. Whether you are looking to treat mild cognitive impairment, improve mental focus, or biohack […]

Free Secrets of the Brain 3rd Edition

Get “Secrets of the Optimized Brain,” 92 nootropics to help you plan your Nootropic Stack when you sign up for my newsletter:

Join The Discussion - 1,808 comments

March 2, 2020

Hi David,
You said on the Berberine video that it should be consumed with organic unrefined coconut oil for better absorption but the thing is i have high cholestrol and coconut oil doesn’t suit me. My question is: do you know of any other substances that i can take to improve berberine absorption without raising my blood cholesterol levels.
Thanks a lot.

    David Tomen
    March 3, 2020

    Mahmoud, Berberine is fat-soluble. So for it to be effective and able to cross cell walls it must be consumed with fat. So any healthy oil will work. Including the fat contained in a meal. If you do not take Berberine with fat it will not provide any benefit.

    But I suggest double checking your research because I do not believe that a tablespoon of coconut oil or MCT Oil will influence your cholesterol levels.

March 1, 2020


I have been dealing with anxiety and started taking Gaia Herbs Ashwaganda extract 1x per day the last 20 of 30 days. I only take 1/4 of the capsule. at first it seemed to relax me and really work, but over time it seems to have stimulated me. I am short of breath, like I cant take a deep breath, occasional tingling in arms, anxious and stimulated, my sleep has gotten worse, as these symptoms are all day long. I have stopped today. If the ash did stimulate my nervous system or even ramp up thyriod hormone,( I almost feel like a hypothyriod state) will my body regulate back to normal and of so how long do you think?

I am 5 months off of klonopin after 5 years so I feel my nervous system is a bit fragile right now

I hope to be feeling better soon

    David Tomen
    March 1, 2020

    Paul, Ashwagandha is a powerful herbal nootropic. But not everyone can use it. If you’ve stopped using it your system should get back to normal fairly quickly.

    March 2, 2020

    Hi Paul, try to practice a favorite sport, It helps a lot. Meanwhile try to take mild herbs like Tulsi, lemon balm, passion flower, chamomile as tea, sometimes you can find them combined together as tea. Try Tryptophan or Valerian root to help you sleep. But I would say intensive sport will help a lot, it make me tired and I find sleep and is very good for the brain.

Sam Metson
February 27, 2020

I would like some help with my 21 year old son and his various concentration, memory, planning/organisational skills, sudden low mood. He has no motivation and is dyslexic, possibly with ADHD too.
He is at university in Edinburgh studying engineering. He is very logical, finds maths and physics easy, but his writing skills are poor. Yet he is very good at say analysing your golf swing and explaining clearly what you are doing wrong and how to correct it. He could not write that same explanation down.
Most of the time he is the life and soul of a party in company with friends. He’s outgoing, loves talking to everyone about anything. He’s a good runner, hockey, tennis and golf player. He’s very fit and into boxing and fitness at the moment. His downfall is not getting up in the morning to go to lectures (although he does catch up on video recordings). He cannot focus on a goal in life and drifts through a day ignoring his main purpose at university. Reading that back to myself, it doesn’t sound as if he has a problem, but he does.
Can you email me an address to get him to contact you for an appointment?

sue nobles
February 23, 2020

would you know of anything that could help fight off the coronavirus, if anyone would know I know you would know thank you so much sue

    David Tomen
    February 23, 2020

    Sue, timely question. Let’s see if anyone has any ideas.

      Pilan Butts
      February 25, 2020

      Google Iodine the forgotten weapon against influenza viruses. The answer is IODINE IOIDE. I found this out searching for other help. Low and behold its potassium iodide.

      Just google that and many will have a pdf file to download

        March 12, 2020

        Taking in Vitamin C helps fight the Coronavirus !!

        Either drink a lot of Orange Juice or take the vitamin C supplement..

        John Whitling
        April 13, 2020

        Zinc is an important mineral in fighting infection with the corona virus. And zinc, particularly as a throat lozenge is absorbed by the same ACE2 cell receptors that the virus uses to invade, usually in the throat. Also the zinc as a defense not only by occupying those receptors but also by supposedly blocking the virus’ interaction with DNA in those cells.

        Most infection occurs in the throat so a lozenge is a worthy way to block that type of invasion. I take a lozenge shortly before I enter a store for example.

February 22, 2020

Dave, good morning, just a quick question – I’m preparing to purchase from nootropics (dot) com, are they offering qualify products? Thanks, Patrick

    David Tomen
    February 23, 2020

    Patrick, I don’t know anything about them and don’t know anyone who is a fan of theirs. I question the quality of their product because he claims that he gets his product tested by Ceretropic. Problem is they closed their doors July 2018.

    What exactly is it you are looking to purchase? I may be able to point you in the direction of a more reliable and trustworthy vendor.

      February 23, 2020

      Hi David, and thanks for the information offered, to answer my question (if) nootropics (dot) com was a good place to buy from. Since July 2019, I’ve been following everything from your “Secrets of the Optimized Brain,” checking what is suggested in the bottles at the store, first, then – if you have explained it, I would buy and add to my stack.

      I’m planning to order the following from Hard Rhino: Alpha GPC 600mg (TPD) taking per day 2; Noopept 10mg (TPD) 1; Phenylpiracetam 100 mg (TPD) 1; Lion’s Mane 500mg (TPD) 4.

      My current stack morning time consists of Mind Lab Pro 2 capsules; Vitamin B3 750mg; Ginkgo 240mg Lecithin 1200mg’ Lion’s Mane 1100mg; Choline 950mg Turmeric 900mg; Methylene Blue 80 drops Weekend; (India – modafinilxl)-Modafinil 200mg Weekdays.

      Current stack evening bedtime consists of: CoQ-10 1500mg; Melatonin 5mg; Magnesium 1500mg.

      For what it’s worth, since starting this lifestyle change last July, I can only share the following, I’ve stopped drinking alcohol after just a couple of weeks. My workflow at university has increased tremendously, as a senior lecturer teaching MBA and PhD students, this is delightful. My mental energy levels throughout the day are high, I’ve even lost several lbs in weight. I now get a great nights sleep and wake up very early starting my day around 4am, working until 8pm before dinner, then bed for about 9.30pm.
      In all sense of purpose, a changed man, thanks to you, David, for your help and guidance throughout.

        David Tomen
        February 24, 2020

        Patrick, I think you’ll be amazed with how good Noopept works. I never had much luck with Phenylpiracetam. Try it and if it doesn’t work for you then try Aniracetam.

        February 24, 2020

        David, as always – your speed in replying is excellent, thanks for the advice my order is placed with hrsupplements dot com – but, they don’t ship to Myanmar although their dropdown address suggests they do. I’ve sent them an email to please use DHL – as FedEx and UPS don’t deliver to Myanmar since you recommended them as a place to purchase from – could you please send them a quick message to ship my order using DHL, please. It’s a big ask and I am grateful for your help, regards Patrick

        David Tomen
        February 25, 2020

        Patrick, I’ll try but I’ve been dealing with a different department than who you’re trying to talk to. Keep on trying to get their customer service to respond. I’ll try but can’t promise any joy.

        I believe there are services available who will forward things to you. Don’t know any names of companies but I think this is their specialty. Try searching for “freight forwarders” and see if you can find some other way to get this done. If HR Supplements don’t want to take the time to do it. They’ve been in business for over 25 years so you’re not dealing with a newbie vendor.

February 22, 2020

Hi David

Im a 45yr old healthy male, I have been suffering with panic and fear for 2.5 years, things have gotten a bit better, I am 5 mo free of taking .25 klonopin for 5 yrs, I think I am still in withdrawal, I have been struggling

2 days ago I tried 5mg of rascoracitam, I felt a bit strange that night I could not sleep, very activated racy mind could not close my eyes, I usually have no problem sleeping, the next day racy thoughts all over the place, I took a .25 xanax rescue dose and it helped a bit and slept, the next day horrible racy thoughts and BP and pulse is slightly elevated from normal, I have horrible anxiety and feel on edge, spaced out and even had a panic attack at 3am which I never have

I dont know what to do, could this compound induce this? Will this go away? I am scared and cannot work or really function, can you share your thoughts with me? I am on the edge

Thank you

    David Tomen
    February 22, 2020

    Paul, I’ll try to help. But first you’ll need explain what rascoracitam is because I’m not familiar with it.

    February 22, 2020

    Im sorry

    fasoracetam is what I meant

    I think my anxiety was getting the best of me


      David Tomen
      February 23, 2020

      Paul, Fasoracetam was developed by a Japanese company as a drug who took it through to Phase 3 clinical trials. And then abandoned the drug due to “lack of efficacy”.

      According to Springer, it’s mechanism of action: Cholinergic receptor agonists; GABA B receptor antagonists; Metabotropic glutamate receptor modulators

      This is the type of thing that I’d not likely ever write a review for because 1. don’t know anyone who uses it 2. lack of research 3. can’t figure out any reason why someone would want to include it in their stack.

      Not sure why it would cause the symptoms you described because there’s not enough information available on how it works. But it is messing with three different systems in your brain. So there are any number of things that could go wrong while using it.

Brandon D
February 21, 2020

Can safely combine Piracetam, noopept, lions mane stack at noon with nootropics depot sleep support stack at night?

    David Tomen
    February 22, 2020

    Brandon, yes you can but please make sure to follow recommended dosages for the first 3 in your list. Including a choline supplement with Piracetam and Noopept. Each of my reviews on these nootropics tells you how if you’re not already doing it.

February 21, 2020

Good evening,
Thank you for your very interesting site. I looked but I couldn’t find answers to my questions. If you could answer that, I’d be delighted.
I take to sleep: tryptophan, a bit of St John’s wort, theanine and melatonin.
I’m very anxious, a little depressed (I’m tired of a solar plexus ball).
I wanted to know if I could add: Selank, et noopept in addition to the nootropics I already take ?
Thank you very much for your answer.

    David Tomen
    February 21, 2020

    Marie, I’m not familiar with Selank because it’s a drug developed in Russia. And there’s hardly any research available for it. Not sure why it would help you sleep however. Because it is non-sedating. Neither is Noopept sedating.

    For sleep, I suggest you re-visit the dosages of each of the nootropics you are using. And replace melatonin with Tart Cherry Juice because it’s a natural source of melatonin. Just this change may improve your mood.

    L-Tryptophan 500 mg
    L-Theanine 200 mg
    Magnesium (chelate) 400 mg
    Tart Cherry Juice concentrate 6 ounces

    All taken about 60 minutes before bed.

      February 22, 2020

      THANK YOU very much for taking the time to answer me. In fact it was more for the anguish the selank and the noopept.
      I also take GABA for my anxieties, but that’s not enough.
      Thanks again for your advice, you are super and indispensable for us who are a little lost by all these nootropics, especially since I am French and do not understand English well.
      An excellent day to you.

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