holy basil for anxiety

Holy Basil (Tulsi)

David Tomen
David Tomen
12 minute read
Holy Basil is known for relieving anxiety, boosting mood, improving memory and is a powerful neuroprotectant

Holy Basil (Tulsi, Ocimum sanctum Linn, Ocimum tenuiflorum, Sacred Basil) is member of the mint, or Labiatae family of plants.

Tulsi or “The Incomparable One” is the most sacred plant in the Hindu religion. And has been valued for millennia by Ayurveda, Greek, Roman, Siddha and Unani because of its benefits for mind, body and spirit.

Holy Basil has been traditionally used for anxiety, cough, asthma, diarrhea, fever, dysentery, arthritis, eye diseases, indigestion, hiccups, vomiting, stomach problems, heart health, back pain, skin diseases, ringworm, insect, snake and scorpion bites, and malaria.[i]

As a nootropic supplement, Holy Basil is used primarily to support mood, promote relaxation, and reduce stress.

Here we’ll explore how Holy Basil benefits your brain.

Holy Basil helps:

  • Neurotransmitters: Supplementing with Holy Basil increases levels of dopamine, and serotonin, and reduces epinephrine, norepinephrine, and monoamine oxidase,[ii] and inhibits acetylcholinesterase (AChE) which boosts acetylcholine.[iii]
  • Anxiety & stress: Holy Basil reduces spikes in cortisol induced by chronic stress.[iv] And is particularly effective in reducing stress caused by loud noise.[v]
  • Anti-inflammatory: Holy Basil is a potent antioxidant. It’s a natural COX-2 inhibitor.[vi] And the compounds including eugenol, cirsilineol, cirsimaritin, isothymusin, isothymonin, apigenin, rosmarinic acid in Holy Basil have been compared to the pain-relieving activity of ibuprofen, naproxen and aspirin.[vii]


Holy Basil (Tulsi, Ocimum sanctum Linn, Ocimum tenuiflorum) is an aromatic shrub in the basil family (Lamiaceae) that likely originates in north central India and now grows native throughout the eastern tropics.[viii]

Is Holy Basil Considered a Nootropic
Holy Basil (Tulsi) © Pharmacognosy Reviews

Within Ayurvedic medicine, Holy Basil (Tulsi) is known as “The Incomparable One”, “Mother Medicine of Nature”, and “The Queen of Herbs”.

Holy Basil leaf includes the compounds eugenol, rosmarinic acid, caryophyllene, ursolic and oleanolic acids (triterpenoic acids), carotenoids, Vitamin C, calcium, iron, zinc and chlorophyll.

Research over the last decade shows Holy Basil’s therapeutic benefits include use as an adaptogen, for metabolism, immune system support, protection from various forms of radiation, is antimicrobial and antidiabetic.[ix]

When taking an overall, broad view of how Holy Basil works to support human health, studies show this adaptogen can be classified according to 3 main clinical domains; metabolic disorders (15 studies), cognition and mood conditions (4 studies), and immunity and infections (5 studies).

And note that inflammation is the underlying cause across all these health issues.

The anti-inflammatory effects of Holy Basil are attributed to multiple metabolites that act alone and synergistically to inhibit inflammatory pathways.

The Ayurvedic tradition of using Holy Basil daily may be a highly effective way to treat many modern chronic diseases.

How does Holy Basil work in the Brain?

Holy Basil boosts brain health and function in several ways. But two in particular stand out.

  1. Holy Basil protects the brain from chronic loud noise. Exposure to loud noise has been identified as a major environmental threat to public health.

Loud noise exposure, apart from damaging your hearing, is bad news for your heart, endocrine and nervous system.

Loud noise from any source damages DNA, suppresses major neurotransmitters, and weakens your immune system.[x] Holy Basil protects your brain from chronic exposure to loud noise.

Researchers at the University of Madras subjected Wistar albino rats to 100 dB broadband white noise 4 hours daily for 15 days.

The team measured epinephrine, dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin levels in the rats’ brain. And found that 15 days of chronic noise exposure had a significant negative impact on neurotransmitter levels.

The researchers gave the rats Holy Basil extract (70%) and found that this nootropic protected and maintained neurotransmitter levels from noise stress.[xi]

  1. Holy Basil protects and boosts memory. Holy Basil has been shown to be a potent acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitor. AChE is the enzyme that helps break down acetylcholine once it’s used in your brain.

But too much acetylcholinesterase (AChE) will suppress acetylcholine which in turn degrades learning and memory. And is particularly prevalent in Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative disease patients.

A study conducted in Japan had researchers induced dementia in rats. Then acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity was estimated in several different parts of the rats’ brain.

The rats were then given either water-based or alcohol-based extracts of Holy Basil. The researchers found that both extracts of Holy Basil significantly decreased AChE activity in rats.

The researchers concluded that Holy Basil “was shown to be useful for the management of experimentally induced cognitive dysfunction”.[xii]

How Things Go Bad

holy basil side effectsWith the exponential development of science and technology, and economic and social competition, the nature of human stress has dramatically changed.

Stress causes changes in brain cell signaling, neurotransmitters, and hormones. When under control, your body is equipped to respond to these stressors in a healthy way.

Your body increases catecholamine neurotransmitters like dopamine and norepinephrine to elevate heart rate and blood pressure. Kicking in your “fight or flight” response.

But when this stress is prolonged or exaggerated, chronic stress hijacks your normal healthy homeostasis and balance.

Stress is now recognized as the cause of 75 – 90% of all human disease.[xiii]

Chronic stress results in:

↓ Chronic inflammation

↓ Cardiovascular disease (high blood pressure, atherosclerosis)

↓ Metabolic disease (diabetes, non-alcoholic liver disease)

↓ Neurodegenerative disease (anxiety, depression, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s)

↓ Cancer

We don’t have many options for opting out of our high-stress, warp speed society. We can go on vacation for a couple of weeks, learn how to meditate, and carefully choose our friends.

But we can also use nootropics to help our brain and body cope with and counter the effects of chronic stress.

This is where Holy Basil comes in. It functions as an adaptogen, enhancing your body’s ability to cope with physical and mental stress.

holy basil for anxiety

Holy Basil Benefits

Of all the herbs used in Ayurveda, Holy Basil is the most revered, and recent research is now confirming how it works.

Holy Basil as an adaptogen can help physical, chemical, metabolic and psychological stress through its unique combination of therapeutic actions.

Tulsi can protect your brain and body against industrial pollution, heavy metals, physical stress from strenuous physical exertion, stroke, exposure to cold, and excessive noise.

The extract from the Holy Basil plant can normalize blood glucose (control blood sugar), blood pressure and high cholesterol. Slow blood clotting. And boost memory and cognition through its anxiolytic properties and antidepressant qualities.

It can protect against human and animal pathogens (antimicrobial), and even be used as a hand sanitizer, mouthwash and water purifier.

Holy Basil protects against toxic chemicals by increasing your body’s levels of glutathione. And increasing the activity of antioxidant enzymes like superoxide dismutase and catalase. Mopping up free radicals and other toxins.[xiv]

Tulsi protects your brain against the toxic effects of many pharmaceuticals including acetaminophen, meloxicam, paracetamol, haloperidol, and anti-tubercular drugs.

And Holy Basil shields your brain from heavy metals such as arsenic, cadmium, chromium and mercury. And from the toxic effects of radiation.[xv]

Holy Basil as a nootropic can help boost memory by inhibiting acetylcholinesterase which helps increase acetylcholine.

And may help prevent neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia.[xvi]

How does Holy Basil feel?

holy basil for anxietyOne reddit user reported that Holy Basil tea worked great for her anxiety. It was “like a hug in a mug”.

Unlike using a benzo like Xanax® to numb you, Holy Basil helps you handle stress head-on. Allowing you to stay present and work through your problems.

Neurohackers report that Holy Basil helps them sleep through the night, levels out their mood and keeps them ‘sane’.

Holy Basil may help to reduce work-related stress and help you deal with annoying coworkers.

Students may find that Holy Basil helps deal with the stress of exams.

Holy Basil is a potent COX-2 inhibitor and anti-inflammatory which means it should help provide relief from joint, muscle and arthritis pain.

Holy Basil Clinical Research

The therapeutic and nootropic properties of Holy Basil have been known for millennia. And is considered a sacred plant by the Hindus of India.

But clinical studies with Holy Basil in the lab and a few human studies only began late in the 20th century.

So we now have scientific evidence supporting Holy Basil’s antimicrobial, adaptogenic, antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, radiation-protecting, immune system boosting, neuroprotective, heart-protecting, and as a mosquito repellent to name a few.

But most Holy Basil clinical studies so far have been done with animals. Human studies are few and we must rely on reports from the biohacking community on how well Holy Basil works as a nootropic supplement.[xvii]

Holy Basil counters radiation DNA damage

Ionizing radiation, the kind emitted by bombs, nuclear reactors, X-rays, and minerals weaken and break up DNA. Exposure to ionizing radiation causes DNA damage like single strand breaks, double strand breaks, and DNA-protein cross linkages.

Either damaging cells enough to kill them or causing them to mutate in ways that eventually lead to cancer.

The compounds orientin and vicenin found in Holy Basil have been proven to protect against radiation injury.[xviii]

Several studies in animals demonstrate Holy Basil acting as a free radical scavenger. Which is the likely mechanism of radiation protection by these flavonoids.[xix]

Holy Basil for anxiety

A study conducted in India recruited 35 patients (21 male and 14 female, average age 38.4 years) to investigate using Holy Basil in the treatment of anxiety disorders.

Patients were given 500 mg Holy Basil extract twice daily for 60 days. The patients were assessed at the beginning of the trial, 30 and 60 days.

Researchers found Holy Basil significantly reduced general anxiety and relieved the associated stress and depression.

The team concluded that “O. sanctum may be useful in the treatment of General Anxiety Disorder in humans and may be a promising anxiolytic agent”.[xx]

Holy Basil as good as Valium®

Holy Basil has been studied in various animal experiments that reveal its anti-anxiety and antidepressant properties.

Research shows Holy Basil as effective in treating depression as the tricyclic antidepressant Tofranil[xxi], and Valium.[xxii]

best time of day to take holy basil
Holy Basil Leaf Extract Recommended Dosage

Recommended dosage of Holy Basil extract is 300 – 2,000 mg per day.

For curative therapy, 600 – 1,800 mg Holy Basil extract divided in 2 or 3 doses daily.

For diabetes, 2,500 mg Holy Basil dried leaf powder per day.

You can easily make Holy Basil tea by pouring boiling water over 2 teaspoons of fresh Holy Basil leaves and let it steep for 5 minutes.

Holy Basil Side Effects

Holy Basil is considered non-toxic and safe to use even at higher doses.

But toxicity has been reported in mice for Holy Basil essential oil (70% eugenol) at 42.5 ml/kg body weight.[xxiii] So not sure about humans.

If you are hypoglycemic or have a bleeding disorder, you should use caution about supplementing with Holy Basil.

Holy Basil has been shown to significantly decrease sperm count in males. And we have reports that village women and Ayurvedic physicians have been using Holy Basil leaves for its antifertility effect.

The mechanism of action of sperm reduction seems to be associated with a significant increase in circulating testosterone. Which decreases luteinizing hormone (LH) but not sufficiently in the testes for normal spermatogenesis.

Decreased LH levels seems to reduce production of testosterone in testes by Leydig cells. Resulting in reduced sperm production.

Researchers are now conducting studies to find out if Holy Basil will work as an effective male contraceptive.[xxiv] But this anti-sperm effect is reversible on discontinuation of Holy Basil use.

Best type of Holy Basil to buy

Holy Basil (Tulsi) is easily found in most health food stores and vitamin shops worldwide. It’s available in capsules, dried powder, fresh leaves, liquid extracts and as Tulsi tea including individual tea bags.

But DO NOT confuse Holy Basil (Ocimum sanctum) for Sweet Basil (Ocimum basilicum) which is commonly used as a condiment in the kitchen.

Three types of Holy Basil are used therapeutically:

  • Krishna – (Ocimum tenuiflorum) has purplish leaves and makes a great tea. It’s the most potent and is highest in concentrations of adaptogenic triterpenoic
  • Vana – (Ocimum gratissimum) is the original wild bush basil which is high in eugenol and a great adaptogen. It’s native to India and parts of Africa.
  • Rama – (Ocimum sanctum) is the Holy Basil that was originally imported into the USA. It’s the most common type which is now grown in the USA.

Always choose Holy Basil that is grown organically and if possible, wild-harvested as well.

NOTE: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

If you are in the USA or can purchase nootropic supplements in the USA, I recommend:

Gaia Herbs Holy Basil (Amazon)

Himalaya Holy Basil extract (.4% & 2.5% Ursolic acid, 2 mg & 1.5 mg Oleanolic acid) (Amazon)

Organic India Tulsi tea – various flavors (Amazon)

Mary Ruth’s Holy Basil tincture (Amazon)

Nootropics Expert Recommendation

Nootropics Expert Tested and ApprovedHoly Basil extract 300 – 2,000 mg per day

I recommend using Holy Basil (Tulsi) as a nootropic supplement.

Your body does not make Holy Basil on its own. So to get its benefits you must take it as a supplement.

Holy Basil is especially helpful for those dealing with anxiety and stress. Unlike numbing yourself with a benzodiazepine for relief, Holy Basil helps calm anxiety while leaving you able to face life’s challenges with a clear head.

Research shows Holy Basil as effective in treating depression as popular antidepressants like Tofranil® and Valium®. But without the toxic side effects.

Holy Basil can protect your brain and body against industrial pollution, heavy metals, physical stress from strenuous physical exertion, stroke, exposure to cold, and excessive noise.

It’s especially helpful for musicians exposed to high sound levels, and those working in loud and stressful environments.

Holy Basil is a powerful nootropic supplement. It should help improve memory by boosting acetylcholine in your brain. And may help protect against neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia.

You can safely take up to 3,000 mg of Holy Basil daily if needed. But split into smaller doses 2 – 3 times during your day.

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This post may also contain other affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links.

[i] Mondal S., Mirdha B.R., Mahapatra S.C. “The science behind sacredness of Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum Linn.).” Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology. 2009 Oct-Dec;53(4):291-306. (source)

[ii] Singh N., Misra N., Srivastava A.K., Dixit K.S., Gupta G.P. “Effect of anti-stress plants on biochemical changes during stress reaction” Indian Journal of Pharmacology 1991 | Vo. 23 | Iss. 3 | page 137-142 (source)

[iii] Giridharan V.V., Thandavarayan R.A., Mani V., Ashok Dundapa T., Watanabe K., Konishi T. “Ocimum sanctum Linn. leaf extracts inhibit acetylcholinesterase and improve cognition in rats with experimentally induced dementia.” Journal of Medicinal Food. 2011 Sep;14(9):912-9. (source)

[iv] Sembulingam K., Sembulingam P., Namasivayam A. “Effect of Ocimum sanctum Linn on noise induced changes in plasma corticosterone level.” Indian Journal of Physiology & Pharmacology. 1997 Apr;41(2):139-43. (source)

[v] Sembulingam K., Sembulingam P., Namasivayam A. “Effect of Ocimum sanctum Linn on the changes in central cholinergic system induced by acute noise stress.” Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 2005 Jan 15;96(3):477-82. (source)

[vi] Prakash P., Gupta N. “Therapeutic uses of Ocimum sanctum Linn (Tulsi) with a note on eugenol and its pharmacological actions: a short review.” Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology. 2005 Apr;49(2):125-31. (source)

[vii] Kelm M.A., Nair M.G., Strasburg G.M., DeWitt D.L. “Antioxidant and cyclooxygenase inhibitory phenolic compounds from Ocimum sanctum Linn.” Phytomedicine. 2000 Mar;7(1):7-13. (source)

[viii] Bast F., Rani P., Meena D. “Chloroplast DNA phylogeography of holy basil (Ocimum tenuiflorum) in Indian subcontinent.” Scientific World Journal 2014 Jan 2;2014:847482 (source)

[ix] Jamshidi N., Cohen M.M. “The Clinical Efficacy and Safety of Tulsi in Humans: A Systematic Review of the Literature” Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2017; 2017: 9217567. (source)

[x] Frenzilli G., Ryskalin L., Ferrucci M., Cantafora E., Chelazzi S., Giorgi F.S., Lenzi P., Scarcelli V., Frati A., Biagioni F., Gambardella S., Falleni A., Fornai F. “Loud Noise Exposure Produces DNA, Neurotransmitter and Morphological Damage within Specific Brain Areas.” Frontiers Neuroanatomy. 2017 Jun 26;11:49 (source)

[xi] Ravindran R., Rathinasamy S.D., Samson J., Senthilvelan M. “Noise-stress-induced brain neurotransmitter changes and the effect of Ocimum sanctum (Linn) treatment in albino rats.” Journal of Pharmacological Sciences. 2005 Aug;98(4):354-60. (source)

[xii] Giridharan V.V., Thandavarayan R.A., Mani V., Ashok Dundapa T., Watanabe K., Konishi T. “Ocimum sanctum Linn. leaf extracts inhibit acetylcholinesterase and improve cognition in rats with experimentally induced dementia.” Journal of Medicinal Food. 2011 Sep;14(9):912-9. (source)

[xiii] Liu Y.Z., Wang Y.X., Jiang C.L. “Inflammation: The Common Pathway of Stress-Related Diseases” Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 2017; 11: 316. (source)

[xiv] Manikandan P., Murugan R.S., Abbas H., Abraham S.K,. Nagini S. “Ocimum sanctum Linn. (Holy Basil) ethanolic leaf extract protects against 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene-induced genotoxicity, oxidative stress, and imbalance in xenobiotic-metabolizing enzymes.” Journal of Medicinal Food. 2007 Sep; 10(3):495-502. (source)

[xv] Cohen M.M. “Tulsi – Ocimum sanctum: A herb for all reasons” Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine 2014 Oct-Dec; 5(4): 251–259. (source)

[xvi] Joshi H., Parle M. “Evaluation of nootropic potential of Ocimum sanctum Linn. in mice.” Indian Journal of Experimental Biology. 2006 Feb;44(2):133-6. (source)

[xvii] Mondal S., Mirdha B.R., Mahapatra S.C. “The science behind sacredness of Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum Linn.).” Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology. 2009 Oct-Dec;53(4):291-306. (source)

[xviii] Baliga M.S., Rao S., Rai M.P., D’souza P. “Radio protective effects of the Ayurvedic medicinal plant Ocimum sanctum Linn. (Holy Basil): A memoir.” Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics. 2016 Jan-Mar;12(1):20-7. (source)

[xix] Uma Devi P., Ganasoundari A., Vrinda B., Srinivasan K.K., Unnikrishnan M.K. “Radiation protection by the ocimum flavonoids orientin and vicenin: mechanisms of action.” Radiation Research. 2000 Oct;154(4):455-60. (source)

[xx] Bhattacharyya D., Sur T.K., Jana U., Debnath P.K. “Controlled programmed trial of Ocimum sanctum leaf on generalized anxiety disorders.” Nepal Medical College Journal. 2008 Sep;10(3):176-9. (source)

[xxi] Moinuddin G., Devi K., Satish H., Khajuria D.K. “Comparative pharmacological evaluation of ocimum sanctum and imipramine for antidepressant activity” Latin American Journal of Pharmacy ol. 30, no. 03 (source)

[xxii] Pemminati S., Gopalakrishna H.N., Venkatesh V., Rai A., Shetty S., Vinod A. “Anxiolytic effect of acute administration of ursolic acid in rats.” Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological, and Chemical Sciences. 2011;2:431–7. (source)

[xxiii] Kumar A., Shukla R., Singh P., Dubey N.K. “Chemical composition, antifungal and antiaflatoxigenic activities of Ocimum sanctum L. essential oil and its safety assessment as plant based antimicrobial.” Food and Chemical Toxicology. 2010 Feb;48(2):539-43 (source)

[xxiv] Sethi J., Yadav M., Sood S., Dahiya K., Singh V. “Effect of tulsi (Ocimum Sanctum Linn.) on sperm count and reproductive hormones in male albino rabbits.” International Journal of Ayurveda Research. 2010 Oct;1(4):208-10 (source)

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Join The Discussion - 95 comments

November 7, 2022

Hey Dave,

I saw your points about Holy Basil being antidiabetic and just wanted to ask a little about that.

– Do you know if Holy Basil would be good for all types of diabetes, meaning those caused by either high or low blood sugar levels?

– I suffer from hypoglycemia/low blood sugar and was wondering if Holy Basil would be good for that purpose?

– Out of curiosity, what other supplements could also be good for maintaining a steady blood sugar balance in terms of keeping it from dropping too low?

Thanks 🙂

    David Tomen
    November 9, 2022

    James, Holy Basil can normalize (modulate) blood glucose, blood pressure and high cholesterol. I have not seen any studies specifically related to types of diabetes although such studies may exist in languages other than English.

    I used to be pre-diabetic and insulin resistant but my levels are now normal since I started using Berberine 500 mg 3-times per day.

October 22, 2022

Hi David, I’m sorry, I attached the wrong link in the previous question, Here I go again.
I’d like to try holy basil but I’m concerned about the potential long-term HPTA shutdown, based on this study on rabbits: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/labs/pmc/articles/PMC3059441/

Their testosterone levels went off the charts, but this was accompanied by a significant reduction in FSH and LH levels, thus shutting down natural testosterone production, which seems comparable to a steroid cycle.

In addition, I’ve read on Examine that ursolic acid, the main component of holy basil, has been studied for its DHT-lowering capabilities.

– Knowing this, do you think Holy Basil supplementation is safe despite its consequences for testosterone production?

– and finally do you think this brand of Holy Basil is good enough? (Has Eugenol: 12-20% and Caryophyllene: 3-8%)

Nootropics Depot – Holy Basil solution

    David Tomen
    October 23, 2022

    Martin, as a man I would avoid using Holy Basil because it’s even being studied to use as a natural birth control method for men. Now, while I do not want children I still want the ability to make sperm.

    But if you want to try it Nootropics Depot does put out some quality product. So that would be a good choice to try.

    October 25, 2022

    Thanks for replying David, just to be clear,
    – Despite this study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/labs/pmc/articles/PMC3059441/
    Holy Basil does not affect testosterone, it only affects sperm count is correct?

    – And one last question, one day I want to have children but holy basil is the only thing that helps me sleep (not even magnesium glycinate, truptofan or tart cherry help me that way) I would like to know if its effects are permanent?, or how many days a week do you recommend take to prevent them from being permanent

      David Tomen
      October 26, 2022

      Martin, decreased LH levels seems to reduce production of testosterone in testes by Leydig cells. Resulting in reduced sperm production. So, it appears that testosterone is only reduced in your testicals. And as far as I can tell this is ONLY while using Gotu Kola. So it is not permanent. Stop using Gotu Kola when you decide you want to have a baby.

October 8, 2022

Can I take Holy Basil with Lithium Orotate? Not at the same time, but a few hours apart?

    David Tomen
    October 9, 2022

    Susan, they are not contraindicated so there should not be a problem even if you take them at the same time.

September 30, 2022

Holy Basil Is to the action of benzodiazepines in raising GABA levels in the brain? thanks

    David Tomen
    October 1, 2022

    Holy Basil does not touch GABA in any way. It works as a MAOI as well as an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor. The neurotransmitters involved include dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin to a certain extent, and acetylcholine. But not GABA.

August 2, 2022

I wondered if holy basil would help those with PTSD? I know someone who served in Vietnam who is greatly bothered by fireworks. He is also diabetic. What would you recommend that he use?
Thank you.

    David Tomen
    August 2, 2022

    Angela, this is one of my articles on PTSD which explains it in detail and provides a list of supplements that may help: https://nootropicsexpert.com/how-to-naturally-treat-ptsd-caused-by-covid-19/

    Holy Basil is not on that list but it may help because it can relieve anxiety. One of the ways it does that is by reducing cortisol. It is certainly worth trying.

      August 9, 2022

      Thank you so much. So it does not matter the cause of PTSD, this article has info for all forms?

        David Tomen
        August 10, 2022

        Angela, PTSD is an anxiety disorder no matter what the cause.

        September 15, 2022

        Thank you. I do have one more question. Can Holy Basil cause high blood pressure or interact with blood pressure meds?

        David Tomen
        September 15, 2022

        Angels, it should because studies show Holy Basil helps normalize blood pressure (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5376420/).

April 28, 2022

Hello David, I would like to know two things please,
1- Is this brand a good choice for Dhea?

Life Extension DHEA 25 mg

2- And Is it safe to take only 25 mg per day, and cycle it. (Take it for a month and take one month off), without having a medical study? I still can’t find a Naturopathic practitioner in my city

    David Tomen
    April 30, 2022

    Brad, Life Extension is a quality brand and they do have some good supplements. This DHEA is one of them.

    DHEA levels are age dependent so you could use 25 mg DHEA per day and every day and still be low.

    And get your levels checked by ordering it online. Life Extension offers lab tests. As do others like letsgetchecked.com or everlywell.com. There are others as well if you search for them.

April 11, 2022

Hi David how are you?, I have two questions for when you have time, I would really appreciate your help
– I wanted to know if this brand a good choice for Calcium Or you wouldn’t take it for some reason?:

Nature’s Way Alive! Calcium

– and finally I would like to know, when I take Valerian it helps me sleep unlike Lemon Balm which has not given me any effect, but Valerian makes me feel sleepy the next day, could you recommend me a nootropic to avoid that or how could I solve it please? (I am taking this NOW Supplements – Valerian)

    David Tomen
    April 15, 2022

    Grace, the calcium supplement looks like a good supplement. Instead of using Valerian you could try PharmaGABA and L-Tryptophan.

January 8, 2022

Greetings David! Can I combine 2 natural MAOIs like Holy Basil and Gingko Biloba? I’m very low on Dopamine. I already take almost everything that affect dopamine as you do, I’ve read your “What I take” article. Best Regards!

    David Tomen
    January 9, 2022

    Sandra, combining Holy Basil with Gingko Biloba should not be a problem. Start with the lowest recommended dose for each and see how you react.

    Are you also using L-Tyrosine to increase dopamine?

      January 10, 2022

      Dear David!

      Yes! I try to use 500mg of L tyrosine twice per day.

      Nac 600mg x3
      Gingko 250mg
      Tulsi (I’m waiting for it)
      Cognizin 250mg for dopamine
      Aniracetam for activating D2 and D3 receptors (with MCT and another 250mg cognizin dose + B5 250mg to ACh conversion)
      Iodine/Iodide 5mg every 7 days
      DHA 1000mg
      Sulbutiamine for D1 receptors
      L-Theanine 200mg + 100mg caffeine
      Piperine 20mg
      Alcar 500mg x2 to support dopamine

      + I also take all vitamins/minerals required for dopamine synthesis, although right now performance lab is too expensive for me, I try to stick with best vitamin forms widely avaliable 😉

      From your experience would you add anything else in dopamine topic? I’m not diagnosed with ADD but dr.Braveman test showed me that I have life dopamine 71% deficiency. I’m not sure if this test is reliable but for now with this stack I can feel the difference in my self esteem.

      Best Regards! I’m your big fan :))

        David Tomen
        January 11, 2022

        Sandra, you have the fundamentals down and you are on the right path. I suggest not overthinking this and just work with what you have. Just keep in mind that when you are boosting dopamine you need to support serotonin as well because they need to be in balance. And you do this by using 500 mg L-Tryptophan before bed.

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