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I regularly get asked what multivitamin I personally use and which one I’d recommend.
This post is a detailed response to very best multivitamin for men question for the year 2025. And it’s important because you will not find a Top 5 or Top 10 best multivitamins for men on my site.
I simply cannot in good conscience recommend any other of the hundreds of multis that are on the market. Only the one I currently use.
And I have tried many of the top brands of men’s multivitamins over the last 16 years. Including the well-known raw- and whole-food multivitamins available at your local vitamin shop, Whole Foods and online.
Here you’ll find out why I have problems with most multivitamins on the market.
I reveal some of the deceptive marketing used by these supplement manufacturers. And how many of the poor-quality vitamins and minerals used in some of these multis are cheap substitutes your body cannot use.
Then you’ll learn more about the best multivitamin I’ve ever used. And continue to use in 2025.
The first time I took this multivitamin I actually felt the difference. That had never happened before when using any other multi.
I’ll tell you how each of the vitamins and minerals in this multi work in your body and brain. Along with links to the science to back it all up.
So stay tuned, and find out why the Performance Lab® NutriGenesis Multi is the best multivitamin for men in 2025.
And if you’re looking for the best Multi for women, you’ll find that here > Multi for women
Why Should Men Use a Multivitamin Supplement?
Men who use a multivitamin often say they take one daily because it’s good health insurance. They “hope” their multi is making up for the essential nutrients missing in their diet.
Turns out they’re onto something. A survey conducted a few years ago with 4,673 teens aged 12 – 19 years found that <1% ate a healthy diet.[i]
Another study published by the Mayo Clinic found that only 2.7% of the adults surveyed followed a healthy lifestyle. The survey included not eating a healthy diet.[ii]
But the thing is, even if you ate your vegetables, didn’t smoke, drank little alcohol, avoided junk food and exercised regularly, you’d still have a problem trying to maintain optimal health.
Because our fruit, vegetable, and meat products simply do not provide enough of the vitamins and minerals you need to support a healthy body and brain.
I’ve written extensively on this subject over the last few years. Here’s an example …
The US Department of Agriculture has recorded the nutrient density of various fruit and vegetable crops since the early 1900’s. And the statistics are downright scary.
A medium-size apple grown today has literally a fraction of the vitamins and minerals compared to an apple grown in 1914. And this drop in nutrient content has been a problem with most fruits and vegetables over the last few decades.[iii]
It’s even more critical to get optimal amounts of the vitamins and minerals daily if you are dealing with chronic health problems.
And if you’re committed to improving your health, in competitive sports, dieting, or simply interested in biohacking your system for better performance – your body and brain require the help of a high-quality multivitamin.
Do Men Really Need a Multivitamin in 2025?
It’s true that supplements will not make up for poor eating habits and an unhealthy lifestyle. But using a multivitamin can make a healthy diet even better.[iv]
In the previous section you saw that even the healthiest diets are challenged getting all the vitamins and minerals you need.
But let’s take a minute, and look at how optimal levels of these nutrients affect your day-to-day health.
Testosterone – Healthy levels of free and total testosterone help you feel like a man and keep your prostate health in check. Particularly when in balance with the other sex hormones like DHT and estrogen.
You need optimal amounts of Vitamin D, Vitamin B5, calcium, magnesium, zinc, and boron to make the testosterone you need.
Antioxidants – A well-functioning immune system is required to keep inflammation, oxidative stress and free radicals in check. Shielding you from whatever bug or virus that is going around. And keeping age-related neurodegenerative disease at bay.
For a healthy immune system, you need optimal daily doses of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin B2, Zinc, Selenium, Copper, and Manganese.
Energy – Nothing puts a damper on your day like fatigue. Running out of energy at any time of the day should be unacceptable. Family, friends and co-workers depend on you. And you depend on you.
For energy metabolism you must get your daily dose of each of the B-Vitamins, iron, iodine, magnesium, copper, manganese, chromium, and molybdenum.
Cognition and mood – As a man, you recognize how important it is to be able to think on your feet. Quick learning and memory make life easier. Less anxiety and a good mood make for a better day.
And to support cognition and mood you need optimal amounts of each of the B-Vitamins, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, calcium, iron, iodine, magnesium, zinc, selenium, copper, manganese, chromium, molybdenum, inositol, and vanadium.
Heart – you know the feeling when your heart is beating normally, you feel full of energy and healthy, and your blood pressure is down. And if you’ve never thought of this before, count yourself lucky.
Because as you get older, things become more of a challenge. Keeping blood pressure under control or warding off a family history of heart disease and/or failure becomes paramount.
For optimal cardiovascular health you need the right daily dose of Vitamin, C, Vitamin E, the B-Vitamins, calcium, iron, magnesium, copper, manganese, chromium, and vanadium.
Looking great – Sporting healthy looking hair, skin and nails tells the world how you feel inside. Call it a barometer of good health.
But spending your hard-earned cash on cosmetics will only help make you look good. The nutrients required for a healthy complexion, great hair and healthy-looking nails and eyes will help you look AND feel good.
For healthy hair, skin and nails you require optimal daily doses of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B7, Vitamin B9, Inositol, Vanadium, and Boron.
I could go on, but I think by now you’re getting the picture.
Are you absolutely sure you ate enough seafood this week to get your optimal dose of iodine?
Was your plate loaded twice every day with green leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds and whole grains to get optimal doses of magnesium, all the B-Vitamins, boron, chromium, copper, potassium and Vitamin K?
I know mine isn’t. And it’s likely why I felt so damn good the first day I tried this new multivitamin/mineral supplement by Performance Lab®.
Best Multivitamin for Men in 2025
Now that we’ve established that men should use a daily multivitamin – which one do you get?
It turns out there are very few raw- and whole-food supplement makers who produce a decent high-quality multivitamin.
I’ve tried many of them, and some are good. These whole-food multivitamins contain the right form and often the right dose of each vitamin and mineral.

But all of them add unnecessary ingredients.
Like a ‘fairy dusting’ of organic fruit and vegetable powders to make it look more like a “whole-food” multi. This adds zero benefit other than fill up the capsule. But it looks good in advertising.
Or you come across a few mgs of CoQ10 in a form your body cannot use. But the manufacturer will market and sell it as a “heart healthy” multi.
Or a few mgs of choline bitartrate and sell it as optimized for cognition. Any experienced neurohacker knows a few milligrams of this form of choline is useless. But it looks good on the label.
Here’s a better idea – how about a simple, pure, bioactive multivitamin that supplies optimal amounts of each of the vitamins and minerals your body and brain need to thrive every day.
The best multivitamin for men in 2025 without question is the Performance Lab® NutriGenesis Multi for men. Suitable for everyone on any diet including a vegetarian or vegan diet.
And here’s what’s in this Multi for men …
Performance Lab® NutriGenesis Multi for Men Ingredients
Vitamin A 600 mcg – for memory formation, quick thinking, brain cell health, vision, your immune system, protein synthesis, tissue repair, bones and is a potent antioxidant
Vitamin C 60 mg – supports your immune system, heart health, neurotransmitter synthesis, and helps in collagen formation for bone health, skin, joint, muscle and gum health, and contributes to blood circulation
Vitamin D3 25 mcg – required for neurotransmitter synthesis[v], gene expression, neuroplasticity for memory, mood[vi], protects DNA and prevents telomere shortening, testosterone synthesis, protein synthesis, your immune system and bones
Vitamin E 20 mg – your most abundant and bioavailable antioxidant protection against oxidative stress and free radicals, immune system, heart health, tissue repair, and great looking hair, skin and nails
Vitamin K1 + K2 100 mcg – named after the German word ‘koagulation’[vii], contributes to myelin synthesis, proteins involved in apoptosis, mitogenesis, neurogenesis and glial cell growth, heart and blood health, bones and joints
Vitamin B1 8 mg – involved in the KREBs cycle that makes ATP in mitochondria for energy, and cofactor in the synthesis of acetylcholine, glutamate and GABA
Vitamin B2 4 mg – part of ATP production in mitochondria for energy and prevent migraines, converting tryptophan to Vitamin B3 (niacin), and Vitamins B6 and Vitamin A into forms your body can use, red blood cell formation, cell growth, and is an antioxidant
Vitamin B3 20 mg – for healthy blood flow, testosterone synthesis[viii], protein and fat metabolism, great looking skin, antioxidant[ix], BDNF and human growth hormone, and stimulates the production of neurotransmitters for better learning, memory, cognition, recall and mood.[x]
Vitamin B5 20 mg – at the heart of the KREBs cycle and electron transport chain needed energy metabolism, testosterone production, heart health, and the synthesis of neurotransmitters for reducing stress, anxiety and depression
Vitamin B6 4 mg – required for the synthesis of dopamine, epinephrine, GABA, melatonin, norepinephrine, and serotonin,[xi] to regulate homocysteine, immune function, gene transcription and expression, blood cell formation, oxygen transport, and blood sugar
Vitamin B7 300 mcg – required for energy metabolism, the synthesis and release of neurotransmitters, myelin formation[xii], white blood cell development, immune system, gene expression, DNA structure, great looking hair, skin and nails, muscle coordination, learning, memory and mood[xiii]
Vitamin B9 668 mcg – needed for DNA and RNA synthesis, gene expression, amino acid synthesis, myelin, all major neurotransmitter creation, and cell creation
Vitamin B12 50 mcg – required for DNA and RNA synthesis, all major neurotransmitters, myelin, regulate homocysteine, and heart health for alertness, cognition, memory, mood and overall good health
Calcium 18 mg – needed for healthy bones, joints, muscles, heart, storing and retrieving memory, testosterone and estradiol control[xiv]
Iron 2 mg – a required cofactor in the synthesis of neurotransmitters and myelin, to make DNA, essential for lipid and brain-energy metabolism, regulating dopamine, serotonin transporter density, and norepinephrine uptake
Iodine 150 mcg – required for the production of thyroid hormones, gene expression, energy metabolism, synthesis and use of GABA,[xv] dopamine release, and acetylcholine synthesis[xvi]
Magnesium 17 mg – needed for DNA and RNA synthesis, neurotransmitter flow, energy metabolism, synaptic plasticity,[xvii] testosterone production, muscle relaxation, blood sugar control, heart health, and strong bones
Zinc 15 mg – for protein synthesis, regulate signaling cascades, gene transcription, neurotransmitter transport, DNA repair and synthesis, methylation, anti-inflammatory, protects against toxic copper levels,[xviii] testosterone production, and vision health
Selenium 125 mcg – needed for thyroid hormone synthesis, catecholamine activation, dopamine pathways, acetylcholine transmission, support your immune system, and is an antioxidant[xix]
Copper 1.5 mg – required for blood vessel and myelin creation,[xx] synapses, ATP synthesis, preventing free radical damage, for neuron and glial cell respiration, vision health, heart health, assists antioxidant use, and supports your immune system
Manganese 2 mg – for bone formation, energy metabolism, blood sugar regulation, calcium absorption, neuron and glial cell function, neurotransmitter synthesis, healthy blood-brain barrier, and brain and spinal cord repair
Chromium 120 mcg – improves insulin sensitivity and blood sugar regulation, energy metabolism, and weight management
Molybdenum 75 mcg – an enzyme cofactor for energy metabolism, and purine metabolism which are components of DNA, RNA, ATP, cAMP, NADH and Coenzyme A, converts toxins to a harmless acid and hydrogen peroxide to be expelled by your kidneys, and prevents and detoxes DNA mutations,[xxi]
Potassium 33 mcg – is an essential mineral for life itself, controls voltage inside and outside of cells, for nerve impulse transmission and muscle contraction, “action potential” within neurons, and your brain’s use of serotonin
Inositol 25 mg – helps control blood sugar,[xxiii] reduces inflammation, regulates cell volume and signaling pathways, assists in DNA repair,[xxiv] and is a secondary messenger of serotonin which helps relieve anxiety and depression.[xxv]
Vanadium 10 mcg – regulates blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol which supports heart health, and is neuroprotective[xxvi]
Boron 1 mg – essential for bone growth and maintenance, increases the half-life and bioavailability of testosterone, estrogen and Vitamin D, reduces inflammation and free radicals, and is a required cofactor in the synthesis of all the major neurotransmitters[xxvii]
For more on how each of these vitamins and minerals work, see my posts on:
13 Vitamins Essential for the Optimized Brain
13 Minerals Essential for the Optimized Brain
Other Ingredients
The only “other ingredients” in the Performance Lab® NutriGenesis Multi for men are NutriCaps® Pullulan capsules made from fermented tapioca and gluten free
That’s it. Nothing else but NutriGenesis® lab grown vitamins and minerals that are identical to what you’d get from real, organic food.
This is a big deal.
Because as I mentioned earlier, most multivitamin supplement manufacturers like to waste capsule space with ‘fairy dust’ amounts of whole-food fruit and vegetable powders.
Or tiny amounts of single nootropics like CoQ10, choline, maca, tea leaf, Ginkgo, ginger, Zeaxanthin and others.
I suppose it looks good in their advertising. But it does nothing for you. Zero. Zip. There’s not enough of any of these nootropics to be effective.
Many of these multivitamins also include toxic ingredients like; silicon dioxide, vegetable stearate, silica, magnesium sulfate, hydrogenated palm oil, polyethylene glycol, Yellow #6 and others. Even in multis made for kids!
These ingredients are used for color, odor control, anti-clumping agents, preservatives, and flow agents so the powder doesn’t stick to encapsulation machines.
The problem is they’re toxic. And can suppress your immune system,[xxviii] cause mitochondrial dysfunction, damage brain cells, cause oxidation stress,[xxix] and who knows what else.
By comparison, the Performance Lab® NutriGenesis Multi contains no “other ingredients”. Just pure, clean nutrients your body recognizes as food and can use.
Where to Buy Performance Lab® NutriGenesis Multi for men
This multivitamin for men is available exclusively from the manufacturer’s website here > Performance Lab® NutriGenesis Multi for men
Price for this Multi
Pricing options for the Performance Lab® NutriGenesis Multi for men in 2025 is very competitively priced:
- 1 Box – 120 capsules for 30 doses – $49 (+ shipping)
- 2 Boxes – 240 capsules for 60 doses – $98 (+ shipping)
- 4 Boxes – 480 capsules for 120 doses – $147 (Get 1 FREE + free shipping)
Or you can subscribe and get 4-Boxes or a 4-month supply of the Performance Lab® NutriGenesis Multi for men for only $133.28 which comes out to only $33.32 a month for an amazing 32% off! That is price competitive with any good BioActive multi on the market.
The recommended dosage is 4-capsules per day on a full or empty stomach. This is considered one box for a month’s supply.
The company has internal quality control with third party testing and ships worldwide from the USA or the UK and to most countries. Check their FAQ page for a detailed list.
Potency and Safety of Dietary Supplements
The Performance Lab® NutriGenesis Multi for men is designed to be taken daily and for the long-term.
No cycling or issues with tolerance. And dosages are based on clinical studies for what your body needs and not the government mandated RDA. It’s safe to use daily for the rest of your life.
I’ve been using this Multi for men daily for over 5 years and have found the benefits are felt especially if used every day.
This multi is all-natural and pure with no toxic additives.
Best Multivitamin for Men – 2025
This multivitamin/mineral supplement is your base. And should be considered the foundation for everything else you’re doing to enhance performance.
Used daily, this multi ensures you’re getting the essential vitamins and minerals your body and brain require. The same type and level of nutrients that was once available in your food supply.
If you spent time with the ingredient list earlier in this review, you may have noticed – this Multi for men covers everything required for a healthy male body and brain. Including methylfolate instead of synthetic folic acid.
This multivitamin supports muscle growth, sex hormones, blood supply and flow, cognition, physical appearance, your immune system, weight maintenance, and more.
I’ve tried many of the other raw- and whole-food multis for men and used them for years before this multi came along.
I’ve used this Performance Lab® NutriGenesis Multi for men every day for over 7 years. And I know based on how I feel and perform that this is the best multivitamin for men on the planet.
Get and try: Performance Lab® NutriGenesis Multi for men, or read my full review here.
Join The Discussion - 51 comments
January 4, 2023
Oh, I dug around the Internet and realized why magnesium sterate/Stearic acid and silicon dioxide are harmful, now I know the most harmful titanium dioxide.
At this rate, my circle of supplements will drop to zero :))
David Tomen
January 10, 2023
Daniel, there are now supplements available that do not contain toxic ingredients such as magnesium stearate or silicon dioxide. I have been ranting about this for years and the industry is finally paying attention it seems.
Mind Lab Pro and all Performance Lab supplements are pure and do NOT contain toxic “other ingredients”. For other brands you’ll need dig harder and deeper to find them. But they do now exist.
January 16, 2022
Hi David,
First of all, I can’t tell you enough how appreciative I am for all of the information you’ve provided here on your website. As an adult recently diagnosed with Inattentive ADHD, I am finding so many benefits from nootropics and can’t thank you enough for making them more accessible and comprehensible.
My one question at the moment is in regards to stearic acid and the related magnesium stearate–are they really that bad? I came across an interesting article/interview that raises seemingly valid questions about the limits of that 1990 study that you cited:
“Magnesium Stearate: A Safe and Effective Filler – Setting the Record Straight”
Numerous points are made about stearic acid and magnesium stearate, but here are a few of them:
– “Flow agents help ensure a consistent dose of product in each capsule. Magnesium stearate does this by preventing individual ingredients from sticking to each other and from sticking to the encapsulating machines. It allows manufacturers to create a consistently homogenous mix, so the amount of active ingredients is the same from capsule to capsule or tablet to tablet.”
Do you by chance know what Performance Lab uses as an alternative flow agent when needed, since even their website admits that flow agents are sometimes necessary?
Moving on to a few others…
– “Mouse t-cells are known to lack the delta-9 desaturase enzyme that converts stearic acid into the perfectly healthy fat, oleic acid. This was mentioned right in the same mouse-cell study. Mouse T-cells can apparently become toxic from high levels of stearic acid, at least in a Petri dish and at levels far above what could ordinarily be achieved from diet. That has nothing to do with humans. Human T-cells have the delta-9 desaturase enzyme that converts stearic acid to oleic acid, so human T-cells don’t develop any toxic build-up when exposed to stearic acid.”
– “How much stearic acid is generally contained in supplements? The daily adult intake of stearic acid from food (US adult) averages about 7,000 mg/day. (6) A person taking 20 vitamin capsules weighing 500 mg each and containing 1% magnesium stearate would take in less than 96 mg of stearic acid per day. Manufacturers typically use 0.25% – 5% magnesium stearate in nutritional formulations. The amount of stearic acid from supplements in the above scenario is 1.3% of the total daily adult intake. Four ounces of human breast milk contains more than 5,000 mg of stearic acid. A 2-ounce chocolate bar will also provide well over 5,000 mg of stearic acid. Magnesium stearate is considered safe for human consumption at levels below 2,500 mg/kg per day. This equates to 170,000 mg per day as a safe dose for a 150-pound adult. (7)”
– “One claim we’ve seen is that the addition of magnesium stearate to supplements decreases bioavailability. Another claim is that magnesium stearate is a chalklike substance that gums up your intestines and prevents absorption of your nutrients… What the studies actually show is that absorption might be slowed somewhat but overall absorption is not decreased. (8,9)”
I would love to get your feedback on the above and other claims made in the article, as I’m trying to discern how essential it is that I change out all of the supplements that I have which contain magnesium stearate and/or stearic acid.
David Tomen
January 16, 2022
Chris, I’m sorry but I do not have the time to read an essay like that. If you can summarize it into 2 or 3 sentences please do and I’ll take a look.
January 17, 2022
Understandable. I’ll stick to just one point for now, which raises doubt about the significance of that 1990 stearic acid study. They noted, “Mouse t-cells are known to lack the delta-9 desaturase enzyme that converts stearic acid into the perfectly healthy fat, oleic acid.” Humans however have this enzyme and consequently, human T-cells don’t develop any kind of toxic build-up from stearic acid.
In light of this, do you still think magnesium stearate and stearic acid are unsafe as filler?
David Tomen
January 18, 2022
Chris, I get it but why take the chance? We know for a fact that you can produce a high quality dietary supplement without using magnesium stearate, silicon dioxide or any “other ingredient”.
For decades, manufacturers have been using these additives to help with powder flow through machines, lubrication, to prevent clumping, as a preservative, for color and to suppress odor.
But we know that none of this is necessary and it only favors the manufacturer. Not you the consumer. Nearly every supplement that you want to use is available somewhere with zero additives.
I do not see why I should gamble with my health unnecessarily and it is why I choose to use pure supplements instead.
December 19, 2021
Hi David, I have some questions that I would greatly appreciate your help in answering them.
-Do you think that Permonance Lab Multi has enough vitamin K in the form of MK4?
Because in the nutritional information it says “Vitamin K 100 mcg” when natural health professionals recommend at least 2000 mcg of K2
-If we take a nootropic stack of more than 3 or 5 fat-soluble nootropics, do we need more than 1 tablespoon of coconut oil, or is one enough? And
Is Olive Oil is also a good option?
– Which Nootropics are most effective in relieving coughs?
David Tomen
December 20, 2021
Robert, the Performance Lab Multi contains enough Vitamin K for a normal, healthy adult. The only time you may need more is if you are deficient in Vitamin K which manifests as a bleeding or hemorrhage disorder, Osteoporosis, bon less, or are suffering from a malabsorption issue. There is no need to use it in excess as there is no benefit from doing so.
The tablespoon of healthy oil is to get your pancreas to begin putting out fat-metabolizing enzymes so that your system can digest the fat-soluble supplements. More healthy oil is not going to produce more fat-metabolizing enzymes nor is it necessary. And extra virgin olive oil is considered a healthy oil and works just as well for this purpose.
I am not an expert on coughs but think Quercetin may work for that.
November 29, 2021
Hello David, I would like to know two things please,
– is it harmful for a woman to consume vitamins for men?, or what is the worst that could happen?
– Finally I want to know, in my country I cannot get Performance Lab due to customs problems, do you think that this one that I have attached is good enough? Life Extension Two-Per-Day High Potency Multi-Vitamin & Mineral Supplement
David Tomen
November 30, 2021
Jay, the problem is usually the other way around with men using women’s multivitamins because of the iron content. Women should not have any issues using a men’s multi.
The Life Extension Multi uses bioactive, natural vitamins and minerals but it does not contain all the vitamins and minerals you need everyday like the Performance Lab Multi has.
I suggest that you compare the labels of the two products so you can see the difference yourself. There would be no harm in using their Multi. But I’m afraid that you will be deficient in some vitamins and minerals if you use it.
October 2, 2021
David I saw in other comments that you recommend this calcium supplement, but it only contains MK-7 (lacks the other types of vitamin K), doesn’t that make it useless? (For lacking the other types of vitamin K)
New Chapter – Bone Strength
David Tomen
October 2, 2021
William, it contains Vitamin K1 and Vitamin K2 (MK-7) which are the ones needed for ensuring calcium gets deposited into your bones rather than left floating around in your bloodstream.
Marek Šedina
July 2, 2021
Hi David, is it okay to use this multi and this NOW Supplements, DIM 200 at the same time without blocking absorption of nutrients in multi? Because it contains some calcium too. Thanks for your response.
Best regards
David Tomen
July 3, 2021
Marek, I’ve used this Multi with DIM to control Estradiol levels without any problem. The Multi works as it is supposed to.
Marek Šedina
July 4, 2021
Yes but i meant it because of the extra calcium included in DIM formula that might interfere with nutrients from multi and not DIM itself (it contains DIM 200mg, calcium (from calcium d glucarate) 12mg,calcium d glucarate(tetrahydrate form) 100mg, sodium copper chlorophyllin 20mg(chlorophyll)) (sorry for bothering you with this again). Thanks for your response.
Best regards
David Tomen
July 4, 2021
Calcium can affect how your body absorbs iron, zinc and magnesium. So it’s best to separate by at least a couple of hours the Multi and the NOW DIM supplement.
March 1, 2021
Hi David
I tried the Performance Lab NutriGenesis Multi and it is superb and really glad to know about your website and makes me get better day by day. However I am at a dilemma after gaining so much knowledge of the junk other companies put in it. can you kindly advise what kind of multi vitamin i can get for my 4 year old son. Kindly provide a link so that i can support you.
David Tomen
March 2, 2021
Wong, I hear you and wish I could offer some advice for your 4 yr old. But I’m not qualified and want you to try and find a naturopath who also qualifies as a pediatrician. They must exist but honestly I haven’t had the need to find one.
Failing that you need to find out what the Recommended Daily Allowance is for each vitamin and mineral for a 4 yr. old. Then if you can’t reduce the ingredients in your Multi to that amount (i.e. one capsule vs. four). Then find a similar all-natural multi suited for kids. With zero “other ingredients”.
February 28, 2021
I am looking to buy the one you recommended, I wanted to ask your opinion on Thorne multivitamin day/pm. People claim its one of the best, would love to hear your feedback on it. Thank you!
David Tomen
March 1, 2021
Rob, I looked a the Thorne multi awhile ago for someone and found it to be a high quality multi using the correct ‘forms’ of these vitamins and minerals. But it was significantly more expensive compared to the Performance Lab Multi.
And in a side-by-side comparison the benefits would be the same but the Performance Lab Multi is $23 less expensive and 4 capsules per day vs 6 capsules per day.
March 1, 2021
Thank god i found you lol