Alpha GPC

Boost your brain's performance with Alpha-GPC. Learn how this cognitive enhancer supercharges focus, memory, & mental clarity with your Nootropics Expert!

10 minute read

Lithium Orotate

Should you take Lithium Orotate? Learn how this Game-Changing Nootropic mineral compound could benefit your cognitive health with your Nootropics Expert!

Phenylethylamine (PEA)

Supercharge Your Brain with Phenylethylamine. Learn how you can experience Mind-Blowing Cognitive Enhancement & Focus with your Nootropics Expert!


Learn how to supercharge your brain with your Nootropics Expert! Enhance your Mental Performance, Focus, & Memory with Coluracetam nootropics supplementation

How Long Does it Take for Omega-3 to Work?

Discover the Surprising Truth about Omega-3's Effectiveness with Your Nootropics Expert. Find Out How long does it take for Omega-3 to work & more inside...


Discover the perfect Phenibut Dosage for unparalleled relaxation & Anxiety Relief with your Nootropics Expert. Say goodbye to stress & find your serenity now!

15 minute read


Discover the alkaloid used by humans for millennia for its nootropic benefits. Boost focus, cognition, & more with the controversial nootropic - Nicotine.

13 minute read

How to tell if you have low dopamine

Discover how to identify low dopamine levels & their impact on your health. Learn about signs, symptoms, & potential solutions with your Nootropics Expert.

Psychobiotics: The Gut-Brain Connection

Ever wonder why you get butterflies in your stomach? Or why an impending decision can cause an attack of intestinal cramps? We all “feel it in our gut” when we know something to be true. They happen because the body has two brains. You’re already familiar with the one in your head. But there’s also […]

Advanced Guide to Acetylcholine Supplements in Nootropic Stacks

The neurotransmitter Acetylcholine (ACh) plays a leading role in alertness, focus, memory and mood. ACh also contributes to neuroplasticity that supports long-term potentiation needed to form long-term memory. And for a healthy, optimized brain. ACh deficiency has been linked to ADHD, Alzheimer’s, dementia, Parkinson’s, and multiple sclerosis. But you can’t take acetylcholine as a supplement. […]

7 Tips for Choosing the Highest Quality Nootropic Supplements

You pause a moment as you cross the threshold into your local vitamin shop. In front of you is row upon row of shelving displaying thousands of bottles and boxes of supplements. An overwhelming experience even to the most experienced neurohacker. Online stores can be even more confusing. Store algorithms decide what you first see […]

Are Nootropics Legal in My Country?

The world of nootropics is a big and often confusing one. With hundreds of unique substances that promise to enhance alertness, cognition, memory and mood. But can you get them in your country? That’s what we’re here to explore in this post. The definition of a “nootropic” varies within the nootropic community. And country regulatory […]