

David Tomen
David Tomen
12 minute read
Vinpocetine is known for increasing cerebral circulation, taming inflammation and oxidative stress, and boosting alertness, cognition, concentration, memory and mood.

Vinpocetine (periwinkle extract, ethyl apovincaminate, Cavinton, Bravinton, Ceractin, Intelectol) is a semi-synthetic derivative of vincamine, an alkaloid derived from the lesser periwinkle plant (Vinca Minor L.).

Periwinkle (Vinca Minor L.)
Periwinkle (Vinca Minor L.)

Vinpocetine was first isolated from the periwinkle plant in 1975 by chemist Csaba Szántay. Hungarian pharmaceutical company Gedeon Richter began manufacturing Vinpocetine in 1978. Vinpocetine continues to be one of the company’s top selling drugs world-wide.[i]

Vinpocetine is used as a prescription drug in Japan, Europe, Mexico and Russia for the treatment of cognitive and cerebrovascular disorders. In the USA and Canada, Vinpocetine is sold as an OTC dietary supplement.

As a nootropic, Vinpocetine is used primarily to increase cerebral blood flow.

Other uses include using Vinpocetine for the prevention of motion sickness, menopause symptoms, chronic fatigue syndrome, seizure disorders, hearing and eye disorders, and even as a topical application to increase female sexual response.[ii]

Here we’ll investigate Vinpocetine’s value as a nootropic and to optimize cognition.

Vinpocetine helps:

  • Cerebral Circulation. Vinpocetine helps boost blood flow to and within the brain. Improving the flow of oxygen and glucose that feed ATP to power brain cells. Improving alertness, cognition, concentration, memory and mood.
  • Neuroprotectant. Vinpocetine blocks the accumulation of sodium in neurons, reduces the toxic effects of oxidative stress, inhibits the enzyme PDE1 and boosting blood flow, scavenges free radicals, and protects neurons from glutamate and NMDA toxicity.
  • Neuroplasticity. Vinpocetine inhibits the enzyme PDE1 which can increase cAMP and cGMP. These cyclic nucleotides in turn activate a series of kinases that phosphorylate the transcription factors cAMP response element binding protein (CREB) and serum response factor (SRF), leading to the expression of plasticity-related genes.[iii] Boosting neuroplasticity enhances cognition and memory.


Vinpocetine (Cavinton, Intelectol) is a unique nootropic supplement derived from the lesser periwinkle plant (Vinca Minor).

A flowering plant native to central and southern Europe and Turkey, Vinca Minor is also grown as ground cover in the United States.


Since it was first released in 1978, Vinpocetine has earned a well-deserved reputation with the nootropics community for optimizing cognitive health. Primarily by boosting cerebral blood flow.

But to understand how and why Vinpocetine boosts cognition and protects your brain, we need to dive in to how blood flows in your brain.

An optimized adult brain gets about 1/7th of your heart’s output of blood every minute. Your brain needs this blood flow for a constant supply of glucose, oxygen and other nutrients to keep it functioning properly.

Unlike other organs and muscles in your body, your brain cannot stand an interruption in this steady flow of blood.

Two carotid arteries in the sides of your neck send blood to the front and top of your brain. Arteries in your vertebrae (spine) join with your carotid arteries at the base of your brain to form the Circle of Willis.[iv]

The Circle of Willis is critical because it is the only area of your body where all four major blood vessels join. Allowing blood to be sent to areas where it is needed. Even if one of the major blood vessels becomes blocked.

We’ll take a look at “How things go bad” later in this article. The good news is that Vinpocetine can have a profound effect on maintaining and repairing your brain’s blood vessels, cerebral blood flowing through the Circle of Willis, and to individual brain cells.

Vinpocetine not only helps increase cerebral blood flow, it also works as a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory in your brain.


How does Vinpocetine work in the Brain?

Vinpocetine boosts brain health and function in several ways. But two in particular stand out.

  1. Vinpocetine boosts cerebral circulation. Your brain only accounts for about 2% of your bodyweight, but it consumes about 20% of the oxygen and nutrients circulating in your blood.[v] This is why strong, healthy cerebral blood flow is so critical to your brain health and cognitive performance.

Vinpocetine inhibits an enzyme called PDE1 (phosphodiesterase type 1) while reducing calcium levels in brain cells. When both of these are elevated, the smooth muscle in blood vessels contract, narrowing the diameter of blood vessels. And restricting blood flow to that area of the brain.

You may be familiar with PDE5 inhibitors like Viagra® which work to dilate blood vessels and maintain healthy blood flow to your penis. Vinpocetine has a similar mechanism of action in your brain.

In two separate clinical studies, chronic ischemic post-stroke patients were treated with either a single infusion, or daily infusion of Vinpocetine for 2 weeks.

Vinpocetine increased cerebral glucose uptake and glucose metabolism in both the stroke region of the patient’s brains as well as the intact brain tissue.

Patients in the 2-week long treatment also showed increased cerebral blood flow especially in the thalamus, basal ganglia and visual cortex regions of the brain.[vi]

  1. Vinpocetine is an anti-inflammatory. Vinpocetine prevents the upregulation of NFκB (nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells) by TNFα (tumor necrosis factor alpha).

This sounds a little complicated, but has serious implications in the development of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s Disease. Here’s how it works…

NFκB is a protein complex that controls transcription of DNA, cytokine production (signaling protein) and cell survival. TNFα is a signaling protein (cytokine) involved in inflammation produced by neurons. Vinpocetine inhibits this action.

Vinpocetine also reduces the TNFα-induced expression of the mRNA of pro-inflammatory molecules such as interleukin-1β, monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1), and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1).

Researchers have found that Vinpocetine prevents this inflammatory response at the cellular nucleus level. And this mechanism of action is independent of Vinpocetine’s action on PDE1.

This is a very big deal because TNFα contributes to the neuronal cell death found in Parkinson’s Disease. And there is growing evidence that the accumulation of amyloid-β protein leads to an upregulation of interleukins and TNFα that contributes to neurodegeneration leading to Alzheimer’s Disease.

Scientists are now working on trying to determine if Vinpocetine can reduce inflammation in the brain. And help protect the brain from developing Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s.[vii]

How things go bad

Poor cerebral blood flow, inflammation and free radicals (oxidation) can damage your brain. And one of the ways this manifests is memory loss. Left unchecked, it can develop into serious neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Disease.Vinpocetine improves memory

↓ Cognitive function declines

↓ Inflammation kills brain cells from the inside

↓ Free radicals destroy neurons and synapses

↑ Anxiety, depression and moodiness increase

Concentration and memory declines

Poor cerebral circulation causes a domino effect in the brain affecting many critical processes. Memory, cognition, and decision-making all suffer as a result.

Vinpocetine benefits

Vinpocetine is one of the most researched nootropics on the planet. It was introduced to clinical practice in Hungary in 1978 for the treatment of cerebrovascular (brain blood flow) disorders and related symptoms.

Since then Vinpocetine has become a “reference compound” in pharmacological research of cognitive deficits caused by hypoxia (oxygen deficiency), ischemia (inadequate blood supply) and research into cyclic nucleotides (cAMP and cGMP).

Vinpocetine’s mechanism of action in the brain includes:

  • Increasing brain blood circulation and oxygen utilization
  • Increased tolerance for hypoxia and ischemia
  • Anticonvulsant activity
  • Inhibiting the PDE1 enzyme
  • Increasing the pliability of red blood cells
  • Inhibiting the aggregation of platelets (blood clots)[viii]

Hundreds of studies in animals and humans have shown Vinpocetine can repair and reverse the effects of damage caused by strokes. Vinpocetine can prevent the inflammation and damage by free radicals that can lead to neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.

Vinpocetine can improve glucose and oxygen supply to critical brain cells through increased blood flow. Improving cognition, concentration, mental agility, anxiety, depression and memory.

How does Vinpocetine feel?

You should be able to feel the effects of Vinpocetine within an hour of taking it.

Neurohackers report that Vinpocetine reduces brain fog and mental fatigue. Most experience improved focus, memory and even an improved sense of well-being.

Vinpocetine’s effect on short-, working- and long-term memory can be profound. Remembering names, numbers and life events becomes easier.

At work or in school, Vinpocetine can assist in learning and helping your brain commit it to memory. You should feel a significant difference in your ability to focus at work.

And like any nootropic, Vinpocetine is not going to turn back the clock 30 or 40 years. But it will help to keep your brain functioning more smoothly.


Vinpocetine Clinical Research

Vinpocetine Improves Memory

12 healthy female volunteers were treated with 40 mg Vinpocetine 3-times per day, or a placebo, for 2 days in this randomized double-blind crossover study.

On day 3 of the study, and one hour following morning dosage of Vinpocetine, the women completed a battery of psychological tests. The study found that those who used Vinpocetine had a significant improvement in memory when compared to placebo.[ix]

Vinpocetine Repairs Long-Term Potentiation

If you have been having problems with long-term memory lately, this study is for you.

Researchers produced a “medial septal lesion” on rats in the lab. The medial nuclei are an area of the brain composed of medium-size neurons.  These neurons receive signals from different areas of your brain including your hippocampus.

A lesion cuts off communication with an important memory-formation area of your brain. The effect of a lesion in this study was on hippocampus function and the long-term potentiation pathway.

The scientists found that damage in this area of the brain negatively affects long-term potentiation. The rats were then given either physostigmine, piracetam, Vinpocetine or Hydergine one hour after the lesion. And once-a-day for 6 days after the operation.

The study found that all of the drugs used in this study produced complete restoration of long-term potentiation. And shows that Vinpocetine is one of the most effective and least expensive ways to restore long-term potentiation and long-term memory formation.[x]

Vinpocetine Enhances Cognitive Performance

A placebo-controlled, randomized double-blind trial was conducted at the University of Surrey with 203 dementia patients using Vinpocetine. Patients received either 10 mg of Vinpocetine 3-times per day, 20 mg of Vinpocetine 3-times per day or a placebo 3-times per day for 16 weeks.

The patients were assessed on cognitive performance and measure of quality of life, including depression. Both Vinpocetine groups experienced a significantly improved cognitive performance score compared to placebo.

The study concluded that Vinpocetine was useful in the management of patients with symptoms of dementia. And there was no statistical difference in cognitive scores with 10 mg or 20 mg of Vinpocetine.[xi]

Vinpocetine Dosage

Vinpocetine has a reputation among neurohackers and in clinical trials for safety at recommended doses.Vinpocetine-dosage

The recommended dosage for Vinpocetine is 10 mg taken 3-times per day with food. Vinpocetine seems to be more effective when taken with a meal or high quality fat like coconut or olive oil.

You can safely dose up to 60 mg of Vinpocetine per day total. But clinical trials and user experience nearly always report that higher doses provide no added benefit.

Vinpocetine Side Effects

Vinpocetine is well-tolerated and safe for use by most people. But if you’re particularly sensitive to supplements and drugs, try a starting dose of 5 mg of Vinpocetine and see how your body reacts.

If you’re dealing with low blood pressure you should avoid using Vinpocetine. This nootropic affects blood flow not only in your brain, but through your entire system. If you take Vinpocetine and feel light-headed or dizzy it could be a sign your blood pressure is low.

Vinpocetine affects clotting factors in your blood. And may decrease red blood cell platelet aggregation. So if you are using blood thinners or high doses of aspirin you should avoid Vinpocetine.

Stop taking Vinpocetine at least 2 weeks before surgery because of its effect on blood thinning and flow.

The US FDA issued a warning June 2019 stating that women who are pregnant or intend on becoming pregnant should not use Vinpocetine. Because a recent animal study shows that Vinpocetine decreased fetal weight and increased the chances of a miscarriage.

Where to buy Vinpocetine

Vinpocetine usually comes in 5, 10 or 20 mg tablets.

Many countries around the world require a prescription to purchase Vinpocetine.  In the USA, the FDA recently added Vinpocetine to its “Dietary Supplement Ingredient Advisory List“.

The FDA says this list, “is intended to quickly alert the public when the FDA identifies ingredients that do not appear to be lawfully included in products marketed as dietary supplements.”

In this instance, Vinpocetine was put on FDA’s list at the request of a major pharmaceutical company who intend to make and market it as a prescription drug. Which means you can no longer buy Vinpocetine from vendors such as Amazon or Bulk Supplements.

I use and recommend: Life Extension – Vinpocetine

Nootropics Expert Recommendation

Vinpocetine 10 mg 3-times per day

Nootropics Expert Tested and ApprovedWe recommend using Vinpocetine as a nootropic supplement.

Your body does not make Vinpocetine on its own. So you must take it as a supplement.

Vinpocetine easily crosses the blood-brain barrier and is available within an hour of taking it. Vinpocetine works more effectively if taken with food.

Vinpocetine is especially helpful for those suffering from brain fog and memory loss. Vinpocetine helps increase cerebral blood flow bringing more oxygen and nutrients to brain cells.

Vinpocetine is helpful for those dealing with stroke recovery. This nootropic helps restore blood flow to damaged areas of the brain affected by stroke. And helps prevent damage caused by the increase in free radicals typically released during stroke recovery.

Vinpocetine is also helpful for those suffering from Alzheimer’s. It has been shown to boost blood flow to areas of the brain affected by amyloid-β protein aggregation. Vinpocetine helps tame inflammation associated with the disease. And studies are now underway to determine if Vinpocetine can prevent Alzheimer’s from taking hold in the first place.

You can safely take up to 60 mg of Vinpocetine daily if needed. One dose first thing in the morning. One dose early afternoon. And the last dose in the evening.

And for memory, Vinpocetine is great to stack with most of the racetams. Neurohackers report good success stacking Vinpocetine with Gotu Kola.

I use and recommend: Life Extension – Vinpocetine

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This post may also contain other affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links.

[i] Gedeon Richter Ltd. Annual Report 2015 (source)

[ii] “Vinpocetine” US National Toxicology Program [CAS No. 42971-09-5] September 2013 (source)

[iii] Beavo J.A. “Cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases: functional implications of multiple isoforms.” Physiological Revues. 1995 Oct;75(4):725-48. (source)

[iv] Tubbs R.S. “Circle of Willis Anatomy” Medscape June 03, 2013 (source)

[v] Kalaria R.N. “Vascular Basis for Brain Degeneration: Faltering Controls and Risk Factors for Dementia” Nutrition Reveiws. 2010 Dec; 68(Suppl 2): S74–S87. (source)

[vi] Vas A., Gulyás B., Szabó Z., Bönöczk P., Csiba L., Kiss B., Kárpáti E., Pánczél G., Nagy Z. “Clinical and non-clinical investigations using positron emission tomography, near infrared spectroscopy and transcranial Doppler methods on the neuroprotective drug vinpocetine: a summary of evidences.” Journal of the Neurological Sciences. 2002 Nov 15;203-204:259-62. (source)

[vii] Medina A. “Vinpocetine as a potent antiinflammatory agent”Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U S A. 2010 Jun 1; 107(22): 9921–9922. (source)

[viii] Kiss B., Kárpáti E. in Hungarian “[Mechanism of action of vinpocetine].” Acta Pharmaceutica Hungary. 1996 Sep;66(5):213-24. (source)

[ix] Subhan Z., Hindmarch I. “Psychopharmacological effects of vinpocetine in normal healthy volunteers.” European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. 1985;28(5):567-71. (source)

[x] Molnár P., Gaál L., Horváth C. “The impairment of long-term potentiation in rats with medial septal lesion and its restoration by cognition enhancers.” Neurobiology (Budapest). 1994;2(3):255-66. (source)

[xi] Hindmarch I., Fuchs H.H., Erzigkeit H. “Efficacy and tolerance of vinpocetine in ambulant patients suffering from mild to moderate organic psychosyndromes.” International Clinical Psychopharmacology. 1991 Spring;6(1):31-43. (source)

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Join The Discussion - 165 comments

December 29, 2022

Hello David,
I’m very concerned about the anticoagulation effect of Vinpocetine, which I had purchased a year ago, but didn’t use it, cause I have low platelets count of 158,000 which means I’m on the verge of having Thrombocytopenia (150,000 and lower).
and above all, I’ve been already taking vitamins and nootropics with anticoagulation effects like Vitamin C, Melatonin, Omega 3, Rutin, EGCG and Piracetam and they all have blood thinning effects! and I’m afraid to make my risk of bleeding even worse if I take Vinpocetine!
is there any risk for me to take multiple supplements and nootropics with blood thinning effects?
Btw, I’m 27 male and I’m a very healthy and active person!

Happy New years!

    David Tomen
    December 29, 2022

    Solomon, Vinpocetine is not a typical anticoagulant. It works by inhibiting an enzyme called PDE1 (phosphodiesterase type 1). I suggest you read through my entire review above and get familiar with exactly how Vinpocetine works. That should provide some comfort and lessen your worry about using this amazing nootropic.

December 15, 2022

Hi David, do you know if Vinpocetine has an negative interactions with SSRIs?

    David Tomen
    December 16, 2022

    Ken, Vinpocetine is not contraindicated with SSRIs.

November 27, 2022

Vinpocetine 10 mg By source naturals is available on Amazon. The reviews are mostly good, but I am concerned about one ingredient. Microcrystalline. Not sure exactly what it is. Do you know if it safe to ingest? Definitions online did not ease my concerns. There is also one on amazon by Olympian labs. I have concerns as well about their other ingredients. I will leave a link to that one. Thank you.

    David Tomen
    November 28, 2022

    Angela, the problem with that supplement is Silicon Dioxide. The ingredient you are asking about is just the capsule.

      December 2, 2022

      Thank you. I bought the Source Naturals brand. It does have magnesium stearate in it. My husband wants to know where to get a topical form.
      Thank you for your research.

        David Tomen
        December 4, 2022

        Angela, I am not aware of anyone to makes a topical form of Vinpocetine.

October 15, 2022

Hi David!

Many stimulants like caffeine and methtlphenidate act as vasoconstrictors. They stimulate catecholamines which we all want, but decrease brain blood flow right?

I personally feel tired after vinpocetine and Pine Bark. I have low blood pressure and have 20 years old. But taking them specifically only with stimulants makes perfect sense for synergy right? At least to help preserve blood flow from being decreased from stimulant use. I’m correct?

    David Tomen
    October 22, 2022

    Alex, if you are only 20, I would not worry about Vaso constriction. If you were 40 or 50 then it would be a worry.

August 11, 2022

I had been taking Cavinton for just 2 weeks (10 mg 2 times a day) because of the noise in my ears and had to stop it due to the horrible side effects: they started from the light headache and by the end of the first week of treatment along with becoming super active I stopped sleeping, lost my appetize and got very severe headache that I have never had before.

    David Tomen
    August 11, 2022

    Mar, it sounds like Vinpocetine is simply the wrong supplement for you.

    Other supplements you can try for tinnitus include: a bioactive B-Complex, Ginkgo Biloba, CoQ10, and maritime Pine Bark Extract.

July 3, 2022


There is research that suggests Vinpocetine contains compounds similar to those found in Resperidone which is antagonist to dopamine and serotonin. Just would like to know your thoughts on this.
Thank you

May 29, 2022

Due to the FDA, I haven’t been able to find many sources of Vinpocetine. Is there a brand you would recommend?

    David Tomen
    May 30, 2022

    Frank, I get my Vinpocetine here:

      October 23, 2022

      Hi David, first time commenting, but been on your site before. Also signed up. iHerb carries Vinpocetine by LE. And you can become iHerb associate as well.

        David Tomen
        October 23, 2022

        Zalman, I do have an affiliate relationship with iHerb and this is the link for Life Extension Vinpocetine:

    August 10, 2022

    Vitamin shop also carries it too. That’s where I’ve been getting mine.

      David Tomen
      August 11, 2022

      Matt, I’m surprised that Vitamin Shoppe now carries Vinpocetine. Someone in their executive suite must have gotten brave.

        August 11, 2022

        I am too too, exactly. They have sales for members all the time that they email out after you make an account with them, I wait for those sales and stock up.

May 20, 2022

I use yohimbine for bodybuilding competition preps. Since they both affect blood flow im cautious to use vinpocetine at the same time. I really don’t want to choose one over the other since they both benefit. Can you give me your input on them?

    David Tomen
    May 20, 2022

    I have not done any research on Yohimbe do do not know how much it affects brain blood flow. Vinpocetine is the best supplement I know of for improving cerebral circulation. I’m sure it improves blood flow throughout the body as well. But it’s my brain where I notice it most.

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