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Bacopa Monnieri (Brahmi) is a perennial, creeping, aquatic herb. Originally from the wetlands of India, and other southeastern Asian countries.
Bacopa, also known as water hyssop, is often referred to as “Brahmi”. Named after the supreme god Brahma.
The nootropic benefits of Bacopa Monnieri were first revealed in ancient Ayurvedic texts. In was recommended to devotees to help memorize long passages of text. And enhance cognition.
And Bacopa Monnieri is an adaptogen. It helps prevent the chemical and physical effects of stress. Instead of just suppressing them like many modern antidepressants.
Bacopa Monnieri helps:
- Neurotransmitters. Bacopa affects brain levels of acetylcholine which is important for memory and cognition.
- Cognition. Bacopa has antioxidant effects which enhances cognitive function. Bacopa extract helps prevent arterial plaque that can lead to heart attack, stroke and other neurodegenerative diseases.
- Anxiety and stress. Bacopa has a significant anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) effect. It appears to modulate brain levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin. This has an effect on mood regulation.
Bacopa Monnieri (Brahmi) is an aquatic herb originally found in the wetlands and marshy areas of Southeast Asia and India.

Bacopa, also known as water hyssop, is often referred to as “Brahmi”. Named after the supreme god Brahma.
Ancient Ayurvedic texts talked about Bacopa. It was recommended to devotees to help memorize long passages of text.
In the West, Bacopa Monnieri is often used to reduce anxiety, depression and stress. But it’s gaining popularity in the nootropic community as a powerful memory and cognition booster.
The active compound Bacoside A in Bacopa easily crosses the blood-brain barrier.
How does Bacopa Monnieri Work in the Brain?
Bacopa Monnieri boosts brain health and function in several ways. But two in particular stand out.
- Bacopa Monnieri boosts memory. Bacopa’s two active components are bacosides A and B. They improve the signaling of electrical impulses between neurons in your brain. Bacosides also help rebuild damaged neurons.
Bacopa Monnieri helps you learn and remember things more easily. In one study, researchers gave 54 volunteers in Portland, Oregon 300 mg of B. Monnieri per day for 12 weeks.
After the 12-week study, the people taking Bacopa had:
- Better word recall
- Better attention
- Better memory scores
- A greater ability to focus while learning
- Less anxiety and lower heart rates[i]
- Bacopa Monnieri reduces stress. Bacopa has traditionally been used in Ayurveda as a tonic for the nervous system. It helps to reduce anxiety.
Research at Banaras Hindu University in India showed Bacopa as effective for anxiety as the benzodiazepine drug lorazepam. One of the side effects of lorazepam is memory loss. Bacopa Monnieri on the other hand, reduced anxiety while boosting cognition.[ii]
How things go bad
Chronic stress and cortisol can damage your brain. Neuroscientists at the University of California, Berkeley, found that chronic stress triggers long-term change in brain structure and function.[iii]
Chronic stress damages neural networks. Certain proteins are over-expressed damaging neurons as a result.
Toxins invade cells, hijacking their normal, healthy function. And oxidative damage by free radicals harm brain cells if they’re not removed.
↓ Chronic stress reduces memory capacity
↓ Toxins kill brain cells from the inside
↓ Free radicals destroy neurons and synapses
Under conditions of chronic stress your brain loses the capacity to transmit signals between neurons efficiently. Memory, cognition, and decision-making all suffer as a result.
Bacopa Monnieri benefits
Bacopa Monnieri undoes damage to the brain caused by chronic stress. And helps keep it healthy. This is a little complicated, so stay with me here.
Your brain is protected by heat-shock protein 70 (Hsp70), cytochrome enzymes EROD and PROD, and superoxide dismutase (SOD).
Hsp70 helps proteins in cells retain normal structure so they remain functional. EROD (7-ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase) and PROD (7-pentoxyresorufin-O-dealkylase) are detox enzymes. They protect your brain by converting bad toxins into less harmful compounds. And SOD battles destructive free radicals called superoxides. And converts them into harmless organic compounds.
Bacopa Monnieri Keeps Your Brain Healthy Under Stress
When you are under stress, levels of Hsp70 increase in all regions of your brain. But research shows that animals pretreated with Bacopa for 7 days prevented most of this increase in Hsp70. Particularly in areas of the brain responsible for memory.
This means that producing less Hsp70 under stress, Bacopa makes your brain less susceptible to stress. Bacopa kept those regions of the brain in a non-stressed state. Even in the presence of stress.
Bacopa also has a preemptive action on EROD and PROD. Rats treated with Bacopa, but not under stress, saw an increase in these two enzymes. Suggesting that Bacopa helps stockpile these protective enzymes to help you better deal with stress.
And when it comes to SOD, researchers said, “Bacopa helps in coping with the combined hypoxic, hypothermic, and immobilization stress, which could lead to an onslaught of free radicals.” So Bacopa helps SOD activity and prepares cells to weather attacks by free radicals.[iv]
Translated, this all means Bacopa Monnieri helps your brain deal with stress. And helps boost memory.
How does Bacopa Monnieri feel?
The effects of Bacopa are not felt immediately. But seem to build over time. Some users report a pronounced anti-anxiety effect within 2 – 4 days of supplementing with Bacopa.
In one study done in Australia, results were measured at 5 and 12 weeks of taking Bacopa. The results showed improved speed of information processing, and an increase in learning and memory. Maximum reduction in anxiety was realized after 12 weeks of use.[v]
Some neurohackers say they feel the effects of Bacopa Monnieri sooner than 4 weeks. And the effects seem to keep working even after stopping supplementation. The effects are long-term.
Long term users say they consistently feel calmer, can think quicker and have better memory.
Bacopa Monnieri Clinical Research
Bacopa Monnieri as a Nootropic
This double-blind placebo-controlled investigation was done at Swinburne University in Australia. 107 healthy participants were given 300 mg of Bacopa Monnieri extract for 90 days.
After 90 days, the people who took B. Monnieri extract showed significant improvement in spatial memory, memory accuracy and their ability to process visual information.[vi]
Bacopa Monnieri for Stress Reduction
Bacopa is likely best known for reducing stress. Recent research at Swinburne University of Technology in Australia confirmed this in the lab.
In this double-blind, placebo-controlled cross-over study 17 healthy volunteers were given 320 mg or 640 mg of Bacopa extract. The study reported significant mood improvement, and decreased levels of cortisol.
This study demonstrated Bacopa’s adaptogenic qualities. Bacopa Monnieri counteracted the effects of stress by regulating hormones involved in the stress response.[vii]
Bacopa Monnieri for Longevity
Long-term exposure to aluminum can increase your risk of Alzheimer’s Disease by 60 percent.[viii] (So check your underarm deodorant label before you read the rest of this article).
Research shows that Bacopa Monnieri can protect you from toxins that are harmful to your brain. Including aluminum.
It prevents the buildup of toxins between and inside neurons. And prevents damage to the hippocampus. The area of your brain critical for learning, memory and cognitive power.
Scientists at Jawaharlal Nehru University in India laced rats’ drinking water with aluminum chloride. The same aluminum that’s toxic to your brain. Some of the rats in this study had the protective power of Bacopa Monnieri going for them.
Bacopa Monnieri protected the rat’s brains from oxidative damage from the aluminum. And it worked as well as the Alzheimer’s drug selegiline. Bacopa restored the enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD) to levels near normal. Indicating Bacopa Monnieri’s anti-aging potential.[ix]
Bacopa Monnieri Recommended Dosage
There is no ‘right’ dosage of Bacopa. Each person’s body is unique. In general, use the lowest dosage that works for you. And Bacopa works better if taken a few days in a row rather than just once.
Recommended dosage of Bacopa Monnieri containing 45% bacosides is 200 – 450 mg per day.
Recommended dosage of Bacopa Monnieri containing 20% bacosides is 750 mg per day.
Higher dosing should be divided equally with your first dose in the morning, and next dose early afternoon.
Bacopa is fat-soluble so should be taken with a healthy fat source like organic, cold-pressed virgin olive or coconut oil. Fat helps your body absorb the compounds in Bacopa that bring you benefit. And helps deliver it into your brain cells.
Bacopa Monnieri Side Effects
Side effects for Bacopa Monnieri are rare when taken as directed. But can include fatigue and upset stomach.
Types of Bacopa Monnieri to buy
The bioactive component of Bacopa Monnieri is Bacoside A. Which is a mixture of saponins with bacoside A3, bacopaside II, and jujubogenin isomer of bacopasaponin C.
Bacopa Monnieri extract can be found in some of higher quality pre-formulated nootropic stacks. For example, Mind Lab Pro® contains 11 brain enhancing nootropic compounds including Bacopa Monnieri extract with 24% bacosides and all the bioactive saponins and isomers listed above.
I recommend Mind Lab Pro because it addresses all aspects of anxiety resistance, memory and cognitive enhancement, stabilizes mood, brain repair, and maintenance.
This premium nootropic stack is designed to affect neurotransmitters, cognitive energy, brain waves, neuroprotection, and regeneration. See my Mind Lab Pro 4.0 review for a detailed report.
Bacopa supplements are also available as a powder, capsules and tablets. Check the label for the concentration of Bacosides. A Bacopa extract with a higher Bacoside concentration requires a lower dose.
Nootropics Expert Recommendation
Bacopa Monnieri up to 450 mg per day
I recommend using Bacopa Monnieri as a nootropic supplement.
Your body does not make Bacopa Monnieri on its own. So you must take it as a supplement.
B. Monnieri is especially helpful for those suffering from anxiety and stress. Studies show it helps stop and reverse the devastating effects of stress on your brain, and body. This nootropic helps repair damage to neurons and synapses caused by chronic stress.
Bacopa is a powerful adaptogen. Which means it helps increase the effect of certain hormones when activity is low. And will block excess stimulation when activity is high.
Bacopa Monnieri is also helpful for those suffering from anxiety and panic disorders. A study published in Phytomedicine showed the calming effect of this herb was equal to the drug Ativan (lorazepam). Without the side effects.
The ancient Ayurvedic texts knew what we’re only now discovering. That Bacopa is a powerful memory enhancer. Recent studies in Australia and the USA show B. Monnieri helps improve word recall, memory scores, attention and learning.
You can buy individual Bacopa Monnieri supplements. Or you could try my favorite pre-formulated nootropic stack Mind Lab Pro® which includes the full spectrum saponins, bacosides, and isomers in its Bacopa Monnieri extract.
Mind Lab Pro contains a synergistic blend of 11 brain enhancing nootropics covering all aspects of cognition and brain health. See my full Mind Lab Pro 4.0 review for more.
You can safely take up to 450 mg of Bacopa Monnieri extract (45% Bacosides) daily if needed. Half the dose first thing in the morning. And the other half early afternoon. And it’s fat-soluble. So to ensure absorption take it with a tablespoon of virgin coconut or MCT oil.
Join The Discussion - 269 comments
August 11, 2021
I have used hair products that are sold as Brahmi. Do you think there is any absorption through the skin using it as a hair mask/conditioner?
David Tomen
August 11, 2021
Sher, Brahmi contains Asiatic acid which boosts collagen synthesis. And it increases blood flow bringing more oxygen and nutrients to your scalp. But you likely need to leave it on for 3 – 5 minutes so it can penetrate your scalp.
Jennifer Isaac
July 23, 2021
Hi David,
I was able to cancel my order of NALT. I have decided to try Bacopa Monnieri for my Anxiety, Depression and to help me sleep. I have purchased a product with 50% Bacosides that has 500mg in each capsule. You suggest up to 450 mg a day, so should 1 capsule a day be enough or do I need more to treat my Anxiety and Depression and to help me sleep. When is the best time to take it?
David Tomen
July 25, 2021
Jennifer, you can try Bacopa Monnieri before bed. But remember that it is fat-soluble and requires a healthy fat to be absorbed. I use unrefined coconut oil but you can also use extra virgin olive oil. And it may take several days of use before you begin to feel the full benefit of Bacopa as well. So it is does not work the first day don’t give up on it. Keep on using it daily for a week or two to give it a chance.
Jennifer Isaac
July 28, 2021
Thanks for your great advice. I need to take Bacopa Monnieri with an oil of some kind. Will it work okay if I take it with my 3 capsules of fish oil that are 1000mg each
David Tomen
July 28, 2021
Jennifer, you need something like a tablespoon of unrefined coconut oil or extra virgin olive oil. Not fish oil. You shouldn’t be using fish oil in the first place. Because your brain is crying out for 1,000 mg per day of DHA. And I doubt your fish oil supplement provides 1,000 mg DHA.
December 3, 2021
Hello David
Do you mind to explaining further the statement “You shouldn’t be using fish oil in the first place” – interested to have your knowledgeable take on this.
Thank you for a wonderful informative website!
David Tomen
December 4, 2021
Frank, because your brain is about 60% fat and most of that fat is DHA. The majority of Omega-3 and fish oil supplements do not contain nearly enough DHA. And typically contain higher levels of EPA than DHA anyway. Here is more no DHA:
July 23, 2021
Hi David,
In regards to stacking with Mind Lab Pro, I am concerned about the anhedonia often caused by Bacopa Monnieri. I am a composer, and after trying Bacopa Monnieri for 3-4 weeks once before, my emotional sensitivity became so vapid, that I actually ended up losing work due to the inability to gauge whether or not what I was writing had any emotional meaning. I find this effect to occur to a lesser degree with Racetams as well (which is extremely frustrating, because I respond extremely well to Piracetam).
Do you know of any nootropics that can enhance a composer’s emotional sensitivity? Also, do you know of any nootropics that can stop or counterbalance the anhedonia caused by Bacopa?
David Tomen
July 25, 2021
Ed, I’ve seen a couple of mentions of anhedonia and Bacopa Monnieri on reddit but nowhere else. Odd because a couple of clinical studies showed Bacopa Monnieri as an effective method for alleviating anhedonia (
Anhedonia has been successfully treated with Ketamine which is NMDA receptor antagonist. The only thing I can suggest is possibly experimenting with other natural NMDA receptor antagonists like L-Theanine, Noopept, Lithium Orotate or Cat’s Claw. No guarantees any of those will work for you however.
Only other thing to consider is hormones and trying something like Progesterone and see if that works for you. As long as it doesn’t mess with your other sex hormones like testosterone.
May 29, 2021
Hi David, in my country I can’t get Mind Lab Pro, I would like to know please if this supplement is a good alternative? Lion’s Mane Mind Formula by DailyNutra
David Tomen
June 1, 2021
Raquel, there is no direct comparison with Mind Lab Pro and this supplement by DailyNutra. I suggest you compare each of the ingredients in these two formulas and with a careful investigation you’ll realize this other supplement only offers a most half the benefit of using Mind Lab Pro.
The other problem I have with this supplement by DailyNutra and every other manufacturer who unwisely include Huperzine-A in their formula. Huperzine-A has 24 hour half-life which means you cannot use it every day. So their supplement cannot be used daily safely.
You are going to find it very difficult to find something that works like and as well as Mind Lab Pro. This stack is unique and they have set the bar for the entire industry. The only way to try and mimic their formula is with individual supplements that match the ingredients in MLP.
May 4, 2021
do you recommend a particular brand
David Tomen
May 4, 2021
Sunny, you get 150 mg Bacopa Monnieri extract in Mind Lab Pro ( Or as a standalone supplement this one by Double Wood is good:
Kathy WS
May 25, 2021
Life Extension has 250 mg bacopa. i get almost all my supplements there
David Tomen
May 25, 2021
Kathy, if you are happy with the Life Extension supplement and have no problems with any of the additives they often include in their supplements then use it.
May 2, 2021
Hi David,
Was wondering if you could clear up the confusion with Vitamin Shoppes’ brand. The dose seems weak, am I wrong? They suggest 1 a day, is that enough to get any benefit?
Vitamin Shoppe – Bacopa
David Tomen
May 4, 2021
Matt, the Vitamin Shoppe Bacopa contains 100 mg Bacopin which is a 20% bacoside extract made by Sabinsa. So the quality appears to be there. Dosage may be low however. Only thing to do is test it. You may need to triple or quadruple the dose for it to be effective if you find their dosage isn’t enough.
April 13, 2021
Hi David,
I have androgenetic alopecia but been fighting to minimize the rate of loss. I was taking bacopa+sideritis scardica+B complex+Zn for 2 months in December and January due to my intense studies. I noticed that my hair loss rate has increased. When I ran out of pills, I felt like hair loss decreased again. Might also be due to the end of exams and related anxiety. Now I take a stack of stuff like omega 3-6-9, l-carnitin, lecithin+B complex, gotu kola, and finally bacopa. I feel like my hair loss is back again. Do you have any idea about this phenomenon? In general, how do these neural enhancers affect the quality and quantity of our hair and have there been any studies on that? I am planning to get a new stack and trying to find out if I should avoid some of components. My bucket includes bacopa+lions mane+alcar+q10+omega3+alpha gpc+B complex+Zn+Mg.
Thanks in advance
Best Regards
David Tomen
April 15, 2021
Eamon, my area of expertise is below the scalp (i.e. the brain) and not with things like hair loss.
But as a man and as far as I know a build up of DHT in your scalp is what causes most hair loss in men. Other than genetics. Some of the vitamins and minerals are also involved in hair and skin health. But I don’t recall which ones.
I also understand that increased stress can result in hair loss. So look at this from a different angle and get your stress levels under control. That may help more that directly trying to keep your hair.
April 9, 2021
Dear David,
It is with Immense Gratitude and Appreciation for your teachings and for creating such a Healthy environment for learning and sharing our experiences. In search to learn more about Huperzine-A and Choline that I recently started to use to prolong Lucid Dreams, I found a Treasure of information that I am more than Happy to explore as I also need some Memory/Cognition boost as well. For the past few days I have chosen some nootropics that seems to fit my needs and as I explore them, one step at a time, I will be more that Happy to share my experience.
Been using:
Huperzine-A & Choline Synergistically (once a week for Lucid Dreams)
Vitamins B6 – B9 – B12 (Daily)
Bacopa 750Mg with 24% Bacopa saponins/ 2 Tbs Olive Oil
Today 11am first dose – now 9pm
One hour after ingestion, subtle neurologic responses that started in my head and slowly proceeded down my body until it reached my feet.
I felt really relaxed throughout the day in a very unique and pleasant manner.
It felt as if I meditated all day. Amazing feeling almost like Huperzine-A in a more Peaceful/Mellow way.
As a note, I’ve practiced Meditation for many years and it has made me very aware of my body, hence the ability to almost immediately feel any change in my physiology. These first impressions may not be noticeable immediately but it is part of the process. It’s a cascade of Wellness.
With Much Gratitude & Appreciation for Sharing your Wisdom.
Ps. I first found you (or you found me) on YouTube (Subscriber)
David Tomen
April 16, 2021
Thanks Jay.