Welcome! My name is David Tomen, and I am the author of NootropicsExpert.com, my books Head First 2nd Edition – The Complete Guide to Healing & Optimizing Your Brain with Nootropic Supplements and (FREE!) Secrets of the Optimized Brain, and my Nootropics Expert YouTube channel.

I started Nootropics Expert® in January 2016. You can learn more about my story and why I started Nootropics Expert over on my About Page.

You can quickly see the nootropic supplements that I personally use every day on this page: What I Take

And if you’re in a hurry, go to this page to Buy Nootropics.

I also do Personal Consultations if you could use some help choosing the best nootropic supplements for you. You’ll find my calendar here: Nootropics Expert Consultations


How Nootropics Can Help You

You can end your search now. Because here on Nootropics Expert you’ll find the help you have been searching for. No matter the brain health problem that is making your life miserable.

Here you’ll find information on this List of Nootropics which has dozens and dozens of links to nootropic supplement reviews that I’ve written, and update as soon as new science becomes available. In a language that is easy to understand.

You’ll learn where each supplement comes from, how it works, the benefits you can expect, how much you should use and how often, possible side effects, and how to select from dozens of options – which one to buy.

NOTE: Every single word on Nootropics Expert is written by me. It’s not an AI or a contract copywriter.

You will also discover that everything I write about a supplement is supported by peer-reviewed clinical studies. You will not find links to other websites or blogs.

Instead, you will find dozens of clickable links in each supplement review and article to supporting and relevant clinical studies.

So you have the option of reading the same research I found and used to write my reviews and articles.

My hope is that if you’re overwhelmed by the fragmented information for nootropics spread across several websites, you can end your search on what has become the best nootropics website.

Quickly find out how one nootropic may interact with another. Which ones are safe. And which nootropic supplements have side effects. I will cover all that here.

Use my Nootropics Guide to get more familiar with the top nootropics and different types of cognitive enhancers and what they do. Soon you’ll be able to safely build your own nootropic stack.

I’m happy you’re here. Because you should be able to find everything you need to know about nootropics on Nootropics Expert. No need to go anywhere else.

Armed with this knowledge you can choose the best nootropics for you, and finally start experiencing the benefits you’re working to achieve.

Where to Buy Nootropics

Once you’ve decided which nootropic supplements you’d like to try, how do you know which is the best supplement to buy?

I’ve done the homework for you and put together a list of nootropic brands and supplements. Most of which I personally use and highly recommend.

You’ll find the highest quality, purest nootropic supplements on this page.

Buy Nootropics

The Definitive Guide to Nootropics

A nootropic is a substance that enhances cognition and memory and facilitates learning.

Neuro-hacking and the research behind brain modulation, nootropics, and biohacking in general is a constantly evolving and improving science.

We cover all that in The Definitive Guide to Nootropics.

Nootropics Guide

The Big List of Nootropics

Nootropics cover a broad category of compounds with cognitive boosting properties.

They have minimal side-effects and are appropriate for long-term use.

The Big List is a quick reference guide for nootropics. Learn what it’s for, how it’s used, side effects, interactions and dosing suggestions.

Nootropics List

The Best Nootropics

Achieving brain optimization comes with a lot of trial and error. Experimenting to see what works best for you. But spend enough time in the nootropics community, and you begin to see patterns develop.

After you try the latest edition to the racetam-family of nootropics. Most biohackers settle into the nootropic that works best for each category of; cognition & focus, memory, energy & motivation, anxiety & depression, and brain repair & maintenance.

The “Best Nootropics” page is a distillation of what I have found to be the best nootropics for each category of brain optimization. You’ll find a list of the best nootropic compounds for each category. And links through to more detailed articles for each category.

Best Nootropics

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Head First 2nd Editon

The Award Winning Guide to Healing & Optimizing Your Brain with Nootropic Supplements.

Head First 2nd Edition

NEW! Eliminate Brain Fog, Low Energy, Moodiness, Difficulty Sleeping, Memory Loss or Anxiety. Available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple Books, Walmart and more...

Where to Buy Nootropics

Wondering where to buy nootropics? Well, you’re in the right place. Because here you will find the nootropic supplements that I personally use and recommend. Each supplement has a link to the company store and product that I use. I also include a link to my full review for each supplement here on Nootropics Expert® […]

The Definitive Guide to Nootropics

Nootropics can help increase your memory, boost learning ability, improve your mood and assist overall brain function. If you’re new to nootropics, or wonder about the difference between a nootropic and a smart drug, then this page is for you. Here you’ll find the definition of a nootropic, how to pronounce the word “nootropic”, the […]

The Most Comprehensive Nootropics List

This is our big list of the most popular Nootropics in use today. Here you’ll learn what each nootropic is, what it does and suggested dosages. What is this List of Nootropics About? Nootropic supplements are cognitive enhancers aiming to improve brain function. Whether you are looking to treat mild cognitive impairment, improve mental focus, or biohack […]

Free Secrets of the Brain 3rd Edition

Get “Secrets of the Optimized Brain,” 92 nootropics to help you plan your Nootropic Stack when you sign up for my newsletter:

Join The Discussion - 1,808 comments

Melissa W.
November 22, 2018

Hi Dave, I used the searched bar for Anhedonia and nothing is coming up. I am looking for something that may help me. I am struggling living like this daily. I feel flat. No emotions at all. I don’t laugh anymore, nor cry.. I just don’t feel no joy out of life at all. I am not depressed though, at least I don’t so, as I do not feel sadness, nor hopelessness. I do however feel I have inner body tension, as my muscles are always tense and I feel as though I am overstimulated and on stimulants… but I’m not. I cannot understand why I have energy, but just don’t have the motivation. I feel like I have too much glutamate or adrenaline. I’m looking for something that may help my anhedonia without making me more stimulated? Any ideas? Thank you so much for your time..

    Melissa W.
    November 22, 2018

    Oh.. I forgot to mention.. Would using something to raise dopamine, also raise norepinephrine and just make me more stimulated? I have been researching neurotransmitters for weeks now and it’s just so confusing to me. I was also wondering if too much serotonin may be causing my symptoms? I’m just not sure which direction to go…

      David Tomen
      November 23, 2018

      Melissa, this subject “Anhedonia” has come up now and again over the last couple of years here. And is something I’ll need to research more before I can offer any recommendations.

      It does seem to be related to a problem with dopamine and the “reward system” in the brain which includes brain signaling. You many want to try supplementing with L-Tyrosine and a choline supplement like CDP-Choline at lower recommended doses and see how you react. Dopamine is needed for the synthesis of norepinephrine which you need. But lower doses shouldn’t be a problem.

        Melissa W.
        November 23, 2018

        Thank you for your reply.. I’ll try them at low doses and hopefully it will help.

November 16, 2018

Is gotu kola similar to pine bark extract?

And is pine bark extract better than tebonin egb 761 to treat alzheimers? Maybe ill switch. Im. Afraid to put mom on too many nitric oxide boosters

    David Tomen
    November 16, 2018

    Cy, I encourage you to read each of the individual reviews for the nootropics you mentioned. Click the “List of Nootropics” at the top of this page. Scroll down to locate each review. Clearly understand the mechanism of action for each and see the “Research” section if there is anything associate with Alzheimer’s.

November 16, 2018

Does Gotu Kola reverse brain shrinkage? I read by increasing neuron growth it helps reverse brain shrinkage?

And do you know any seller that sells standardised gotu kola?

Standardised gotu kola should have 40% asiaticoside, 29 to 30% asiatic asid, 29 to 30% madecassicacid and 1 to 2 % madecassoside. Perhaps better with an 30% alcholol tincture.

November 15, 2018


Of those seven nootropics you suggested to me to combat alzheimers and dementia which brand names would you go with? Id like to know youre suggested ones for pine bark extract, berberdine, curcumin, resveratrol , huperzine a, piracetam and b complex?

And i currently have my mom on tebonin egb 761. Is it bad to mix this with the 7 you mentioned?

November 12, 2018

If you could choose five to fight and combat alzheimers and dementia which five would you personally choose?

    David Tomen
    November 12, 2018

    CY, that is such a great question. I’ve been asked to come up with suggested nootropic stacks for all kinds of ailments. Which is being worked on now.

    For dementia and Alzheimer’s I suggest reading the review for each of the following and using ALL of the nootropics on this list including the recommended dosages and correct types:

    Pine Bark Extract
    B-Complex supplement

    You can easily locate each review by scrolling through the list here: https://nootropicsexpert.com/nootropics-list/

November 12, 2018

What herbs or nootropics or vitamins reverse brain shrinkage in alzheimers/dementia? And if there is one, which one is most effective?

Vinetta Woodward
November 11, 2018

Thank you so very much for sharing your information on Nootropics, this is the type of straight forward information I need. I am looking to stack PEA, Hordenine and L-Tyrosine as a substitute for the weight loss aid Phentermine (Adipex, Fastin). Phentermine is a prescription drug with a lot of side effects and I wanted to try to find a good Nootropic stack that will have similar effect…. minus the major side effects. I will watch the dosage and keep track of my heart rate (500 mg PEA, 50 mg Hordenine, 250mg L-Tyrosine)–at the most twice a day—starting with once a day. I already wear a Heart Rate monitor as part of my work outs. Do you think this will be a successful stack or if you have any recommendations for a stack that would mimic Phentermine. Also Adding Mucna and/or Bacopa and/or 5-HTP is an option.
Thank you for your time. Your You tube videos are great.
Ms V

    David Tomen
    November 12, 2018

    Vinetta, PEA activates TAAR1 and TAAR2 receptors similar to Phentermine. Try the stack you’ve already suggested and see how it works for you. And your plan is sensible as well. Let us know how it works for you.

    You’ll find the review for PEA here > https://nootropicsexpert.com/phenylethylamine/

November 1, 2018

Sorry David…I forgot to include L Tryptophan to the list in my last post. Is it okay to take with all those nootropics? In particular…is it safe to use it with Rhodiola Rosea? Thank you – Andrew.

    David Tomen
    November 5, 2018

    Andrew, yes that is a safe stack you’ve put together. Well done. As you long you follow dosage recommendations and don’t try to mix anything with SSRI’s you should be fine. For cerebral blood flow you can try Vinpocetine or Pine Bark Extract. If you are in the USA I’d try Vinpocetine first.

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