Performance Lab NutriGenesis Multi for women

Performance Lab NutriGenesis Multi Review

David Tomen
David Tomen
18 minute read

Key Takeaways

  1. Performance Lab NutriGenesis Multi is highly regarded by the author who has tried various brands over the past decade.
  2. Despite a healthy lifestyle, the modern diet may lack essential nutrients due to soil depletion and food processing.
  3. Many multivitamins in the market contain synthetic vitamins, which may be inferior to whole-food multivitamins.
  4. The author warns against harmful additives like artificial colors and hydrogenated fats in some multivitamins.
  5. The author prefers multivitamins with transparent labeling over those with proprietary formulas hiding ingredient amounts​.

I’ve had Nootropics Expert readers asking me what my preferred multivitamin/mineral supplement is. And what I use every day. This post is a detailed response to that question.

Performance Lab® NutriGenesis Multi is by far the best multivitamin/mineral supplement I’ve used. And I’ve tried several different brands of multivitamins over the last 10 years.

Including a couple of the well-known raw- and whole-food multivitamins available at the local vitamin shop, Whole Foods and online.

But the question I often see goes something like, “is a multivitamin necessary”?

Even if you are living a much healthier lifestyle like I have since being diagnosed Adult ADD 12 years ago. And even more so since turning hypothyroid 6 years later.

You may even be able to identify with this:

✔ You eat your vegetables

✔ You don’t smoke

✔ You drink very little

✔ You avoid junk food

✔ You exercise every day

Does this picture of health really need to take vitamins?

Performance Lab NutriGenesis Multi for men Unfortunately, the answer is, “Yes”.

And here’s why …

A recent study published by the Mayo Clinic showed that less than 3% of Americans meet the basic qualifications for a healthy lifestyle.[i]

Now assuming you are one of those 3% …

Another study shows only 33% of adults eat enough fruit. And only 27% get the recommended servings of vegetables.[ii]

Are you with me so far?

Most people do not eat a healthy diet, and the quality of our food supply makes this extremely difficult.

Performance Lab NutriGenesis Multi for women The thing is, even if you meet the Recommended Daily Intake (RDI) for servings of fruits and vegetables, it is impossible to get the nutrients your body and brain need for optimal health.

Our fruit, vegetable and meat products simply do not have enough essential vitamins and minerals to naturally support a healthy body.

Grown on nutrient-depleted soil. And most have been genetically modified to grow faster. GMO produce grows so fast it hasn’t time to draw in enough nutrients from the nutrient-starved soil it’s grown on.

Then the nutrients that do make it into our food are lost during transport, storage, processing, and cooking.

Even young people, with a higher metabolism and a higher food consumption than the average 50 – 70-year-old, only 1% are getting the nutrients they need.[iii]

And did you know you would need to eat 26 of today’s apples to get the nutrition you’d get from one apple grown in 1914?[iv]

So what to do?

The obvious, simple answer is give your body what it’s been deprived of by using a multivitamin/mineral supplement.

But not all multivitamin supplements are created equal.

In fact, most of what you’ll find on supermarket, drugstore, and even vitamin shop shelves are useless. Some are actually toxic and dangerous to use.

In this post I’ll share the criteria I use to select a multivitamin, the supplement I prefer and use every day, ingredients needed for optimal health, how they work together, cost, and where to get it.

get Performance Lab® NutriGenesis Multi

My Multivitamin Selection Criteria

One of the things people do when first becoming health-conscious is to start using a daily multivitamin.

And if you are anything like I was when first getting started, you look on in confusion at shelf after shelf with hundreds of multivitamin supplements to choose from.

Instinct is to grab the first multivitamin you recognize from the slick commercials on TV.

You take the multi for a month and don’t feel anything. No better than you did before. What’s going on?

First, we need to take a close look at the label. A multivitamin bottle label will tell us all we need to know. If you know how to read it. And understand what’s in the bottle.

What I’ve learned since my first multivitamin purchase is most of them should have a “Black Box” warning label. The kind the FDA mandates pharmaceuticals put on some of their drugs.

Here’s a quick summary of what I look for, and what to avoid.

Toxic Vitamins: Biohacker Beware

Near the bottom of the ingredients label, if you see FD&C Blue No. 1, FD&C Green No. 3, FD&C Red No. 40, or any of their variants, put the bottle back on the shelf.

toxic multivitamin ingredients to avoidThese abbreviations represent food dyes made from petroleum and have been used in food and supplements for decades. But why would you need artificial colors in your multivitamin or other supplements?

Recent studies link food coloring to hyperactivity in kids.[v] And European lawmakers now require a warning label on foods that contain artificial dyes.

Another one you’ll see is hydrogenated fats like ‘soybean oil’. Used as a filler to bulk up the tablet or capsule.

The 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans states, “Keep trans fatty acid consumption as low as possible by limiting foods that contain synthetic sources of trans fats, such as partially hydrogenated oils, and by limiting other solid fats”.[vi]

Yum. Exactly what you don’t want in your multivitamin.

Next, look for talc, or magnesium silicate. Talc is a mineral composed of magnesium silicate, silicon, oxygen and hydrogen. And used as an anti-caking agent and cheap filler in multivitamins.

Talc has been linked to ovarian cancer in women.[vii]

Titanium dioxide is another one to avoid. It’s used as a colorant in supplements. And comes with a host of health implications. Including DNA damage.[viii]

If you want to learn more about what to avoid and what to look for, please see my post, “How to Select the Best Multivitamin for Brain Function”.

get Performance Lab® NutriGenesis Multi

Whole-Food Multi vs. Non-Food Vitamins and Minerals

This category covers a whole host of problems with most vitamin supplement options out there.

synthetic vitamins & minerals to avoidOur bodies were designed to get vitamins and minerals from food.

But most multivitamin supplements on the market today are synthetic. Vitamins created using coal tar derivatives. And minerals using ground up rock.

I’ve found one of the quickest and simplest ways to assess a multivitamin for quality and “food-based” is to look for Vitamin B9 (folic acid) or Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin)neither of which is food-based.

If either one is on the label then the entire bottle must be avoided because the rest of the bottle is unlikely to be a quality, food-based vitamin complex.

For more on avoiding “USP Vitamins, Pharmaceutical Grade and Natural” in your multivitamin, see my post here.

Added Ingredients and “Fairy Dusting”

One of the things that really irks me is manufacturers who use a “Proprietary Formula” in their supplement.

Proprietary formulas hide how much of an ingredient is in the bottle. Which is a problem because I want to know exactly how much of each ingredient I’m getting in a tablet or capsule.

I need to know if I must add extra of one vitamin or mineral based on my unique body chemistry and health issues.

And proprietary formulas are also a sneaky way of including what I call a “fairy dusting” of an ingredient. An amount so small it only looks good on the label. And does nothing for optimizing your health.

get Performance Lab® NutriGenesis Multi

Discovering the Performance Lab Multivitamin

Now that we’ve established what we want to avoid in a multivitamin supplement – what’s left?

Performance Lab NutriGenesis Multi for menIt turns out there are very few raw-food and whole-food supplement makers who produce a high-quality multivitamin.

I’ve tried some of them, and they are good. These whole-food multivitamins contain the right form and dose of each vitamin and mineral.

But all of them add unnecessary ingredients. A blend of organic food powders to make it look more like a “whole-food” multi.

Or a little CoQ10 in a form which my body cannot use. Or a proteolytic blend of enzymes that is supposed to help clear fibrin. But instead digests my food if I take it with a meal.

All I want is a simple, pure, whole-food multivitamin that supplies only the vitamins and minerals my body and brain need every day.

Only one company on the entire planet produces a simple, pure multivitamin.

Performance Lab® is a new line of supplements made by same people who produce Mind Lab Pro®.

Performance Lab® NutriGenesis Multivitamin is the foundation of their new supplement line.

Performance Lab Multivitamins brain memory concentration

Performance Lab® NutriGenesis Multi Ingredients

Performance Lab uses ‘nature-identical’ vitamins and minerals which include their natural cofactors to ensure their bioavailability. And your body can use them.

Performance Lab NutriGenesis Multi for womenUnlike isolated vitamins and minerals found in most other multivitamins, these nutrients go straight into the cells and tissues where they are needed.

The company uses their own proprietary NutriGenesis® method to grow whole-food based nutrients. Avoiding genetically-modified organisms (GMOs), pesticides, herbicides, and other toxins.

The only ingredients in this Performance Lab Multivitamin are the vitamins and minerals listed on the label in their purest, bio-identical form. In dosages designed to support and enhance a healthy body and brain.

The company uses NutriCaps® vegan capsules made from tapioca instead of the semi-synthetic polymer found in other vegetarian capsules. And infuse the capsules with a prebiotic for better digestion and boost the bioavailability of the nutrients in this Multi.

The Performance Lab Multi is available for men and women with only slight differences in their formulas.

The women’s multi contains iron and double the amount of Vitamin B9 (folate) compared to the men’s formula which has a little more boron and zinc.

Here’s a full list of the vitamins and minerals in Performance Lab’s Multivitamin with a summary of what each does in your body and brain.

Every vitamin and mineral in this multivitamin is as important for your brain as the rest of your body. So the emphasis in descriptions are for brain health and optimization since that is our focus here at Nootropics Expert®.

Performance Lab’s NutriGenesis Multi is Packed with Nutrients Benefits and Areas of Support in Your Body and Brain
Vitamin A Long-term potentiation and memory, vision, skin, immune system, protein synthesis, tissue repair, bones, antioxidant
Vitamin C Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), myelin, neurotransmitters, immune system, cardiovascular, skin, joints, antioxidant, gums, bones, muscle
Vitamin D Neurotransmitters, gene expression, neuroplasticity, immunity, bones, testosterone, cell function, protein synthesis
Vitamin E Antioxidant, cardiovascular, hair, skin, nails, tissue repair
Vitamin K1 & K2 Myelin, neurons, glial cells, bones, cardiovascular, connective tissue
Vitamin B1 Acetylcholine, adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
Vitamin B2 Neurotransmitters, red blood cell formation, cell growth, energy metabolism, antioxidant
Vitamin B3 Neurotransmitters, BDNF, adenosine triphosphate (ATP), circulation, protein and fat metabolism, skin
Vitamin B5 Neurotransmitters, adenosine triphosphate (ATP), hormone production, cardiovascular
Vitamin B6 Neurotransmitters, immune system, blood cell formation, oxygen transport, blood sugar, cognitive function
Vitamin B7 Neurotransmitters, myelin, white blood cell development, DNA, hair, skin, nails, blood sugar, energy
Vitamin B9 DNA, RNA, gene expression, amino acid synthesis, neurotransmitters, new cell formation
Vitamin B12 DNA, RNA, neurotransmitters, myelin, red blood cell formation, energy metabolism, heart health, cognitive function
Calcium Bones, joints, cardiovascular, muscles, hormones, brain cell signaling
Iron Blood cell formation, DNA, oxygen transport, neurotransmitters, myelin
Iodine Thyroid hormones, neurotransmitters, metabolism
Magnesium Adenosine triphosphate (ATP), DNA, RNA, ion channels, neuroplasticity, cardiovascular, bones, testosterone, muscle relaxation, nervous system, blood sugar
Zinc Protein synthesis, cell signaling, gene transcription, neurotransmitter transport, DNA, methylation, immune system, vision, testosterone, neurons, cell growth
Selenium Neurotransmitters, thyroid, immune system, antioxidant
Copper Red blood cell formation, neurotransmitters, myelin, blood vessel formation, neuron and glial cell respiration, antioxidants, energy, connective tissue, cardiovascular, vision, immune system
Manganese Bones, metabolism, blood sugar, calcium absorption, neurons, glial cells, enzyme cofactor, weight management
Chromium Neurotransmitters, metabolism, energy, weight management, blood sugar
Molybdenum Enzyme cofactor, metabolism
Strontium Bones, joints
Inositol Neurotransmitters, brain cell signaling, skin
Vanadium Blood sugar, cardiovascular, bones, muscles, enzymes, growth factor
Boron Bones, hormones, antioxidant, neurotransmitters, joints, connective tissue

For more detail on how each vitamin is critical for brain health, see “13 Vitamins Essential for the Optimized Brain”.

For more detail on how each mineral is critical for brain health, see “13 Minerals Essential for the Optimized Brain”.

get Performance Lab® NutriGenesis Multi

NutriGenesis® vs Isolated Vitamins & Minerals

In a perfect world you get all the nutrients your body and brain need from the food you eat every day. But we don’t and for reasons covered earlier in this post. So we try to make up for this deficiency with a multivitamin supplement.

Performance Lab Multivitamin brain vitamins for studyingThe problem is most minerals and vitamins used in multivitamin supplement formulas do not contain protein chaperones or other cofactors needed for absorption into your cells. The form of vitamins and minerals you get from real food.

Most other supplement companies, with very few exceptions, use “isolated” minerals and vitamins made from petroleum derivatives. Forms of nutrients your body does not recognize as nutrients.

Your body either expels them as unwanted toxins, or these impostors attach to receptors required by genuine vitamins and minerals for various actions in your body.

The result is expensive urine sending these aliens down the drain. And some even cause real damage and long-term health issues.[ix]

Using NutriGenesis® to produce vitamins and minerals avoids this toxicity. And provides nutrients in the same form you would normally get from food.

Performance Lab® NutriGenesis Multi Dosage

The amount of each ingredient listed on the label is for Performance Lab’s recommended 4-capsules per day.

I recommended using 2-capsules in the morning and the other 2-capsules mid-day.

Some of the ingredients in this multivitamin are fat-soluble so take each 2-capsule dose with a meal containing healthy fats. Or a tablespoon of unrefined coconut or MCT oil. My preferred healthy fat is the new organic, non-GMO Performance Lab® MCT Oil.

It is safe to dose up to but no more than 6-capsules per day.

While NutriGenesis nutrients are highly bioavailable and non-toxic, some nutrients like Vitamin A and Vitamin E are stored in fat in your body. And not expelled in urine like water-soluble nutrients.

Dosing more than your body can use daily may cause an unnatural buildup of some vitamins and minerals. Eventually leading to possible toxic overload and health problems.

Synergy of Vitamins and Minerals is Key

Check the label of Performance Lab’s Multi and you may notice some nutrients dosed lower than some other brand of multivitamins.

Performance Lab Whole-Food Multivitamin best brain vitaminsYou’ll also notice some nutrients dosed at exactly the Recommended Daily Intake (RDI). But some a little higher or lower than the RDI.

Performance Lab® calculated these dosages based on synergy and how each nutrient supports and work with others in this formula.

Performance Lab ingredients work in harmony with each other. And with your body’s ability to naturally produce certain proteins, enzymes, amino acids, hormones, and neurotransmitters.

The intent is not to upset the balance and artificially boost specific areas of your body with this multivitamin.

Rather the intent is to ensure your body and brain get optimal amounts of each vitamin and mineral it requires to thrive every day.

How Performance Lab® NutriGenesis® Multi Works in Real Life

I love this multivitamin. Two capsules in the morning with a tablespoon of Performance Lab® MCT Oil along with the rest of my nootropic stack. And it launches my day.

I take another two capsules at noon with unrefined coconut oil or MCT Oil and my nootropic stack. I’ve got more energy and I’m productive for the rest of the day.

I’ve noticed a difference since I replaced my previous multivitamin with the Performance Lab Multi for Men. It feels cleaner, productivity has increased a little more, mood is slightly better, and I sleep better.

Performance Lab® NutriGenesis® Multi is Good Value

One of the things I’ve learned over the years of working with nootropics is it’s not cheap. In fact, taking each nootropic, vitamin, and mineral on its own in my case can add up to hundreds of dollars per month.

Performance Lab NutriGenesis Multi best brain supplements for adultsBut I’m OK with this investment in my health. Because it has completely changed my life for the better.

In this case, I know my body and brain demand a multivitamin/mineral supplement daily. I’ve searched long and hard for the best multivitamin I could find based on what I’ve learned over the last few years.

Now it’s no surprise that the highest quality supplements are often more expensive. But I’ve also found that when compared to buying many of these ingredients as separate supplements, it turns out to be a whole lot less.

Performance Lab NutriGenesis Multi for women In my case, I’m no longer using a separate B-Complex supplement, or a separate zinc or selenium supplement.

This Performance Lab NutriGenesis Multi for Men is a little more than my previous whole-food multivitamin supplement. But I’ve cut down on 3 other separate supplements in my stack, so it comes out to about the same investment in my health.

Performance Lab NutriGenesis Multi for men or women is only $40.00 for a 1-month supply (120 capsules) (+ shipping & handling).

And when you get 3 boxes they’ll send one box FREE along with FREE shipping.

get Performance Lab® NutriGenesis Multi

Pro & Cons of Performance Lab NutriGenesis Multi

Performance Lab NutriGenesis Multi for men Performance Lab® has taken an extra step to include NutriCaps® instead of regular vegetarian capsules in their stack. These vegan caps are made from tapioca. And each capsule is infused with a Prebiotic for digestive health and bioavailability of the whole multivitamin/mineral complex.

All of the other competitors with a high-quality multivitamin use HPMC vegetarian capsules which are a semi-synthetic polymer made from wood pulp.

Now, let’s look at what I think are the pros and cons of this premium multivitamin.


  • Full disclosure on the amount of each ingredient
  • Highest quality, nature-identical, eco-friendly NutriGenesis® ingredients
  • Highly bioavailable B-Vitamins (equivalent to folate, P-5-P and methylcobalamin)
  • No added ingredients
  • No World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) banned substances
  • Vegan-friendly ingredients including NutriCaps® capsules infused with Prebiotics
  • Tested prior to encapsulation for allergens, GMOs, microbes, pesticides, herbicides, heavy metals, and other contaminants
  • Tested again to confirm potency, purity, and activity after encapsulation
  • Ships in recyclable cardboard security boxes filled with biodegradable packing peanuts
  • Competitively priced
  • Empty bottle, money-back guarantee (less shipping)
  • 24/7 customer support


  • Only available on their website (more on this in a minute)
  • Magnesium dosage is too low

In all, the nature-identical ingredients and dosages included in the Performance Lab NutriGenesis Multi are perfect for a multivitamin.

Magnesium is too low and most of us are deficient in this critical nutrient. But once again Opti Nutra has thought of everything in this formula.

Because the magnesium that’s ‘missing’ in the multivitamin is in the Performance Lab Sleep formula. Which is when you should be taking your magnesium dose anyway.

Most important is Performance Lab® fully discloses how much of each ingredient is in each 4-capsule dose. So you know exactly what you need to add for your unique health issues.

Nootropics Expert Recommendation

Nootropics Expert Tested and ApprovedI recommend the use of the Performance Lab® NutriGenesis Multi for men and women as a daily multivitamin to support your biohacking and brain optimization goals.

Pricing of the Performance Lab NutriGenesis Multi is competitive for what you get. But I realize some will express disappointment that Opti Nutra only sells this multivitamin from the Performance Lab website.

I’ve been in internet and direct marketing for many years and completely understand the challenges of putting new products into retail stores. Especially worldwide.

The goods news is Opti Nutra offers a risk-free, “empty bottle”, money-back guarantee.

Performance Lab® also decided not to offer Performance Lab® NutriGenesis Multi on because they don’t want this multivitamin to appear alongside low-quality junk products. And I get that. Amazon can also be a place where reviews are easily manipulated by jealous competitors.

And the thing is anyone looking to understand the methodology that went into developing this multivitamin, Amazon is not the place for extensive product descriptions.

So if you’ve been experimenting with nootropics for a while and are serious about improving your health – I recommend giving Performance Lab NutriGenesis Multi a try.

This is the best multivitamin I’ve ever used. And this after over 10 years of trying several whole-food multivitamins from various manufacturers.

It’s certainly not the cheapest multivitamin on the market. But it’s not unreasonably priced either at only $40 for a month supply.

And for me, Performance Lab® has set a higher standard for the entire supplement market by introducing this multivitamin. And the rest of their Performance Lab® line of supplements.

Product and packaging quality, nature-identical NutriGenesis® vitamins and minerals, NutriCaps®, testing and more testing.  Things the average person wouldn’t even notice.

But you are not average! And you demand the best.

If you’d like to try Performance Lab® NutriGenesis Multi, or learn more about this exceptional line of supplements, please go explore their website. And while you’re there, get Performance Lab® NutriGenesis Multi.

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This post may also contain other affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links.

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Join The Discussion - 103 comments

Marcie Webber
June 7, 2021

I am confused with this multivitamins. Reading your blogs I am convinced I need good quality multi to achieve what we are trying to do overall health brain and body.
I am 79 years old suffered so much physical/ mental problems of unknown cause. I am holistic bouncing from vegan, vegetarian and occasional fish since my fall. No vice. Only drugs I used now is metformin and Norvasc for type 2 diabetes and BP. I had a Fall in August 2019 with a R cuneiform bone and ankle fracture involving lateral and medial malleolus; recuperated in 3 months able to walk again. But since then I am never the same to this day.
Plagued with depression and some kind of forgetfulness (I hate to call it dementia, maybe Alzheimers) I got entangled with Mucuna Prureins L dopa and stumbled on you.
David just as everyone has commented you have given a lot of info so generously I can’t thank you enough giving me hope in this earth of retirement days. YES! I like that phrase we are entitled to live a fuller life.
I just started MLP 5/18/21 on my 3rd week. I have been taking NAC 600mg daily and Alpha Lipoic acid 300mg BID from Natures Pure and Cognizin from Healthy Origins 250mg BID (switch to Bestvite now after your post of fillers) Mag Threonate from Life Extension and Benfothiamine from Dr. Thomas Levy’s recommendation of brain support in the past years.
Honestly, I didn’t know much how these guys work in the brain till I met you with your post. Greatly indebted! Like ALA just 2 days ago after reading your link I was so impressed I encouraged my husband to take it too. He is taking insulin shots. He loves sweets. Worst he is addicted to cigarettes. Bad! I cannot help. People makes their own choices. I am stressed with it.

David, I am glad I took a second look on Vitamins. But where do you put the whole food multi? Will that take the place for multi for men/women? Or this is extra. I want to add Noopept for I lost the fluidity of words I had before. “Senior moments ” not acceptable to me. Also some anxiety and loss of confidence. I like to myself, happy confident and helpful, loving to others as I am before. Not irritable and worrisome.
Also Noopept supply you rec to buy comes in 30mg caps. I need to start 10 and not max dose.
Which Vitamin then I will take to potentiate or work with synergy with the stack I have now. Some rec not to take a supplement with Iron for women.
That is how I thought of maybe getting the whole food multi so my husband can take it too reduce expenses. Will it make the difference?
Regarding MLP (3rd week) adding Bestvite Cognizin 500mg on the 3rd day r/t headache and appears it helped. The improvement I got is more physical. Neuropathy, joint pains and stiffness, cold hands and feet gone
The best is I feel all the food I ate is absorbed feeling so light and airy. I have been practicing intermitent fasting eating 12n as brunch and dinner at 6p.
But I couldn’t sleep. I work swing shift in a nursing home and I come home late after MN and i tried Melatonin slow release I bought on sale in Life Extension, no effect. Even on my Off days I cannot go back to my routine sleeping before MN. I feel it must be 4am I think my body finally went to rest and wake up at 8 or 9 which is different before MLP where I wake up at 10am.
When I ordered MLP, I also ordered Performance Lab Vision which I am very satisfied. I have been using Richard Schulze Eyebright and Cayenne tincture as wash. Amazing combo. Got Cataracts and AMD. I thank God for stumbling on you Greatly! I use to take LE products Astaxanthin, macula etc. PL Energy still out of stock i guess. I am waiting for that before I will add a racetam Noopept.
I am thinking of tossing LE Omega 3 and 2 a day multi and start brand new with your recommended products.
At present I got your PL Prebiotic and Omega 3 supply attempting to start with the basics slowly (Healthy diet, Exercise and Sleep). I am now thinking PL sleep.
It is really quite pricey for Seniors on fixed income and very soon I won’t be working anymore too if I won’t regain my mental and physical attributes i needed to function.
In summary, what is best multi I need with this starter products I got. Share me your opinion and I will decide.
Where can i get a clean reliable Noopept? Or will I try Aniracetam for anxiety instead? Reviewing these 2 products I got more inkling towards Noopept. Any advice or opinion on this? David please help me bring back the sunshine in my life. Age is not a matter I have to behave this way withdrawn and fearful, shy afraid to be labeled insane.

    David Tomen
    June 7, 2021

    Marcie, Benfotiamine cannot cross the blood-brain barrier from the research I’ve reviewed. A better choice would be Sulbutiamine which is fat-soluble and can cross into your brain.

    I replied to your question about Performance Lab NutriGenesis Multi for women on another page. It used to be called “Wholefood” Multi but they changed the name a couple of years ago. Best Multi on the market in my opinion.

    The best place to buy Noopept in capsules or powder form is from HR Supplements ( who are based in Phoenix, AZ

    Aniracetam is another great option but I don’t know if it would be what you are looking for. I suggest you read through and get familiar with my research on the “aging brain” here for more ideas:

April 11, 2021

Hi David, I am a health/wellness/supplement geek and have found your nootropics articles extremely useful. I looked at this multivitamin and have some observations/criticisms about their vit. K: they merge K1 & K2 on the label and do not disclose which form of vit. K2 they include, and also what specific dosage of K1 vs. K2.

The two forms of K2 (MK4 and MK7) have slightly different effects and have been studied in different dosages (generally, MK4 should be dosed slightly higher compared to MK7).

Also, we generally get sufficient K1 from foods and there is essentially no evidence that supplementing K1 is beneficial, so including K1 in a multi is a waste at best, and harmful at worst (I recall coming across one study that seemed to find that too much K1 can be harmful).

That is not the case with K2, most people get very little of it from foods, and it has been proven to be beneficial in many studies. So in this multi, it would be a lot better to include both forms of K2 (MK4 and MK7) instead of including K1 along with (the undisclosed form of) K2.

I am planning to try out the Mind Lab Pro supplement and was curious about their multivitamin, but after my analysis I will stick with my current multi, which I consider to be superior in several aspects (Longevity Nutrients by Pure Encapsulations – I have no affiliation with them, only mentioning it here for comparison).

Have a great day!

    David Tomen
    April 15, 2021

    Cristina, I’ve personally tried the other multivitamins and the Performance Lab NutriGenesis Multi is by far the best I’ve ever used. It is the ONLY multivitamin that I could “feel” the first day I used it.

    Performance Lab has some information on Vitamin K in their site. For example, Vitamin K1 + K2 is grown in Medicago sativa (alfalfa plant). More at the top of this page:

    You would need to talk to one of their bioengineers about more specifics on the forms of Vitamin K2 but I know that you’d come away satisfied that MK4 and MK7 are there and at the optimal dosage.

    Pure Encapsulations is a good company and puts out some good product. But when it comes to a multivitamin Performance Lab wins hands-down.

Tammy Smiley
February 9, 2021

Help………I can’t even focus to read information to pick the best product that may work for me.
I have struggled with add my entire life. Never diagnosed but it’s pretty obvious. I I am now 52 and dealing with this which has gotten worse for focusing along with menopause. I forget words and struggle to communicate, for the flow of my words is gone. There in there I have the knowledge they just won’t come out. It is incredibly embarrassing and has gotten much worse in past couple of years.
Can you recommend something and how I would do dosage?
Thank so much

Karen Massmann
October 27, 2020

Hi David. I’m a little confused. In the article it says:
“I’ve found one of the quickest and simplest ways to assess a multivitamin for quality and “food-based” is to look for Vitamin B9 (folic acid) or Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin); neither of which is food-based.

If either one is on the label then the entire bottle must be avoided because the rest of the bottle is unlikely to be a quality, food-based vitamin complex.”

But then you list both as ingredients in the Whole Food Multivitamin. Can you clarify for me, please? Thanks.

    David Tomen
    October 27, 2020

    Karen, sorry for confusing you. The problem with most vitamins is they are synthetic. And the ‘theory’ is our body will recognize the synthetic for what it is and convert it into a version that it can use.

    Folic acid is a synthetic vitamin B9. Our bodies expect to get methylfolate (the chemical name is 5-methylenetetrahydrofolate). If the bottle says “folic acid” it is not natural and it is unlikely that your body will convert it to methylfolate. Instead it will plug up folate receptors. And natural folate then has nothing to connect to.

    Methylcobalamin is the natural form of Vitamin B12. Most vitamin supplements use the synthetic cyanocobalamin which is cobalamin bound to a cyanide molecule. Would you like some cyanide with your vitamins?

    Whole food vitamins can be extracted from plants which is expensive and not very efficient.

    A better way to make these vitamins to put in a capsule that you can take is to grow them in different kinds of yeast. Vitamins and minerals grown this way come with the usual cofactors that you would naturally get from different kinds of food. Our bodies recognize them as the “real thing” and use them.

    The company that makes these vitamins and minerals does a far better job of explaining this process which you can see here:

July 9, 2020


I’m seriously considering ordering the Performance Lab Multi vitamins and possibly the Energy Stack. My question is how effective are liquid vitamins? My thought was that they absorb better into the bloodstream. You were recommending that we take MCT oil to help with the process. Is it necessary. Can I just take the multi vitamin with a good breakfast and it will be ok? I will read up more on MCT since it sounds like there are some other benefits to it as well. Thank you for you time and help!

    David Tomen
    July 9, 2020

    Adam, I recommend these supplements because they’re pure and they work. I’d put them up against any “liquid vitamin” any day.

    Some of the vitamins and minerals in the Multi are fat-soluble so need a healthy fat for your body to be able to use them. If your breakfast contains any fat that will work as well.

Abdul Kader
June 16, 2020

Hi David

Good day!

I was searching for nootropics, help me with cognitive functions, I’ve decided to try MLP after reading your review, my question here is what’s your take on taking MLP with Performance Lab® Whole-Food Multi? they overlap on Vitamin B? or only MLP is enough?

    David Tomen
    June 17, 2020

    Abdul, Mind Lab Pro and the Performance Lab NutriGenesis Multi is a great combo and what I use. The Multi has 3 of the same B-Vitamins as MLP. But combined will not put you in danger of “too much” of these vitamins. What your body does not use is excreted in urine.

    And your brain absolutely requires the vitamins and minerals that are in the Multi as well. See my posts here:

      Bob Wilson
      June 22, 2020

      Most of the products you recommends sound great. However, for people who are on a fixed income they cannot afford the supplements. Also, you suggested taking 4 capsules daily. Why so many capsules if the supplement is that great? In addition, I do not see any pre-formulation for Baby Boomers for brain issues, but I did see individual suggestions. It would be too expensive to buy individual supplements to address probems.

        David Tomen
        June 23, 2020

        Bob, it takes 4 capsules of this multivitamin to supply effective amounts of each of the vitamins and minerals your body and brain need every single day. And we have plenty of evidence that we are not getting these nutrients from the food we eat in our ‘modern’ society. Which is why we need to supplement if we wish to stay healthy.

        I wrote a post about supporting the aging brain which would includes Baby Boomers. You’ll find that post here: You can put together a nootropic stack unique to you and your health issues based on the information in that post.

        And for less than $200 per month you have a much better chance of avoiding the cognitive health problems many face as they get into their ‘senior’ years. With real benefits right now as well.

        I know it’s hard for many of us especially with the state of the world today. But I humbly ask how much is your health worth to you? Only you can answer that and know what you’re willing to invest in keeping your body and brain healthy.

        March 19, 2021

        David thank you for the interesting and useful information on vitamins, but there is a question. Have you read the book by Colin Campbell, Thomas Campbell Chinese Studies? There are scientific data on how much the body can absorb vitamins, for each it is individual. And it does not depend on their price, it is not always possible to buy expensive ones, and you can prove that they help only after conducting laboratory tests on the composition of blood, but this will also not be cheap.

        David Tomen
        March 21, 2021

        Alexandr, I have not read the book by Colin Campbell. But I have read thousands of clinical studies. And wrote my own book (

        When it comes to most things in life “you get what you pay for”. So yes, price does come into play here. Because most of the multivitamins on the market are synthetic vitamins and the minerals are literally ground up rocks. Your body does not recognize those vitamins and minerals as food. And it ends up going straight into your toilet.

        The natural, bioactive form of vitamins and chelated minerals are expensive to produce. Which is why the price of this Multi is $39 vs $10 in your local supermarket.

        You are correct that your body can only absorb so much of each vitamin and mineral. And the rest, if they are water soluble are excreted in urine. Or if they’re fat-soluble (i.e. Vitamin A, D, and E) then they’re stored in fat cells.

        But if the vitamins are synthetic and the minerals are ground up rock then none of it will be absorbed. And you are wasting your money.

        March 25, 2021

        Thank you for the detailed answer David, I knew this for a long time, I bought your book back in 2018, I found a lot of interesting things in it for myself, thank you for such a great job and the time you spent on writing it. I am 47 years old, I live in Russia, here almost no one knows about nootropics, there are almost no high-quality scientific resources written in simple language( I just recently finished studying it and consider you my teacher. It took me a lot of time to translate it, now I’m structuring information on the principle of a catalog, where each nootropic will be in the right section, so it will be easier and faster to find the right one for different tasks. I was surprised by one thing, the book has less nootropics than on the site, and the site has more information than in the book, it usually happens differently), you surprised me! Now I study your site and supplement your book) for myself, so that I can teach others about it later. I think that in the future there will be professional specialists in nootropics, and they will be in demand as plumbers today) And this question about your recommended multivitamins, I have not found an answer to it anywhere, tell me how long do you need to take them? Permanently? or courses with breaks, taking into account their assimilation by the body.Thanks

        David Tomen
        March 26, 2021

        Alersandr, I’m working on the 2nd Edition of Head First which will include all the nootropics I didn’t get to in the 1st Edition which you have. That book should be available in sometime in the next few months.

        As for the multivitamins we need them every single day and for the rest of our lives. Because I do not see an improvement in our food supply in this lifetime.

        Vitamins and minerals are used every day and continuously. They are “assimilated” within 30 mins. of you taking them. But they do not accumulate in your body when used at the dosages found in high quality multivitamins. Because our body uses it and then expels what it doesn’t use if there is anything left over.

April 11, 2020

Hi David,

I really appreciate your articles and videos, I learned a lot from them.

I wanted to know what you think of the multivitamine Thorne Research – Basic Nutrients 2 / Day?

thanks a lot

    David Tomen
    April 23, 2020

    Zakaria, it’s in-complete and does not contain all the critical vitamins and minerals your body and brain need every day.

Fred Griffith
March 31, 2020


I’m going to purchase these multi vitamins. I’m prone to heart failure in my family..I’m currently taking a blood pressure med and a statin but would love to get off those. I take a supplement of 5000 iu of Vit D and have recently been taking some zinc as well. What should i take besides this multi at now 55 years old, non smoker, average shape, little exercise, decent diet?

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